open-discussion > Statistical Analysis on Mac OS X
Aug 6, 2015  06:08 PM | Vinod Sharma - University of Pittsburgh
Statistical Analysis on Mac OS X
Hi Guys,

I recently ran Shape Analysis Module (Slicer 4.3) on my amygdala dataset with 100 subjects (extracted from Freesurfer ASEG.MGZ file) everything ran good and I was able to do the quality checking on the ShapePopulationViewer as you guys recommended. As Next step, I want to try out the statistical analysis on my MacOS 10.10.4.

I understood from the forum's past discussions that running the MANCOVA is not possible on MacOS and By converting VTK to meta format I can run the StatNonParamTestPDM (downloaded for Yosemite) without covariates. I tried running the StatNonParamTestPDM and it was showing me errors about my META files are not readable and when I tried opening them in ITK-SNAP it was showing file not recognizable. I am not sure if the files created by the VTK2meta function is correct. I am attaching one of the meta files created and I will really appreciate if you guys can provide me some input about the quality and validity of my meta files.


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Statistical Analysis on Mac OS X
Vinod Sharma Aug 6, 2015
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 6, 2015
Martin Styner Aug 7, 2015
Vinod Sharma Aug 7, 2015
Beatriz Paniagua Aug 7, 2015