Date: 2020-07-30 20:48 |
Priority: more information 3 |
Submitted By:
heinekk (heinekk)
Assigned To: more information
Nobody (None) |
Hardware: PC | Product: None |
Operating System: other | Component: None |
Version: None | Severity: None |
Summary: more information CAT12 segmentation failing |
Detailed description |
I just updated my version of CAT12 and am running it in SPM12
Matlab2015a. I am trying to run segmentation with default
parameters and getting the following error message in MATLAB:
Your version of CAT12 is up to date.
28-Jul-2020 06:34:13 - Running job #1
28-Jul-2020 06:34:14 - Running 'CAT12: Segmentation (current
CAT12.7-RC1 r1653: 1/1: subA/avg_subA_ses-001_T1w.nii
SANLM denoising (medium): 116s
APP: Rough bias correction:
Initialize 19s
Estimate background 22s
Initial correction 16s
Refine background 11s
Final correction 13s
Final scaling 14s
Affine registration 24s
Affine registration 39s
SPM preprocessing 1 (estimate 1):
CAT Preprocessing error for avg_subA_ses-001_T1w:
Not enough input arguments.
21 - kmeans3D
44 - cat_run_job_APRGs
682 - cat_run_job
21 - cat_run_newcatch
852 - run_job
455 - cat_run
29 - cfg_run_cm
1717 - local_runcj
972 - cfg_util
710 - MenuFileRun_Callback
95 - gui_mainfcn
53 - cfg_ui
28-Jul-2020 06:40:28 - Failed 'CAT12: Segmentation (current
Reference to a cleared variable cat_err_res.
In file "C:\Program
(???), function "cat_run_newcatch" at line 183.
In file "C:\Program
Files\MATLAB\R2015a\toolbox\spm12\toolbox\cat12\cat_run.m" (v1637),
function "run_job" at line 852.
In file "C:\Program
Files\MATLAB\R2015a\toolbox\spm12\toolbox\cat12\cat_run.m" (v1637),
function "cat_run" at line 455.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: CAT12: Segmentation (current release)
| |
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