[Mrtrix-discussion] mrview running with opengl 3.0 ?

romain valabregue romain.valabregue at upmc.fr
Tue Jun 3 23:58:40 PDT 2014


Sorry to bother you with hardward problem. I would like to run mrview 
(version 3) on a labtop that does not have a nvidia graphic card (other 
wise it works very nicely).

I have a labtop with an intel integrated graphic controler, running 
under debian whezzy.

the compilation works find. ./configure find :

Checking for OpenGL: 3.0 Mesa 8.0.5

but when runing mrview I get the following error :

mrview [ERROR]: your OpenGL implementation is not sufficient to run 
MRView - need version 3.3 or higher
GLSL log [vertex shader]: 0:1(15): preprocessor error: syntax error, 
unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting NEWLINE

mrview [ERROR]: error compiling vertex shader
QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice

If this is a too strong dependency, I can try to install openGL 3.3 ... 
(if possible)

Many thanks


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