users > RE: Applying warping registration to larger vol
Sep 15, 2015  05:09 PM | Greg Jefferis
RE: Applying warping registration to larger vol
Hi Will,

You can do this but you need to specify the appropriate target volume in your call to reformatx.
reformatx [options] --floating floatingImg target registration.list

target would typically be e.g. the template-low-res.nrrd that you used for your registration, but it could be template-full-res.nrrd instead. This will work so long as your images are physically calibrated with consistent coordinate systems. You can also specify a template space using the --target-grid option, but the only wrinkle there is that it will be tagged as being in RAS anatomical space.



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William Allen Sep 15, 2015
RE: Applying warping registration to larger vol
Greg Jefferis Sep 15, 2015
Torsten Rohlfing Sep 17, 2015
William Allen Sep 29, 2015