help > roi to roi and seed to voxel analysis help in setting and understanding results
May 22, 2024  08:05 AM | Elena Aggius Vella
roi to roi and seed to voxel analysis help in setting and understanding results

Dear all

I have a question about the proper set for the roi to roi analysis.

I chose different areas of the dorsal stream as seed and different areas from different networks as target. i want to treat my seeds in 2 different way:

1 see the connectivity of each area of my seed with other areas of the dorsal stream and the other networks

2 average all the areas of my seed (dorsal stream areas) and see the connectivity with the areas of the different targets networks.

In the second procedure, should i remove from the target the rois that i have averaged or they are automatically removed?


When i run seed to voxel analysis, i see that my seed is connected with itself too, what does it mean? Moreover, i find big clusters that are not labeled, how can i understand which areas are in there? why they are not labeled?


thank you a lot for your help