questions > help: dcm2niix produces multiple niix/json instead of 1
Sep 11, 2020  09:09 PM | dugmic
help: dcm2niix produces multiple niix/json instead of 1

This may be a stupid question, but when I run dcm2niix (or when doing it through bidskit) my dicoms are being converted to niix.gz and jsons, but instead of getting e.g 1 for my fmri task, I am getting at loooooot of them. I'm running os Catalina, and using bash to run the commands. Same output happens when using MRIcroGL. 

Is anybody out there who can relate or maybe even has a solution? 

Thank you all in advance =)

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help: dcm2niix produces multiple niix/json instead of 1
dugmic Sep 11, 2020
Chris Rorden Sep 13, 2020