open-discussion > RE: Convert DICOM to NIFTI.
Dec 20, 2017  12:12 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Convert DICOM to NIFTI.
Many DICOM systems save each 2D slice as a single file. Others, (e.g. Siemens Mosaic format) save each 3D image from a 4D time series as a separate file. On the other hand, NIfTI expects all 2D slices to be stacked as a single 3D file (and optionally all 3D volumes in a fMRI/DTI dataset as a single 4D dataset). Therefore, it is common to have fewer NIfTI images than DICOM images.
You can find some of my tutorials here

I would strongly encourage you to heed the warning you see whenever you run dcm2nii: consider upgrading to dcm2niix. You can get dcm2niix as a standalone tool
or with MRIcroGL (providing the graphical control from the "Import" menu:

A verbose manual is here

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Gyan Raj Koirala May 24, 2017
egalv002 Dec 18, 2017
RE: Convert DICOM to NIFTI.
Chris Rorden Dec 20, 2017
Chris Rorden Jun 1, 2017