
Release Name: 0.3.5-Mac


ASL and PD support, Mac build, incremental improvements
* Feature: Support for ASL (perfusion) images. Intended for Siemens PCASL and Philips PASL. Not needed for older PASL and GE PCASL sequences.
* Feature: Support for PD-weighted images. This uses the same template and settings as T2-w images. Dual-echo T2/PD, PD/T2 are also supported. Thanks Cally Xiao for testing.
* Enhancement: MEGRE MRI: Allow face intensity and noise matching to vary across volumes/echoes.
* Feature: New "coregistered4D" option: Allows overriding default assumptions about which image types are coregistered and which are not, e.g. if multi-echo MRI are acquired over time, or PET frames were pre-aligned during preprocessing
* Feature: New options "TIVTolerance" and "TIVToleranceOffset" to adjust the boundary between brain and face if necessary (e.g. if outputs changed a few voxels of brain, but were otherwise good, this may help).
* Feature: New Mac build (non-Docker only; Matlab does not support building Docker images for non-Linux). This has the same requirements as current Linux builds: Matlab2022a runtime (free), reg_aladin (niftyreg), ANTS. Tested on MacOS Sequoia 15.1.1 with an M2 "Silicon" chip. DICOM support was tested with dcm2niix (20241208 from Macports) and Python (3.10.16 from Macports) with modules pydicom 3.0.1 and nibabel 5.3.2.
* Fix: Use a new and smaller mask for sampling air, preventing errors in scans with extra-large heads and lots of motion.
* Docker: Optimized the Docker image to 5.4G unzipped / 2.3G zipped. 0.3.3 was 7.5G / 5G respectively.
* ADIR_nii2dicom: ignore .txt and rawdata (non-image/exam card) DICOM in DICOM folders
* ADIR_nii2dicom: improved handling for DICOM where some tags are inconsistently present/absent. They will be considered inconsistent and will not be copied.
* ADIR_nii2dicom: Add support for dropping frames from output DICOM, or ignoring DICOM from frames already dropped from the input nii
* ADIR_nii2dicom: Handling for DICOM with StackID and DimensionIndexSequence/Values (were needed for ASL)

0.3.4 (not publicly released)
Additional PET image types support, improved PET noise models, and minor enhancements
* Enhancement: Improved noise-matching models in the replacement face for PET input types. Old noise added to NF PET, especially in air, were too much. This now better matches input images.
* Feature: Added support for "early" and full-dynamic PET (treated the same as each other). These activate automatically when given PET inputs with >=10 frames
  * For these, the last frame is used as the reference, instead of the first, and frames at the start of the sequence with significantly less signal than those in the middle of the sequence are skipped from de-facing (copied as-is). These tweaks adjust for the presence of frames in the first few minutes that typically lack enough signal to warrant de-facing or to use as an anatomic refrence
* Feature: Added support for PET tracers: PI2620 (treated like FTP) and NAV4694 (treated like PIB)
* Feature: Added support for BIDS image type names (e.g. "T1w") in automatic image-type guessing
* Fix: Prevent some crashes when input frames are empty (all zeros)
* ADIR_nii2dicom: minor enhancements and fixes


ASL and PD support, Mac build, incremental improvements
* Feature: Support for ASL (perfusion) images. Intended for Siemens PCASL and Philips PASL. Not needed for older PASL and GE PCASL sequences.
* Feature: Support for PD-weighted images. This uses the same template and settings as T2-w images. Dual-echo T2/PD, PD/T2 are also supported. Thanks Cally Xiao for testing.
* Enhancement: MEGRE MRI: Allow face intensity and noise matching to vary across volumes/echoes.
* Feature: New "coregistered4D" option: Allows overriding default assumptions about which image types are coregistered and which are not, e.g. if multi-echo MRI are acquired over time, or PET frames were pre-aligned during preprocessing
* Feature: New options "TIVTolerance" and "TIVToleranceOffset" to adjust the boundary between brain and face if necessary (e.g. if outputs changed a few voxels of brain, but were otherwise good, this may help).
* Feature: New Mac build (non-Docker only; Matlab does not support building Docker images for non-Linux). This has the same requirements as current Linux builds: Matlab2022a runtime (free), reg_aladin (niftyreg), ANTS. Tested on MacOS Sequoia 15.1.1 with an M2 "Silicon" chip. DICOM support was tested with dcm2niix (20241208 from Macports) and Python (3.10.16 from Macports) with modules pydicom 3.0.1 and nibabel 5.3.2.
* Fix: Use a new and smaller mask for sampling air, preventing errors in scans with extra-large heads and lots of motion.
* Docker: Optimized the Docker image to 5.4G unzipped / 2.3G zipped. 0.3.3 was 7.5G / 5G respectively.
* ADIR_nii2dicom: ignore .txt and rawdata (non-image/exam card) DICOM in DICOM folders
* ADIR_nii2dicom: improved handling for DICOM where some tags are inconsistently present/absent. They will be considered inconsistent and will not be copied.
* ADIR_nii2dicom: Add support for dropping frames from output DICOM, or ignoring DICOM from frames already dropped from the input nii
* ADIR_nii2dicom: Handling for DICOM with StackID and DimensionIndexSequence/Values (were needed for ASL)

0.3.4 (not publicly released)
Additional PET image types support, improved PET noise models, and minor enhancements
* Enhancement: Improved noise-matching models in the replacement face for PET input types. Old noise added to NF PET, especially in air, were too much. This now better matches input images.
* Feature: Added support for "early" and full-dynamic PET (treated the same as each other). These activate automatically when given PET inputs with >=10 frames
  * For these, the last frame is used as the reference, instead of the first, and frames at the start of the sequence with significantly less signal than those in the middle of the sequence are skipped from de-facing (copied as-is). These tweaks adjust for the presence of frames in the first few minutes that typically lack enough signal to warrant de-facing or to use as an anatomic refrence
* Feature: Added support for PET tracers: PI2620 (treated like FTP) and NAV4694 (treated like PIB)
* Feature: Added support for BIDS image type names (e.g. "T1w") in automatic image-type guessing
* Fix: Prevent some crashes when input frames are empty (all zeros)
* ADIR_nii2dicom: minor enhancements and fixes