
Release Name: MNI probabilistic atlas of the Locus Coeruleus

The folder contains the following files:
The MNI152 0.5mm template as incorporated in FSL

Per hemisphere we provide four versions of the probability atlas of the LC
1) based on the first scan session and first segmentation session
2) based on the second scan session and first segmentation session
3) based on the first scan session and second segmentation session
4) based on the second scan session and second segmentation session

A description of the MRI scan parameters, segmentation protocol, and registration protocol to MNI space can be found in:
Tona, K-D., Keuken, M.C., de Rover, M.,Lakke, E., Forstmann, B.U., Nieuwenhuis, S., van Osch, M.J.P. (submitted). In vivo visualization of the locus coeruleus in humans: Quantifying the test-retest reliability.
