help > merge swc / multiple neurons?
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Feb 22, 2012  02:02 PM | Hanchuan Peng
merge swc / multiple neurons?
you can merge multiple swc files into one using the
plugins->neuron_utilies->sort neuron.

This function is provided in the latest vaa3d_tool repository, go to
check it out and build as suggested in the How_to_build... file. The
info can be found at Vaa3d website.


On 2/2/12 7:40 PM, JZ wrote:

I have a question.

We are using Vaa3D to trace a neuron and saved into multiple swc
files  -- Due to the complexity of the neuron, we are doing
divide-and-conquer and connectivity is not a main concern for us.

Is there a way to save multiple neuron segments from multiple swc file into a single file?