open-discussion > slomoco not accepting slice timing ascending?
Dec 16, 2014  09:12 PM | Dianne Patterson
slomoco not accepting slice timing ascending? -d $sub176_176tr -s 2

But at the end I get this not very reassuring message (see my bolding below) which suggests slomoco has run with slice timing set to interleaved.
My question is, did I specify the flag incorrectly? Is there some way for me to verify that it used sequential slice timing?  Please let me know how I should proceeed.


Dianne Patterson, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
University of Arizona
Speech and Hearing Science 


Running Secondorder Motion Correction using SLOMOCO output
matlab <<<"addpath /MATLAB/slomoco_afni_07_2014; mocoparams=read_motion_newslicealg('tempslmoco_volslc_alg_vol_run1_sub176_176tr.slicemocoxy_afni/motion.wholevol_zt'); slicemoco_newalgorithm_input('run1_sub176_176tr.slicemocoxy_afni+orig','run1_sub176_176tr.brain+orig',mocoparams,2); exit;"
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2014a ( 64-bit (maci64)
February 11, 2014
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit
tdim =
zdim =
assuming slice timing==1, for interleaved ascending, siemens style
Wait, script starting...
Elapsed time is 246.858306 seconds.
ErrMessage =
InfoOut =
RootName: 'run1_sub176_176tr.slicemocoxy_afni+orig'
DATASET_RANK: [3 176 0 0 0 0 0 0]
BRICK_TYPES: [1x176 double]
ORIGIN: [-98.3183 135.9666 -33.1909]
DELTA: [3.3611 -3.3611 3.9999]
SCENE_DATA: [0 2 0 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999]
TAXIS_NUMS: [176 0 77002 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999]
TAXIS_FLOATS: [0 2 0 0 0 -999999 -999999 -999999]
IDCODE_DATE: 'Tue Dec 16 12:22:31 2014'
HISTORY_NOTE: '[ Tue Dec 16 12:04:3...'
IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL: [1x12 double]
LABEL_1: 'zyxt'
LABEL_2: 'zyxt'
TypeName: 'short'
TypeBytes: 2
ByteOrder: 'ieee-le'
Orientation: [3x2 char]
FileFormat: 'BRIK'
Extension_1D: ''
DATASET_DIMENSIONS: [60 72 36 0 0]
BRICK_FLOAT_FACS: [1x176 double]
BRICK_STATS: [1x352 double]
err =
2nd order Moco Done!
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2014a ( 64-bit (maci64)
February 11, 2014
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit
>> using 36 slices, TR=2.000000 seconds
tdim =
zdim =
tdim =
zdim =
QA script currently assumes we acquire interleaved asc, odds, then evens
*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as run1_sub176_176tr_pestica/run1_sub176_176tr+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:run1_sub176_176tr_pestica/run1_sub176_176tr+orig.BRIK is 7.057969 degrees from plumb.
*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as run1_sub176_176tr_pestica/run1_sub176_176tr+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:run1_sub176_176tr_pestica/run1_sub176_176tr+orig.BRIK is 7.057969 degrees from plumb.
*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as run1_sub176_176tr_pestica/run1_sub176_176tr+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:run1_sub176_176tr_pestica/run1_sub176_176tr+orig.BRIK is 7.057969 degrees from plumb.
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Jul 3 2014) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset run1_sub176_176tr.slicemocoxy_afni.zalg_moco2+orig
++ applying attributes
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Jul 3 2014) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset run1_sub176_176tr.slicemocoxy_afni.zalg_moco2+orig
++ applying attributes
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (Jul 3 2014) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
** ERROR: Can't decode 1D: string
** FATAL ERROR: No options given!?
Error reading floating point attribute file** Program compile date = Jul 3 2014

Threaded View

slomoco not accepting slice timing ascending?
Dianne Patterson Dec 16, 2014
Jörg Pfannmöller Dec 7, 2015
Wanyong Shin Dec 7, 2015
Jörg Pfannmöller Dec 7, 2015
Eduardo A Garza Villarreal May 8, 2015
Dianne Patterson May 7, 2015
Erik Beall May 8, 2015
Erik Beall Dec 18, 2014
Eduardo A Garza Villarreal May 6, 2015
Erik Beall May 7, 2015
Eduardo A Garza Villarreal May 7, 2015
Erik Beall May 8, 2015