open-discussion > RE: Declaring a copyright holder
Oct 30, 2011  10:10 PM | Yaroslav Halchenko
RE: Declaring a copyright holder
IANAL but if you are the solely copyright holder (e.g. not your institution ;-) ) you can just give ownership to your code to anyone, but usually it seems to require a document stating it in writing: e.g. look how contributors agreements are done etc. quick google led me to  which seems to be a sensible description.

why do you care though?  do they want you to transfer the rights to them?  even if you own the copyright, they have control of the code (besides re-licensing it under an incompatible license)

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Christian Haselgrove Oct 27, 2011
RE: Declaring a copyright holder
Yaroslav Halchenko Oct 30, 2011
Christian Haselgrove Nov 4, 2011