
Release Name: pestica v1.3 for AFNI users (recommended)

New release of PESTICA for AFNI. Major change is the use of a single master script to control all functions of PESTICA and IRF-RETROICOR data correction and quality assurance plot creation. Additional changes:
-use of a datafile-specific pestica/ working file subdirectory (in case you wish to run estimation on different processing stages of the same data)
-options for running PESTICA with dropped initial volumes, different processing level of raw data, individual stages of PESTICA, and run the original RETROICOR correction algorithm.
-auto-creation of masked brain volume using 3dSkullStrip and 3dcalc to dilate mask by 1 voxel
-QA process that creates jpegs of coupling maps overlain on raw data, coregistered spatial priors overlain on raw data and plots of the cardiac and respiratory impulse response functions (IRFs)
This is the new recommended version of PESTICA.
