help > Asking for help about The display of edge
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May 23, 2020  02:05 PM | lotus long
Asking for help about The display of edge
Dear Experts,

I have a problem in displaying the edge file in Gretna. There are only nodes displayed without the edges, neither the binary nor the weighted.

I attached my node and edge file.

Thank you in advance for your help,

Attachment: nodeedge.rar
May 24, 2020  01:05 PM | Mingrui Xia
RE: Asking for help about The display of edge

BNV uses the upper triangle of the matrix in edge file. Please use the transpose of your matrix or a symmetric matrix. 


Originally posted by lotus long:
Dear Experts,

I have a problem in displaying the edge file in Gretna. There are only nodes displayed without the edges, neither the binary nor the weighted.

I attached my node and edge file.

Thank you in advance for your help,

May 24, 2020  01:05 PM | lotus long
RE: Asking for help about The display of edge
Dear  Prof. Xia,

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you. Thank you very much!

Best wishes,
