help > RE: Overwrite libtiff in Matlab to run IO toolbox
Aug 10, 2011  01:08 PM | Thomas Templier
RE: Overwrite libtiff in Matlab to run IO toolbox
Hum, it's annoying. I've tested the images on the website with the option -F test1 and I notice the same things. It outputed these files :
total 128452
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 templier templier  2449948 Aug 10 14:44 brainaligner
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 templier templier     1589 Aug 10 14:45 test1_256.marker
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 templier templier  7098416 Aug 10 14:45 test1_256.tif
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 templier templier  7098416 Aug 10 14:45 test2_256.tif
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier  7077931 Aug 10 15:09 test1target.raw
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier      336 Aug 10 15:10 t21_256.tif_target.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier      333 Aug 10 15:10 t21_256.tif_subject.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier       54 Aug 10 15:10 t21_256.tif_matching_quality.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier 33554475 Aug 10 15:10 test1_999_DF_sx.v3draw
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier 33554475 Aug 10 15:10 test1_999_DF_sy.v3draw
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier 33554475 Aug 10 15:10 test1_999_DF_sz.v3draw
-rw-rw-r--. 1 templier templier  7098416 Aug 10 15:10 t21_256.tif
If I drag&drop the DF files into V3D, it says "The file does not exist!" Do nothing. So I make File>Import>Import general image series with the default options (1,1,1, no pattern and Pack images in Z dimension). It gives me the screenshot on the attached file. They have exactly the same values.

Strange things : in the log, it says that the files are not in tif format, but they are, and it outputs the file test1target.raw. The names of the DF files seem weird also (why 999 ?)

The command I've used is :

./brainaligner -t test1_256.tif -s test2_256.tif -L test1_256.marker -w 10 -o t21_256.tif -F test1

Is it normal or there is something wrong ?
Best Regards and thanks for the help.


The log of BrainAligner is :
The current input file has the surfix [tif]
#original slice=108 original rez=1.00000 -> #output slices=108 new rez=1.00000
The current input file has the surfix [tif]
#original slice=108 original rez=1.00000 -> #output slices=108 new rez=1.00000
After preprocessing:
 Size of subject_image = [256 256 108 1], size of target_image = [256 256 108 1].

***BrainAligner [version=0.942] parameters:
Target   file: [test1_256.tif]
Target    rez: [1.0000][1.0000][1.0000]
Ref chanl tgt: [0]
Landmark tgt:  [test1_256.marker]
Subject  file: [test2_256.tif]
Subject   rez: [1.0000][1.0000][1.0000]
Warp res file: [t21_256.tif]
Warp img size: [512]
Ref chanl sbj: [0]
Landmark sbj:  [(null)]
Align G/L type: [Local]
Hierarchical landmark search level: [1]
Landmark matching method: [1]
Displacement field producing method: [3]
Use nearest neighbor interpolation method: [0]
Displacement field file: [test1]
Convert to UINT8 for processing: [No]
Resample to pixel size 0.58um for processing: [No]
Volume change map file: [(null)]
Target copy channel (for attaching mask): [-1]
Subject paste channel (for attaching mask): [-1]
Verbose print: [0]

********************* target=uint8 subject=uint8
in setInitData(), the target image data normalizer=255.000
The current input file has the surfix [raw]
The data is not with a TIF surfix, -- now this program assumes it is RAW format defined by Hanchuan Peng.
size of [V3DLONG]=[8], [V3DLONG]=[8] [int]=[4], [short int]=[2], [double]=[8], [float]=[4]
in setInitData(), the subject image data normalizer=255.000
Done: data initilization.
Read 65 predefined control points from the file. Thus will not invoke the automatic control point detection.
target coord[0]=[87,    138,    43] around subject [87,    138,    43]:     target [43][138][87] -> subject[49][122][87]
target coord[1]=[2,    148,    31] around subject [2,    148,    31]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[2]=[6,    80,    33] around subject [6,    80,    33]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[3]=[68,    58,    56] around subject [68,    58,    56]:     target [56][58][68] -> subject[66][58][72]
target coord[4]=[121,    203,    67] around subject [121,    203,    67]:     target [67][203][121] -> subject[71][198][111]
target coord[5]=[226,    145,    67] around subject [226,    145,    67]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[6]=[87,    184,    20] around subject [87,    184,    20]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[7]=[151,    96,    72] around subject [151,    96,    72]:     target [72][96][151] -> subject[77][103][159]
target coord[8]=[23,    108,    25] around subject [23,    108,    25]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[9]=[49,    198,    40] around subject [49,    198,    40]:     target [40][198][49] -> subject[40][179][43]
target coord[10]=[121,    145,    26] around subject [121,    145,    26]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[11]=[31,    112,    40] around subject [31,    112,    40]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[12]=[29,    70,    63] around subject [29,    70,    63]:     target [63][70][29] -> subject[69][60][27]
target coord[13]=[86,    230,    58] around subject [86,    230,    58]:     target [58][230][86] -> subject[57][219][85]
target coord[14]=[6,    142,    77] around subject [6,    142,    77]:     target [77][142][6] -> subject[81][136][1]
target coord[15]=[166,    197,    34] around subject [166,    197,    34]:     target [34][197][166] -> subject[35][188][162]
target coord[16]=[78,    85,    34] around subject [78,    85,    34]:     target [34][85][78] -> subject[43][84][84]
target coord[17]=[198,    81,    69] around subject [198,    81,    69]:     target [69][81][198] -> subject[73][79][201]
target coord[18]=[13,    240,    55] around subject [13,    240,    55]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[19]=[89,    170,    44] around subject [89,    170,    44]:     target [44][170][89] -> subject[48][152][88]
target coord[20]=[69,    123,    46] around subject [69,    123,    46]:     target [46][123][69] -> subject[52][108][71]
target coord[21]=[76,    125,    36] around subject [76,    125,    36]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[22]=[31,    116,    39] around subject [31,    116,    39]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[23]=[170,    200,    36] around subject [170,    200,    36]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[24]=[77,    84,    36] around subject [77,    84,    36]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[25]=[74,    82,    74] around subject [74,    82,    74]:     target [74][82][74] -> subject[84][81][77]
target coord[26]=[147,    208,    74] around subject [147,    208,    74]:     target [74][208][147] -> subject[77][204][138]
target coord[27]=[60,    113,    74] around subject [60,    113,    74]:     target [74][113][60] -> subject[83][114][60]
target coord[28]=[66,    63,    53] around subject [66,    63,    53]:     target [53][63][66] -> subject[63][62][71]
target coord[29]=[197,    195,    59] around subject [197,    195,    59]:     target [59][195][197] -> subject[61][188][190]
target coord[30]=[137,    206,    59] around subject [137,    206,    59]:     target [59][206][137] -> subject[64][199][128]
target coord[31]=[172,    202,    59] around subject [172,    202,    59]:     target [59][202][172] -> subject[63][197][168]
target coord[32]=[104,    191,    77] around subject [104,    191,    77]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[33]=[83,    152,    81] around subject [83,    152,    81]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[34]=[76,    169,    81] around subject [76,    169,    81]:     target [81][169][76] -> subject[85][164][67]
target coord[35]=[46,    179,    76] around subject [46,    179,    76]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[36]=[89,    145,    49] around subject [89,    145,    49]:     target [49][145][89] -> subject[55][125][87]
target coord[37]=[73,    146,    49] around subject [73,    146,    49]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[38]=[30,    73,    55] around subject [30,    73,    55]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[39]=[12,    147,    38] around subject [12,    147,    38]:     target [38][147][12] -> subject[36][141][8]
target coord[40]=[48,    197,    39] around subject [48,    197,    39]:     target [39][197][48] -> subject[38][178][41]
target coord[41]=[48,    221,    39] around subject [48,    221,    39]:     target [39][221][48] -> subject[42][208][47]
target coord[42]=[12,    214,    39] around subject [12,    214,    39]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[43]=[34,    235,    39] around subject [34,    235,    39]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[44]=[47,    116,    54] around subject [47,    116,    54]:     target [54][116][47] -> subject[58][105][40]
target coord[45]=[42,    221,    54] around subject [42,    221,    54]:     target [54][221][42] -> subject[54][212][39]
target coord[46]=[11,    148,    54] around subject [11,    148,    54]:     target [54][148][11] -> subject[54][142][7]
target coord[47]=[77,    176,    54] around subject [77,    176,    54]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[48]=[27,    205,    54] around subject [27,    205,    54]:     target [54][205][27] -> subject[53][197][22]
target coord[49]=[84,    238,    54] around subject [84,    238,    54]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[50]=[92,    112,    45] around subject [92,    112,    45]:     target [45][112][92] -> subject[53][111][99]
target coord[51]=[137,    184,    45] around subject [137,    184,    45]:     target [45][184][137] -> subject[50][176][128]
target coord[52]=[121,    189,    45] around subject [121,    189,    45]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[53]=[178,    135,    71] around subject [178,    135,    71]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[54]=[178,    183,    69] around subject [178,    183,    69]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[55]=[81,    156,    26] around subject [81,    156,    26]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[56]=[30,    191,    26] around subject [30,    191,    26]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[57]=[33,    234,    26] around subject [33,    234,    26]:     target [26][234][33] -> subject[17][238][13]
target coord[58]=[13,    179,    26] around subject [13,    179,    26]:     target [26][179][13] -> subject[17][161][2]
target coord[59]=[29,    146,    22] around subject [29,    146,    22]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[60]=[18,    226,    18] around subject [18,    226,    18]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[61]=[9,    185,    12] around subject [9,    185,    12]:     target [12][185][9] -> subject[4][169][3]
target coord[62]=[13,    231,    12] around subject [13,    231,    12]:     target [12][231][13] -> subject[4][228][0]
target coord[63]=[23,    107,    29] around subject [23,    107,    29]:     ...... not added due to inconsistency of various matching scores.
target coord[64]=[71,    124,    29] around subject [71,    124,    29]:     target [29][124][71] -> subject[19][138][76]
(1). normalize the point cloud
(2). estimate the initial affine matrix from initial matching using RANSAC

    (   0). err_invp_min=5.313598
    (   3). err_invp_min=5.036110
    (   9). err_invp_min=4.519104
      10,  15,  20,  25,
    (  29). err_invp_min=4.481841
      30,  35,  40,
    (  43). err_invp_min=4.087120
      50,  55,
    (  56). err_invp_min=3.705978
      60,  65,  70,  75,  80,  85,
    (  88). err_invp_min=3.688620
      90,  95,
     100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145,
     150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195,
     200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240, 245,
     250, 255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 280, 285, 290, 295,
     300, 305, 310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335, 340, 345,
     350, 355, 360, 365, 370, 375, 380,
    ( 381). err_invp_min=3.660280
     385, 390, 395,
     400, 405, 410, 415, 420, 425, 430, 435, 440, 445,
     450, 455, 460, 465, 470, 475, 480, 485, 490, 495,
     500, 505, 510, 515, 520, 525, 530, 535, 540, 545,
     550, 555, 560, 565, 570, 575, 580, 585, 590, 595,
     600, 605, 610, 615, 620, 625, 630, 635, 640, 645,
     650, 655, 660, 665, 670, 675, 680, 685, 690, 695,
     700, 705, 710, 715, 720, 725, 730, 735, 740, 745,
     750, 755, 760, 765, 770, 775, 780, 785, 790, 795,
     800, 805, 810, 815, 820, 825, 830, 835, 840, 845,
     850, 855, 860, 865, 870, 875, 880, 885, 890, 895,
     900, 905, 910, 915, 920, 925, 930, 935, 940, 945,
     950, 955, 960, 965, 970, 975, 980, 985, 990, 995,
(3). kill the wrong matches by comparing the distance between A and the corresponding B_invp
(4). de-normalization and get arr_2_invp!
    kill 4 pairs, 32 pairs left!
angle12=12.064 [tedge len=23.622 e1=24.434, e2=46.957]  - drop this plane
angle13=8.083 [tedge len=6.164 e1=41.400, e2=38.962]  - drop this plane
angle13=6.596 [tedge len=6.164 e1=36.235, e2=31.448]  - drop this plane
angle13=11.578 [tedge len=6.164 e1=30.594, e2=29.428]  - drop this plane
angle13=1.975 [tedge len=1.732 e1=48.990, e2=49.346]  - drop this plane
angle12=3.519 [tedge len=1.732 e1=24.000, e2=23.043]  - drop this plane
angle12=2.685 [tedge len=1.732 e1=28.931, e2=27.821]  - drop this plane
angle12=3.675 [tedge len=1.732 e1=27.019, e2=27.000]  - drop this plane
angle12=0.907 [tedge len=1.732 e1=41.449, e2=43.046]  - drop this plane
angle12=160.162 [tedge len=39.774 e1=16.062, e2=24.290]  - drop this plane
angle13=18.892 [tedge len=16.062 e1=49.417, e2=48.166]  - drop this plane
angle23=14.836 [tedge len=15.748 e1=46.141, e2=34.191]  - drop this plane
angle23=17.702 [tedge len=15.748 e1=48.929, e2=41.449]  - drop this plane
angle23=16.322 [tedge len=15.748 e1=49.880, e2=40.694]  - drop this plane
cc[1]=13.548     target=[87,138,43] subject=[87,122,49]
cc[2]=6.050     target=[68,58,56] subject=[72,58,66]
cc[3]=24.096     target=[121,203,67] subject=[111,198,71]
cc[4]=46.566     target=[151,96,72] subject=[159,103,77]
cc[5]=31.145     target=[49,198,40] subject=[43,179,40]
cc[6]=43.801     target=[29,70,63] subject=[27,60,69]
cc[7]=9.623     target=[86,230,58] subject=[85,219,57]
cc[8]=29.279     target=[6,142,77] subject=[1,136,81]
cc[9]=39.209     target=[166,197,34] subject=[162,188,35]
cc[10]=0.000     target=[78,85,34] subject=[84,84,43]
cc[11]=76.491     target=[198,81,69] subject=[201,79,73]
cc[12]=13.102     target=[89,170,44] subject=[88,152,48]
cc[13]=15.982     target=[69,123,46] subject=[71,108,52]
cc[14]=40.400     target=[74,82,74] subject=[77,81,84]
cc[15]=31.833     target=[147,208,74] subject=[138,204,77]
cc[16]=0.000     target=[60,113,74] subject=[60,114,83]
cc[17]=7.052     target=[66,63,53] subject=[71,62,63]
cc[18]=48.946     target=[197,195,59] subject=[190,188,61]
cc[19]=25.529     target=[137,206,59] subject=[128,199,64]
cc[20]=42.054     target=[172,202,59] subject=[168,197,63]
cc[21]=0.000     target=[76,169,81] subject=[67,164,85]
cc[22]=50.794     target=[12,147,38] subject=[8,141,36]
cc[23]=30.009     target=[48,197,39] subject=[41,178,38]
cc[24]=51.661     target=[48,221,39] subject=[47,208,42]
cc[25]=20.506     target=[47,116,54] subject=[40,105,58]
cc[26]=50.273     target=[42,221,54] subject=[39,212,54]
cc[27]=21.883     target=[11,148,54] subject=[7,142,54]
cc[28]=44.135     target=[27,205,54] subject=[22,197,53]
cc[29]=8.767     target=[92,112,45] subject=[99,111,53]
cc[30]=31.467     target=[137,184,45] subject=[128,176,50]
cc[31]=71.150     target=[13,179,26] subject=[2,161,17]
cc[32]=90.935     target=[9,185,12] subject=[3,169,4]
Overall mean=31.759      std=22.562
-------------------- Finished detecting the best matching points. Now compute displacement field. -------

Prepare save the matching quality record file [t21_256.tif_matching_quality.csv]
method_inconsistency= 0.5077,    model_violation=31.7590
Now save to matching point file of subject to [t21_256.tif_subject.csv]
Now save to matching point file of target to [t21_256.tif_target.csv]

n=0     x=[87.000 -> 87.000] y=[138.000 -> 122.000] z=[43.000 -> 49.000]
n=1     x=[68.000 -> 72.000] y=[58.000 -> 58.000] z=[56.000 -> 66.000]
n=2     x=[121.000 -> 111.000] y=[203.000 -> 198.000] z=[67.000 -> 71.000]
n=3     x=[151.000 -> 159.000] y=[96.000 -> 103.000] z=[72.000 -> 77.000]
n=4     x=[49.000 -> 43.000] y=[198.000 -> 179.000] z=[40.000 -> 40.000]
n=5     x=[29.000 -> 27.000] y=[70.000 -> 60.000] z=[63.000 -> 69.000]
n=6     x=[86.000 -> 85.000] y=[230.000 -> 219.000] z=[58.000 -> 57.000]
n=7     x=[6.000 -> 1.000] y=[142.000 -> 136.000] z=[77.000 -> 81.000]
n=8     x=[166.000 -> 162.000] y=[197.000 -> 188.000] z=[34.000 -> 35.000]
n=9     x=[78.000 -> 84.000] y=[85.000 -> 84.000] z=[34.000 -> 43.000]
n=10     x=[198.000 -> 201.000] y=[81.000 -> 79.000] z=[69.000 -> 73.000]
n=11     x=[89.000 -> 88.000] y=[170.000 -> 152.000] z=[44.000 -> 48.000]
n=12     x=[69.000 -> 71.000] y=[123.000 -> 108.000] z=[46.000 -> 52.000]
n=13     x=[74.000 -> 77.000] y=[82.000 -> 81.000] z=[74.000 -> 84.000]
n=14     x=[147.000 -> 138.000] y=[208.000 -> 204.000] z=[74.000 -> 77.000]
n=15     x=[60.000 -> 60.000] y=[113.000 -> 114.000] z=[74.000 -> 83.000]
n=16     x=[66.000 -> 71.000] y=[63.000 -> 62.000] z=[53.000 -> 63.000]
n=17     x=[197.000 -> 190.000] y=[195.000 -> 188.000] z=[59.000 -> 61.000]
n=18     x=[137.000 -> 128.000] y=[206.000 -> 199.000] z=[59.000 -> 64.000]
n=19     x=[172.000 -> 168.000] y=[202.000 -> 197.000] z=[59.000 -> 63.000]
n=20     x=[76.000 -> 67.000] y=[169.000 -> 164.000] z=[81.000 -> 85.000]
n=21     x=[12.000 -> 8.000] y=[147.000 -> 141.000] z=[38.000 -> 36.000]
n=22     x=[48.000 -> 41.000] y=[197.000 -> 178.000] z=[39.000 -> 38.000]
n=23     x=[48.000 -> 47.000] y=[221.000 -> 208.000] z=[39.000 -> 42.000]
n=24     x=[47.000 -> 40.000] y=[116.000 -> 105.000] z=[54.000 -> 58.000]
n=25     x=[42.000 -> 39.000] y=[221.000 -> 212.000] z=[54.000 -> 54.000]
n=26     x=[11.000 -> 7.000] y=[148.000 -> 142.000] z=[54.000 -> 54.000]
n=27     x=[27.000 -> 22.000] y=[205.000 -> 197.000] z=[54.000 -> 53.000]
n=28     x=[92.000 -> 99.000] y=[112.000 -> 111.000] z=[45.000 -> 53.000]
n=29     x=[137.000 -> 128.000] y=[184.000 -> 176.000] z=[45.000 -> 50.000]
n=30     x=[13.000 -> 2.000] y=[179.000 -> 161.000] z=[26.000 -> 17.000]
n=31     x=[9.000 -> 3.000] y=[185.000 -> 169.000] z=[12.000 -> 4.000]

-------------------- Now compute the distances of pixels to the mapping points. -------

z=0 z=1 z=2 z=3 z=4 z=5 z=6 z=7 z=8 z=9 z=10 z=11 z=12 z=13 z=14 z=15 z=16 z=17 z=18 z=19 z=20 z=21 z=22 z=23 z=24 z=25 z=26 z=27 z=28 z=29 z=30 z=31 z=32
-------------------- Now interpolate the DF using linear method. -------

in ApplyDFToChannel(), the subject image data normalizer=255.000
Finish warping the 0th channel.
Done: warping.
Succeed to warp using the DF to the specified channel(s).
The current input file has the surfix [v3draw]
The data is not with a TIF surfix, -- now this program assumes it is RAW format defined by Hanchuan Peng.
size of [V3DLONG]=[8], [V3DLONG]=[8] [int]=[4], [short int]=[2], [double]=[8], [float]=[4]
Succeed to save to file test1_999_DF_sx.v3draw
The current input file has the surfix [v3draw]
The data is not with a TIF surfix, -- now this program assumes it is RAW format defined by Hanchuan Peng.
size of [V3DLONG]=[8], [V3DLONG]=[8] [int]=[4], [short int]=[2], [double]=[8], [float]=[4]
Succeed to save to file test1_999_DF_sy.v3draw
The current input file has the surfix [v3draw]
The data is not with a TIF surfix, -- now this program assumes it is RAW format defined by Hanchuan Peng.
size of [V3DLONG]=[8], [V3DLONG]=[8] [int]=[4], [short int]=[2], [double]=[8], [float]=[4]
Succeed to save to file test1_999_DF_sz.v3draw
Now save the output/warped image [pointer=0x811d250] datatype_warped=1 sz_warped=[256, 256, 108, 1]
The current input file has the surfix [tif]
The warped image has been saved to the file [t21_256.tif].

Originally posted by Hanchuan Peng:
the displacement fields for separate direction cannpt be all the same (unless the input data do not have any deformation).

You can tryto add a "-F test1" string in my example program on the web page. You should have three output files. If you load them in V3D, you will see them all different.


Originally posted by Thomas Templier:
I've opened several DF in V3D and they are all the same. Rather dark at the beginning of the stack and bright at the end, and a jump in the last slices. It seems that there might be a small offset somewhere in the header maybe. What do you think of it ?

You said that it is saved in 32 bit float, it means packed in packets of 32 bytes right ?

Best Regards

Attachment: DF.png

Threaded View

Fernando Amat Jul 16, 2010
Hanchuan Peng Jul 17, 2010
John Roberts May 24, 2012
Thomas Templier Aug 9, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 9, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 9, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 10, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 10, 2011
RE: Overwrite libtiff in Matlab to run IO toolbox
Thomas Templier Aug 10, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 10, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 10, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 10, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 10, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 10, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 10, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 10, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 10, 2011
Hanchuan Peng Aug 10, 2011
Thomas Templier Aug 11, 2011