open-discussion > applyng spharm on a triangulated surface
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Jan 11, 2013  05:01 AM | farhad tehrani
applyng spharm on a triangulated surface
Dear all,

Unfortunately I just have the triangulated surface of my data and I do not know how should I apply Spharm-PDM on them. Is there any way to get back to the masked analyze (hdr/image) data? !!

I would be so grateful for any suggestion
Apr 19, 2013  12:04 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: applyng spharm on a triangulated surface
Dear Farhad,

We implemented a ScanConversion tool that converts triangulated meshes into ITK compatible image formats.
It is distributed as part of DentalTools in (

Please, if you have any troubles, I will be happy to address any concerns in the DentalTools forums.
Hope that helps,

Best regards,