open-discussion > RE: Why there is nomarksafter transfering hitachi to nirs file?
Dec 2, 2022  02:12 AM | tingting
RE: Why there is nomarksafter transfering hitachi to nirs file?
Hi Rebecca,

Thank you very much! I thought it is only possible to add markers manually in Homer3 if the markers were not imported automatically.

But indeed there is a way to "import" markers from aux. I am pointing it out here just in case anyone needs it.
That is, go to the "Tools" column and select "Edit Stimulus", then "preview" aux and add markers.

Thank you again for your help.


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tingting Nov 30, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Nov 30, 2022
tingting Dec 1, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Dec 1, 2022
RE: Why there is nomarksafter transfering hitachi to nirs file?
tingting Dec 2, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Dec 2, 2022