help > ouput graph theory measures in a specific net
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Apr 10, 2017  02:04 PM | fred Sampedro
ouput graph theory measures in a specific net
Dear CoNN users,

I am very new to graph theory analysis, so after reading some literature I would like to ask some very simple questions:
If I want to compare graph theory measures such as "betweeness centrality, efficiency, delta centrality" in a specific network between two groups of subjects, or to correlate those measures with some clinical variable, how may I proceed?

I would feel very comfortable if, from the resultsROI.mat that CoNN gives for each subject as output after preprocessing, could make some kind of script that computed those measures in a predefined network that I would specify from a set of CoNN ROIs.

Is this approach reasonable? For instance, defining the DMN from the spheres that CoNN provides, selecting the fisher correlation submatrix in those nodes from the resultsROI.mat and then computing the common graph theory measures from it?

I love the CoNN graph theory interface, but it is hard for me to understand the results without having a table with quantitative measures in some set of specific networks.

So if you could guide me to enter this fascinating field of graph theory measurements I would be very grateful,

Thanks a lot in advance!