open-discussion > 3drefit ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string
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Dec 7, 2015  12:12 PM | Jörg Pfannmöller
3drefit ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string

each time I execute SLOMOCO I receive the following error:

++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Dec 26 2014) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
** ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string
** FATAL ERROR: No options given!?
Error reading floating point attribute file** Program compile date = Dec 26 2014
finished slicewise in-plane motion correction

As far as I can see 3drefit seems to be executed with wrong options. What can I do about it?

Yours pfannmoe
Dec 7, 2015  01:12 PM | Wanyong Shin - Cleveland Clinic Founcatoin
RE: 3drefit ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string

AT the end of SLOMOCO process, the information of the input file is injected to the output file. However, it seems that your input file does not contain some hearder information which is expected to exist. 

To test it, type "3dAttribute TAXIS_NUMS [your input]","3dAttribute TAXIS_FLOATS [your input]","3dAttribute TAXIS_OFFSETS [your input]". I am sure one of these does not spit out any info. If you are not going to use this information in your following pipeline, after slomoco, You might ignore it because slomo output should be generated.

Dec 7, 2015  02:12 PM | Jörg Pfannmöller
RE: 3drefit ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string
Hi Wanyong,

TAXIS_OFFSETS is missing. Would it be allright if I add some zeros to remove the error message?

Yours pfannmoe
Dec 7, 2015  02:12 PM | Wanyong Shin - Cleveland Clinic Founcatoin
RE: 3drefit ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string
As it is mentioned, you can ignore it, if you are not going to use the slice offset info later.
