open-discussion > RE: Why there is no marksafter transfering hitachi to nirs file?
Dec 1, 2022  05:12 AM | tingting
RE: Why there is no marksafter transfering hitachi to nirs file?
Hi Rebecca,

Thank you very much for your reply! Yes, I saw the "aux" variable when I open the nirs file in Matlab.

However, I opened the .nirs file in Homer3, which convert the .nirs file into .snirf file automatically, then I did not see any markers in Homer3 (please find an image of it).
Can you please let me know what should I do to show the markers? Thank you a lot!

Attachment: Untitled.png

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tingting Nov 30, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Nov 30, 2022
RE: Why there is no marksafter transfering hitachi to nirs file?
tingting Dec 1, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Dec 1, 2022
tingting Dec 2, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Dec 2, 2022