help > Working with the cc subregions
Apr 8, 2015  07:04 AM | David Coynel
Working with the cc subregions
Dear Babak, 

I would like to use the Witelson and Hampel subregions as starting points for a tractography analysis. The first step would be to transfer those subregions to the original T1 image. However, I'm not sure I have enough information in the outputs of yuki to do so. For example, I was not sure whether the midsagittal plane is identified from an original sagittal slice or if interpolation between several slices occurs (eg in the case where the head of the subject is tilted).

Thanks for your help !


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Working with the cc subregions
David Coynel Apr 8, 2015
Babak Ardekani Apr 9, 2015
Chenxi Zhao Nov 30, 2017
David Coynel Apr 9, 2015
Naomi Hunsaker Jun 2, 2015
Babak Ardekani Jun 8, 2015
Matthieu Faillot Jun 15, 2022
Olayinka Oladosu Mar 7, 2018
Naomi Hunsaker Jun 16, 2015