Posted By: David Kennedy - Jul 29, 2011
Tool/Resource: CANDI Neuroimaging Access Point
Introducing CANDIShare Schiz_Bull_2008 Version 1.1. With this release we have added the CMA 'general' segmentation for all 103 subjects in the prior Schiz_Bull_2008 V1.0 release.

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We include the preprocessed MRI images and CMA 'general' segmentation results of all 4 diagnostic groups (Healthy Controls (N=29), Schizophrenia Spectrum (N=20), Bipolar Disorder with Psychosis (N=19), and Bipolar Disorder without Psychosis (N=35)) from the article: Frazier JA, Hodge SM, Breeze JL, Giuliano AJ, Terry JE, Moore CM, Kennedy DN, Lopez-Larson MP, Caviness VS, Seidman LJ, Zablotsky B, Makris N. Diagnostic and sex effects on limbic volumes in early-onset bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 2008 Jan;34(1):37-46.

The release contains 4 files, one for each diagnostic group, provided as a gziped tar file of a set of directories containing the data.

The root directory is for the paper, SchizBull_2008/, and contains subdirectories for the 4 diagnostic groups: Healthy Controls (HC), bipolar disorder without psychosis (BPDwithoutPsy), bipolar disorder with psychosis (BPDwithPsy) and schizophrenia spectrum (SS). Each of these subdirectories will contain separate subdirectories for each subject. These subject directories contain the CMA preprocessed image that was submitted to the anatomic segmentation process, and the results of the general segmentation. These files are of type NIfTI (nii.gz) and called {$SUBJECT_ID}_{$TYPE}.nii.gz; where $TYPE is 'procimg' for preprocessed images, and 'seg' for general segmentation. The seg results are 'n-ary' images, where the fill value represents the specific anatomic region.

Each of the diagnostic group tar files will 'unpack' onto the same directory structure and fill in the released subset of data.

The nature of the CMA preprocessing includes positional normalization to put the image into the standard orientation of the Talairach coordinate space, and bias field correction as described in: Worth AJ, Makris N, Patti MR, Goodman JM, Hoge EA, Caviness VS Jr, Kennedy DN. Precise segmentation of the lateral ventricles and caudate nucleus in MR brain images using anatomically driven histograms. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1998 Apr;17(2):303-10.

The basic segmentation procedures followed by the CMA are overviewed in: Filipek PA, Richelme C, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS Jr., The young adult human brain: an MRI-based morphometric analysis. Cereb Cortex. 1994 Jul-Aug;4(4):344-60.

Diagnostic group basic demographic information is provided in the diagnostic subdirectory in a .csv file entitled {$DIAG}_Basic_Demographics.csv. This file contains age, gender, and handedness for each of the subjects in the diagnostic group.

The fill value codes for the 'seg' files can be found in the 'seg_fill_values.txt' file to be found in the Documents section of the CANDIShare NITRC project. The fill values are correct for automatic interpretation using the 'CMA Subcortical' color pallet in fslview and the Freesurfer 'FreeSurferColorLUT.txt'.

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