help > Getting warnings when converting multi echo bold data (cmrr) to nifti
May 31, 2021  02:05 AM | Remy Cohan
Getting warnings when converting multi echo bold data (cmrr) to nifti
Hello MricroGL users,

While I was converting my multi echo bold data to nifti I receive the following warnings:

Found 600 DICOM file(s)
Slices not stacked: echo varies (TE 14, 46.16; echo 1, 3). Use 'merge 2D slices' option to force stacking
Warning: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes (issue 271).
UINT16->INT16 Future release will change default.
Convert 200 DICOM as /Volumes/rsfMRI_RC/RS_Data/sub-027/sub-027_session2/func/sub-027_ses-2_rest_bold_e1 (64x64x43x200)
Warning: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes (issue 271).
UINT16->INT16 Future release will change default.
Convert 200 DICOM as /Volumes/rsfMRI_RC/RS_Data/sub-027/sub-027_session2/func/sub-027_ses-2_rest_bold_e3 (64x64x43x200)
Warning: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes (issue 271).
UINT16->INT16 Future release will change default.
Convert 200 DICOM as /Volumes/rsfMRI_RC/RS_Data/sub-027/sub-027_session2/func/sub-027_ses-2_rest_bold_e2 (64x64x43x200)
Conversion required 12.313125 seconds (5.550481 for core code).

Do I need to be worried about the outputs? It looks like MricroGL does convert my bold data into 3 separate echos plus the BIDS sidecars (json) and place them into the chosen folder snd I do not see any issues. But "adjusting for negative mosaicrefacq times" warning got me worried bit??
In advanced setting I only chose 1)ignore derived and 2D images 2)precise Philips scalling 

Has anybody had the same issue or successfully converted multi echo data with mricrogl before? I would appreciate any pearls of wisdom or reassurance.

Thank you,


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Getting warnings when converting multi echo bold data (cmrr) to nifti
Remy Cohan May 31, 2021
Chris Rorden May 31, 2021
Remy Cohan Jun 23, 2021
Chris Rorden Jun 28, 2021
Remy Cohan Jun 28, 2021
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