questions > Reordering of diffusion volumes after conversion
Nov 30, 2018  05:11 PM | Josh Robinson
Reordering of diffusion volumes after conversion

I am using dcm2niix (version jun 2018) to convert par/rec diffusion weighted data. I notice that the ordering of the data is different after conversion. The raw data is ordered starting with diffusion weighted images, trace/adc images, then the b0. After conversion, the b0, and trace/adc images are moved to the first 3 volumes in the nifti. For some other, it moves only the b0 to the front but otherwise keeps the same ordering of the data. Any changes that are made appear to also be made in the bvecs/bvals, but shouldn't the command keep the volume order the same from rec to nifti?

I haven't come across messages on the forum describing this problem, so I am mostly wondering if this normal behavior for dcm2niix? And if it is 'safe' to continue with analysis.

Any guidance is much appreciated.


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Reordering of diffusion volumes after conversion
Josh Robinson Nov 30, 2018
Chris Rorden Nov 30, 2018