open-discussion > segment aortic aneurysm
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Sep 4, 2012  09:09 PM | Valentina Cantu
segment aortic aneurysm

I've two problem with segmentation

I've to segment aortic aneurysm.
the idea is to subtract the healthy part of the artery from the entire volume. All the volume has a circular section. I know that there is a segmentation method that works with circles but can not find it.

My second question is how to implement subtraction turns two regions.

sorry for my english.

Sep 4, 2012  09:09 PM | Riccardo Biffi
RE: segment aortic aneurysm
Hi Valentina,

I did not realize if you want to use CT or MRI images to perform the subrtaction,
are you developing a software or you want to use an existing solution, perhaps improving it?
You can start using 3d slicer, its documentation is rich.

Best Regards

Riccardo Biffi
Sep 5, 2012  12:09 AM | vsochat
RE: segment aortic aneurysm
Hi Valentina,

I don't have any familiarity with aortic aneurysm, but it sounds like you are looking to create your own simple segmentation method.  If you use MATLAB, a good place to start would be with imfindcircles, and funnily enough, the "Steve on Image Processing" blog just had a really cool tutorial!

You of course would want to fine tune the parameters to fit your data, and can read about them here -->

I chose that based on your specification of circles, however if you need to segment and it's not *quite* circular, I would look into region growing (matlab has many examples on the File Exchange) for which you could set an intensity or distance cutoff, etc.  And if you don't have matlab, you could just look at the code and write it in whatever language you like best!

I don't understand your second question... maybe if you restate I could try to help?


Sep 5, 2012  07:09 AM | Valentina Cantu
RE: segment aortic aneurysm
I have MRIs to work with and I use 3dslicer.
Is for a university project.
I saw that the professor used a segmentation that followed the circular structure of the aorta, because the other segmentations that are based on the intensity are not adequate.

I'm looking for a segmentation method that uses boundaries defined and regular.