
Release Name: pestica v2.0 (recommended)

Version 2.0 of PESTICA is released.  Major changes include bug-fixes, algorithmic improvements, fMRI specific instructions and pulse ox/respiratory bellows (PMU) signal handling.

Bug fixes and changes:
- a bug causing deletion of corrected files has been fixed

- oblique datasets are now handled natively as long as you use a version of afni_matlab that is newer than last October (2012)

- added "" script so users can easily apply public estimators released by this project in the future (note, this does not work with the NYU_TRT and PaloAlto estimators released previously, these will be re-released with the new structure soon)

- bug fixes and neat features such as MATLAB command line and use of 3dAttribute to read slice timing, contributed by Isaac Schwabacher

- make plots of estimator freq spectrum

- write partial command line to history file inside _pestica/ subdir

The interface has also changed, the flags for controlling PESTICA have been simplified and altered:
-d: flag to specify input data (always required)

-b: flag to switch on batch mode (will auto-filter to a standard range of frequencies specific to heart/respiration, seems useful but has not been validated or compared head-to-head with manual interactive filtering)

-m: flag to switch on canonical RETROICOR

-r reference.txt: flag and paradigm filename to be used when correcting fMRI data with PESTICA. This protects activation from second-pass procedure. Without this, fMRI data can experience large reduction in activation.

-f: flag to only perform firstpass IRF procedure. May be useful with PMU data.

-s "stage": select specific stages

-p "physioprefix": use PMU data instead of PESTICA estimators, skips stages 1 + 2. Only Siemens scanner file PMU output supported at present.