help > How to display subcortical ROIs over cortical surface
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Nov 4, 2022  04:11 PM | Michelle Marneweck - University of Oregon
How to display subcortical ROIs over cortical surface
Hi there, 
Is it possible to display an ROI that is more medial on the cortical surface? In yellow I have 4a which is nicely shown on the cortical surface - the ROI green, 4p, is a bit more medial . Is there a way to display the medial ROI on the cortical surface in Surf Ice?
Nov 7, 2022  03:11 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: How to display subcortical ROIs over cortical surface
Use a mesh with only one hemisphere. The scripting/Templates/basic_paint_surface gives a nice example. The attached imagee simply changes one line to change the camera position:

gl.azimuthelevation(270, 15)
Attachment: medial.jpg