[Camino-users] Problem with installing Camino on Windows 10 and running on Linux

Cook, Philip cookpa at pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Mon Mar 5 14:56:51 PST 2018


I can't help much with Windows compilation.

Regarding memory use, you can set the maximum allowed heap size for Java by doing

  export CAMINO_HEAP_SIZE=10240

where the number is in megabytes, so the above requests 10Gb of RAM. If your machine won't support this, it will return immediately with an error. Camino uses double-precision for most floating point operations, and this can be a problem for large data sets.

If the data is so large it cannot be held in memory, you would need to split it up. If you can split the 4D data into a bunch of 3D image files, you can use image2voxel to stream these into dtfit. This should require less memory.

On Mar 5, 2018, at 5:33 PM, Soan Duong <stmd795 at uowmail.edu.au<mailto:stmd795 at uowmail.edu.au>> wrote:

Dear Camino experts,

My name is Soan Duong, I am a PhD student at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

I would like to fit the diffusion tensor for our data. Luckily, I found that Camino software allows me to do that. However, I am having trouble figuring out two issues.

1.       I installed Camino on Linux and ran dtfit successfully with the given example data. However, I could not run Camino dtfit on my data because of out of memory (my data is about 5GB).

2.       I tried to install Camino on Window 10, and got stuck in compiling the toolkit step. Please note that I downloaded the source code as the given link in thehttps://sourceforge.net/projects/camino/files/latest/download for Windows and I obtained the same zip file for Linux (camino-code-9cf8bef17561e88d730df3bc6a8bc111ed1d93aa.zip). I tried to compile the toolkit (unzip the source code folder, go to the source code folder and run make command) but I failed.

I was wondering if you have any ideas on what might going wrong and/or how to address those issues? Any help you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Soan Duong
PhD Candidate
School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
University of Wollongong
Northfields Avenue, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
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