help > RE: Welcome to Help
Sep 22, 2015  05:09 PM | Guilherme A. Zimeo Morais - NIRx Medical Technologies
RE: Welcome to Help
Hello Harleen,

As I was also trying to perform the 1st level analysis with the NIRx demo dataset, I have run into the same issues you described. And I believe I have found the solution for both of them:

i) Error by choosing "No" for "specify conditions using a file":
Quickly looking into the code (in particular the line 1286) that generated that error, and comparing with previous lines that also set the properties of UIControl, it seems that the variables to be used for property 'Max' and 'UserData' were exchanged. If you replace these variables, the code should work just fine. After doing this, lines 1286-1294 should look like following:

h = uicontrol(Finter,'Style','Pushbutton',...
'Position',[RRec(1)+(i-1)*dX+1 RRec(2) dX-2 RRec(4)]);

ii) Error by choosing "Yes" for "specify conditions using a file":
Here the issue occurs for a different reason, namely the fact that the multiple_conditions.mat file provided does not have the field "durations", which is required for the SPM modelling. I have checked the header file and, although I am not particularly familiar with the experiment paradigm used for this example dataset, it seems that trigger marker 1 has been used for onsets, while trigger marker 2 for the end of the task (or the beginning of the rest period following that). The only flaw with this theory would be that there is actually an extra marker #1, but looking the pattern of all the other triggers received, it seems that this one should not be there. So considering that all the assumptions made so far here are indeed true, one can actually obtain the durations field missing by calculating onsets{2} - onsets{1}, and then delete the onsets{2} field. After doing so, I created a new file (multiple_conditions_new.mat  - attached) and loaded this to specify the conditions. This worked fine and I was able to define all the other parameters for the 1st level analysis.

I believe we should wait on the feedback from the developers to make sure that all I have written here is indeed correct (mainly regarding the experiment design of the motor example).

Best regards,

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Sungho Tak Sep 11, 2015
Geoff Green Oct 11, 2017
fakun chen Dec 22, 2018
harleen chhabra Oct 8, 2015
Guilherme A. Zimeo Morais Sep 24, 2015
Sungho Tak Sep 28, 2015
harleen chhabra Sep 22, 2015
RE: Welcome to Help
Guilherme A. Zimeo Morais Sep 22, 2015
harleen chhabra Sep 22, 2015
Sungho Tak Sep 23, 2015
harleen chhabra Sep 26, 2015
Sungho Tak Sep 28, 2015