SUIT toolbox for cerebellar MRI analysis

SUIT is a Matlab toolbox dedicated to the analysis of imaging data of the human cerebellum. The toolbox allows you to...
...automatically isolate cerebellar structures from the cerebral cortex based on an anatomical image.
...achieve accurate anatomical normalisation of cerebellar structures into atlas space using the Dartel algorithm.
...display the functional data on a surface-based representation.
...normalize focal cerebellar lesions for lesion-symptom mapping.
...use Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to determine patterns of cerebellar degeneration or growth.
...use a probabilistic atlas of cerebellar anatomy to assign locations to different cerebellar lobules and deep cerebellar nuclei.
...use a collection of functional atlases based on task-based data and task-free connectivity to define regions of interest.
...improve normalization of the deep cerebellar nuclei using an ROI-driven normalization.


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