help > Error: ipGetArgument: argument value of option "-majorityVoting" is missing!
May 9, 2022  08:05 PM | Ayan Mandal
Error: ipGetArgument: argument value of option "-majorityVoting" is missing!

I'm running auto_EACSF through the GUI on an HPC with ITK 4.13 with just a T1, not T2. I'm running into the error message indicated in the title, that an argument value for "-majorityVoting" is missing, resulting in the "[T1]_stx_weightedMajority.nii.gz" not being created. The problematic line of code (produced from the script) appears to be the following:

/gpfs/fs001/cbica/software/external/auto_EACSF/1.7.7/bin/ImageMath /gpfs/fs001/cbica/projects/bgdimagecentral/Data/hao_data/Hao-inf-011/mri/output/SkullStripping/Hao-inf-011_T1w_stx.nii.gz -majorityVoting -outfile /gpfs/fs001/cbica/projects/bgdimagecentral/Data/hao_data/Hao-inf-011/mri/output/SkullStripping/Hao-inf-011_T1w_stx_weightedMajority.nii.gz

Any tips on how I could debug this error? A copy of the full error log is attached:

Attachment: error_log.rtf

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Error: ipGetArgument: argument value of option "-majorityVoting" is missing!
Ayan Mandal May 9, 2022
Juan Prieto May 9, 2022
Ayan Mandal May 9, 2022
Juan Prieto May 9, 2022