Yale Brain Atlas

The Yale Brain Atlas is a volumetric cortical atlas for localising multimodal data on the MNI152 brain to the nearest centimeter of cortex. The Atlas contains 690 parcels across the whole brain, each defined and named according to common neuroanatomy. The Atlas was created as an image segmentation in ITK-SNAP and has a nifti file with associated lookup table with the names of the cortical labels, and the RGB value of each label.

If you use the Atlas in any of your work, or wish to reference the Atlas for any reason, please cite the following paper and if possible include a link to the Yale Brain Atlas website https://yalebrainatlas.github.io/YaleBra...

McGrath, H., Zaveri, H.P., Collins, E. et al. High-resolution cortical parcellation based on conserved brain landmarks for localization of multimodal data to the nearest centimeter. Sci Rep 12, 18778 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21543...

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