PubMed Mentions
The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to HCP WU-Minn Consortium. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.
Publication/References | |
Sources of non-physiologic noise in simultaneous EEG-fMRI data: a phantom study. Description: Politte, David, et al. Sources of non-physiologic noise in simultaneous EEG-fMRI data: a phantom study. ''Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc''. 2010; '''2010''': 5129-32 | |
Automated probabilistic reconstruction of white-matter pathways in health and disease using an atlas of the underlying anatomy. Description: Yendiki, Anastasia, et al. Automated probabilistic reconstruction of white-matter pathways in health and disease using an atlas of the underlying anatomy. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2011; '''5''': 23 | |
High-field FMRI for human applications: an overview of spatial resolution and signal specificity. Description: Olman, Cheryl A, et al. High-field FMRI for human applications: an overview of spatial resolution and signal specificity. ''Open Neuroimag J''. 2011; '''5''': 74-89 | |
Informatics and data mining tools and strategies for the human connectome project. Description: Marcus, Daniel S, et al. Informatics and data mining tools and strategies for the human connectome project. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2011; '''5''': 4 | |
Weight-conserving characterization of complex functional brain networks. Description: Rubinov, Mikail, et al. Weight-conserving characterization of complex functional brain networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Jun 15; '''56''' (4):2068-79 | |
Whole brain high-resolution functional imaging at ultra high magnetic fields: an application to the analysis of resting state networks. Description: De Martino, Federico, et al. Whole brain high-resolution functional imaging at ultra high magnetic fields: an application to the analysis of resting state networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2011 Aug 1; '''57''' (3):1031-44 | |
Mapping human cortical areas in vivo based on myelin content as revealed by T1- and T2-weighted MRI. Description: Glasser, Matthew F, et al. Mapping human cortical areas in vivo based on myelin content as revealed by T1- and T2-weighted MRI. ''J Neurosci''. 2011 Aug 10; '''31''' (32):11597-616 | |
Functional network organization of the human brain. Description: Power, Jonathan D, et al. Functional network organization of the human brain. ''Neuron''. 2011 Nov 17; '''72''' (4):665-78 | |
Mapping genetic influences on cortical regionalization. Description: Schlaggar, Bradley L. Mapping genetic influences on cortical regionalization. ''Neuron''. 2011 Nov 17; '''72''' (4):499-501 | |
Brain connectivity and mental illness. Description: Fornito, Alex, et al. Brain connectivity and mental illness. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2012; '''3''': 72 | |
Comprehensive in vivo mapping of the human basal ganglia and thalamic connectome in individuals using 7T MRI. Description: Lenglet, Christophe, et al. Comprehensive in vivo mapping of the human basal ganglia and thalamic connectome in individuals using 7T MRI. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (1):e29153 | |
Feasibility of using ultra-high field (7 T) MRI for clinical surgical targeting. Description: Duchin, Yuval, et al. Feasibility of using ultra-high field (7 T) MRI for clinical surgical targeting. ''PLoS One''. 2012; '''7''' (5):e37328 | |
Mapping the connectome: multi-level analysis of brain connectivity. Description: Leergaard, Trygve B, et al. Mapping the connectome: multi-level analysis of brain connectivity. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2012; '''6''': 14 | |
Resting-state FMRI single subject cortical parcellation based on region growing. Description: Blumensath, Thomas, et al. Resting-state FMRI single subject cortical parcellation based on region growing. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2012; '''15''' (Pt 2):188-95 | |
Simultaneous ODF estimation and tractography in HARDI. Description: Cetingul, H Ertan, et al. Simultaneous ODF estimation and tractography in HARDI. ''Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc''. 2012; '''2012''': 86-9 | |
Human connectomics. Description: Behrens, Timothy E J, et al. Human connectomics. ''Curr Opin Neurobiol''. 2012 Feb; '''22''' (1):144-53 | |
Spurious but systematic correlations in functional connectivity MRI networks arise from subject motion. Description: Power, Jonathan D, et al. Spurious but systematic correlations in functional connectivity MRI networks arise from subject motion. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Feb 1; '''59''' (3):2142-54 | |
Temporally-independent functional modes of spontaneous brain activity. Description: Smith, Stephen M, et al. Temporally-independent functional modes of spontaneous brain activity. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2012 Feb 21; '''109''' (8):3131-6 | |
Ball and rackets: Inferring fiber fanning from diffusion-weighted MRI. Description: Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N, et al. Ball and rackets: Inferring fiber fanning from diffusion-weighted MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Apr 2; '''60''' (2):1412-25 | |
A cortical core for dynamic integration of functional networks in the resting human brain. Description: de Pasquale, Francesco, et al. A cortical core for dynamic integration of functional networks in the resting human brain. ''Neuron''. 2012 May 24; '''74''' (4):753-64 | |
Making better use of our brain MRI research data. Description: Barkhof, Frederik. Making better use of our brain MRI research data. ''Eur Radiol''. 2012 Jul; '''22''' (7):1395-6 | |
A brief history of the resting state: the Washington University perspective. Description: Snyder, Abraham Z, et al. A brief history of the resting state: the Washington University perspective. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):902-10 | |
Cortical cartography and Caret software. Description: Van Essen, David C. Cortical cartography and Caret software. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):757-64 | |
The future of the human connectome. Description: Van Essen, D C, et al. The future of the human connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):1299-310 | |
Ultra high resolution fMRI at ultra-high field. Description: Harel, Noam. Ultra high resolution fMRI at ultra-high field. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 15; '''62''' (2):1024-8 | |
Attentional stimulus selection through selective synchronization between monkey visual areas. Description: Bosman, Conrado A, et al. Attentional stimulus selection through selective synchronization between monkey visual areas. ''Neuron''. 2012 Sep 6; '''75''' (5):875-88 | |
Parcellations and hemispheric asymmetries of human cerebral cortex analyzed on surface-based atlases. Description: Van Essen, David C, et al. Parcellations and hemispheric asymmetries of human cerebral cortex analyzed on surface-based atlases. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2012 Oct; '''22''' (10):2241-62 | |
The Human Connectome Project: a data acquisition perspective. Description: Van Essen, D C, et al. The Human Connectome Project: a data acquisition perspective. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Oct 1; '''62''' (4):2222-31 | |
Model-based analysis of multishell diffusion MR data for tractography: how to get over fitting problems. Description: Jbabdi, Saad, et al. Model-based analysis of multishell diffusion MR data for tractography: how to get over fitting problems. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2012 Dec; '''68''' (6):1846-55 | |
Accelerating fibre orientation estimation from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging using GPUs. Description: Hernandez, Moises, et al. Accelerating fibre orientation estimation from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging using GPUs. ''PLoS One''. 2013; '''8''' (4):e61892 | |
A Framework for Linear and Non-Linear Registration of Diffusion-Weighted MRIs Using Angular Interpolation. Description: Duarte-Carvajalino, Julio M, et al. A Framework for Linear and Non-Linear Registration of Diffusion-Weighted MRIs Using Angular Interpolation. ''Front Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 41 | |
Identifying group-wise consistent white matter landmarks via novel fiber shape descriptor. Description: Chen, Hanbo, et al. Identifying group-wise consistent white matter landmarks via novel fiber shape descriptor. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2013; '''16''' (Pt 1):66-73 | |
Magnetic resonance field strength effects on diffusion measures and brain connectivity networks. Description: Zhan, Liang, et al. Magnetic resonance field strength effects on diffusion measures and brain connectivity networks. ''Brain Connect''. 2013; '''3''' (1):72-86 | |
Motion Detection in Diffusion MRI via Online ODF Estimation. Description: Caruyer, Emmanuel, et al. Motion Detection in Diffusion MRI via Online ODF Estimation. ''Int J Biomed Imaging''. 2013; '''2013''': 849363 | |
Neural system prediction and identification challenge. Description: Vlachos, Ioannis, et al. Neural system prediction and identification challenge. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2013; '''7''': 43 | |
PANDA: a pipeline toolbox for analyzing brain diffusion images. Description: Cui, Zaixu, et al. PANDA: a pipeline toolbox for analyzing brain diffusion images. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2013; '''7''': 42 | |
Human and monkey ventral prefrontal fibers use the same organizational principles to reach their targets: tracing versus tractography. Description: Jbabdi, Saad, et al. Human and monkey ventral prefrontal fibers use the same organizational principles to reach their targets: tracing versus tractography. ''J Neurosci''. 2013 Feb 13; '''33''' (7):3190-201 | |
The topographic connectome. Description: Jbabdi, Saad, et al. The topographic connectome. ''Curr Opin Neurobiol''. 2013 Apr; '''23''' (2):207-15 | |
Multiband accelerated spin-echo echo planar imaging with reduced peak RF power using time-shifted RF pulses. Description: Auerbach, Edward J, et al. Multiband accelerated spin-echo echo planar imaging with reduced peak RF power using time-shifted RF pulses. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2013 May; '''69''' (5):1261-7 | |
Design of multishell sampling schemes with uniform coverage in diffusion MRI. Description: Caruyer, Emmanuel, et al. Design of multishell sampling schemes with uniform coverage in diffusion MRI. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2013 Jun; '''69''' (6):1534-40 | |
RubiX: combining spatial resolutions for Bayesian inference of crossing fibers in diffusion MRI. Description: Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N, et al. RubiX: combining spatial resolutions for Bayesian inference of crossing fibers in diffusion MRI. ''IEEE Trans Med Imaging''. 2013 Jun; '''32''' (6):969-82 | |
Spatially constrained hierarchical parcellation of the brain with resting-state fMRI. Description: Blumensath, Thomas, et al. Spatially constrained hierarchical parcellation of the brain with resting-state fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Aug 1; '''76''': 313-24 | |
Natural scenes viewing alters the dynamics of functional connectivity in the human brain. Description: Betti, Viviana, et al. Natural scenes viewing alters the dynamics of functional connectivity in the human brain. ''Neuron''. 2013 Aug 21; '''79''' (4):782-97 | |
Frequency specific interactions of MEG resting state activity within and across brain networks as revealed by the multivariate interaction measure. Description: Marzetti, L, et al. Frequency specific interactions of MEG resting state activity within and across brain networks as revealed by the multivariate interaction measure. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 1; '''79''': 172-83 | |
Adding dynamics to the Human Connectome Project with MEG. Description: Larson-Prior, L J, et al. Adding dynamics to the Human Connectome Project with MEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 190-201 | |
Advances in diffusion MRI acquisition and processing in the Human Connectome Project. Description: Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N, et al. Advances in diffusion MRI acquisition and processing in the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 125-43 | |
Connectomic approaches before the connectome. Description: Catani, Marco, et al. Connectomic approaches before the connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 2-13 | |
Function in the human connectome: task-fMRI and individual differences in behavior. Description: Barch, Deanna M, et al. Function in the human connectome: task-fMRI and individual differences in behavior. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 169-89 | |
Genetics of the connectome. Description: Thompson, Paul M, et al. Genetics of the connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 475-88 | |
Human Connectome Project informatics: quality control, database services, and data visualization. Description: Marcus, Daniel S, et al. Human Connectome Project informatics: quality control, database services, and data visualization. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 202-19 | |
Pushing spatial and temporal resolution for functional and diffusion MRI in the Human Connectome Project. Description: Ugurbil, Kamil, et al. Pushing spatial and temporal resolution for functional and diffusion MRI in the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 80-104 | |
Resting-state fMRI in the Human Connectome Project. Description: Smith, Stephen M, et al. Resting-state fMRI in the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 144-68 | |
The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project. Description: Glasser, Matthew F, et al. The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 105-24 | |
The WU-Minn Human Connectome Project: an overview. Description: Van Essen, David C, et al. The WU-Minn Human Connectome Project: an overview. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Oct 15; '''80''': 62-79 | |
Cartography and connectomes. Description: Van Essen, David C. Cartography and connectomes. ''Neuron''. 2013 Oct 30; '''80''' (3):775-90 | |
Twenty-five years of progress: the view from NIMH and NINDS. Description: Insel, Thomas R, et al. Twenty-five years of progress: the view from NIMH and NINDS. ''Neuron''. 2013 Oct 30; '''80''' (3):561-7 | |
Multi-site genetic analysis of diffusion images and voxelwise heritability analysis: a pilot project of the ENIGMA-DTI working group. Description: Jahanshad, Neda, et al. Multi-site genetic analysis of diffusion images and voxelwise heritability analysis: a pilot project of the ENIGMA-DTI working group. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Nov 1; '''81''': 455-469 | |
Effects of image reconstruction on fiber orientation mapping from multichannel diffusion MRI: reducing the noise floor using SENSE. Description: Sotiropoulos, S N, et al. Effects of image reconstruction on fiber orientation mapping from multichannel diffusion MRI: reducing the noise floor using SENSE. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2013 Dec; '''70''' (6):1682-9 | |
Evaluation of slice accelerations using multiband echo planar imaging at 3 T. Description: Xu, Junqian, et al. Evaluation of slice accelerations using multiband echo planar imaging at 3 T. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Dec; '''83''': 991-1001 | |
Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI. Description: Smith, Stephen M, et al. Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI. ''Trends Cogn Sci''. 2013 Dec; '''17''' (12):666-82 | |
Auditory neuroimaging with fMRI and PET. Description: Talavage, Thomas M, et al. Auditory neuroimaging with fMRI and PET. ''Hear Res''. 2014 Jan; '''307''': 4-15 | |
Big data, open science and the brain: lessons learned from genomics. Description: Choudhury, Suparna, et al. Big data, open science and the brain: lessons learned from genomics. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 239 | |
BROCCOLI: Software for fast fMRI analysis on many-core CPUs and GPUs. Description: Eklund, Anders, et al. BROCCOLI: Software for fast fMRI analysis on many-core CPUs and GPUs. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2014; '''8''': 24 | |
Data dictionary services in XNAT and the Human Connectome Project. Description: Herrick, Rick, et al. Data dictionary services in XNAT and the Human Connectome Project. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2014; '''8''': 65 | |
Deriving a multi-subject functional-connectivity atlas to inform connectome estimation. Description: Phlypo, Ronald, et al. Deriving a multi-subject functional-connectivity atlas to inform connectome estimation. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2014; '''17''' (Pt 3):185-92 | |
Image quality transfer via random forest regression: applications in diffusion MRI. Description: Alexander, Daniel C, et al. Image quality transfer via random forest regression: applications in diffusion MRI. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2014; '''17''' (Pt 3):225-32 | |
Methods to detect, characterize, and remove motion artifact in resting state fMRI. Description: Power, Jonathan D, et al. Methods to detect, characterize, and remove motion artifact in resting state fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jan 1; '''84''': 320-41 | |
Network complexity as a measure of information processing across resting-state networks: evidence from the Human Connectome Project. Description: McDonough, Ian M, et al. Network complexity as a measure of information processing across resting-state networks: evidence from the Human Connectome Project. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 409 | |
Probabilistic shortest path tractography in DTI using Gaussian Process ODE solvers. Description: Schober, Michael, et al. Probabilistic shortest path tractography in DTI using Gaussian Process ODE solvers. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2014; '''17''' (Pt 3):265-72 | |
Simulated rich club lesioning in brain networks: a scaffold for communication and integration? Description: de Reus, Marcel A, et al. Simulated rich club lesioning in brain networks: a scaffold for communication and integration? ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 647 | |
Spatial dependencies between large-scale brain networks. Description: Leech, Robert, et al. Spatial dependencies between large-scale brain networks. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (6):e98500 | |
Stochastic blockmodeling of the modules and core of the Caenorhabditis elegans connectome. Description: Pavlovic, Dragana M, et al. Stochastic blockmodeling of the modules and core of the Caenorhabditis elegans connectome. ''PLoS One''. 2014; '''9''' (7):e97584 | |
Which fMRI clustering gives good brain parcellations? Description: Thirion, Bertrand, et al. Which fMRI clustering gives good brain parcellations? ''Front Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 167 | |
Estimates of segregation and overlap of functional connectivity networks in the human cerebral cortex. Description: Yeo, B T Thomas, et al. Estimates of segregation and overlap of functional connectivity networks in the human cerebral cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Mar; '''88''': 212-27 | |
Fast transient networks in spontaneous human brain activity. Description: Baker, Adam P, et al. Fast transient networks in spontaneous human brain activity. ''Elife''. 2014 Mar 25; '''3''': e01867 | |
Functional connectivity-based parcellation of the human sensorimotor cortex. Description: Long, Xiangyu, et al. Functional connectivity-based parcellation of the human sensorimotor cortex. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2014 Apr; '''39''' (8):1332-42 | |
Automatic denoising of functional MRI data: combining independent component analysis and hierarchical fusion of classifiers. Description: Salimi-Khorshidi, Gholamreza, et al. Automatic denoising of functional MRI data: combining independent component analysis and hierarchical fusion of classifiers. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Apr 15; '''90''': 449-68 | |
Magnetic resonance imaging at ultrahigh fields. Description: Ugurbil, Kamil. Magnetic resonance imaging at ultrahigh fields. ''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng''. 2014 May; '''61''' (5):1364-79 | |
Third order spectral analysis robust to mixing artifacts for mapping cross-frequency interactions in EEG/MEG. Description: Chella, F, et al. Third order spectral analysis robust to mixing artifacts for mapping cross-frequency interactions in EEG/MEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 May 1; '''91''': 146-61 | |
Study protocol: The Whitehall II imaging sub-study. Description: Filippini, Nicola, et al. Study protocol: The Whitehall II imaging sub-study. ''BMC Psychiatry''. 2014 May 30; '''14''': 159 | |
A multivariate distance-based analytic framework for connectome-wide association studies. Description: Shehzad, Zarrar, et al. A multivariate distance-based analytic framework for connectome-wide association studies. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jun; '''93 Pt 1''': 74-94 | |
An approach for parcellating human cortical areas using resting-state correlations. Description: Wig, Gagan S, et al. An approach for parcellating human cortical areas using resting-state correlations. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jun; '''93 Pt 2''': 276-91 | |
In vivo architectonics: a cortico-centric perspective. Description: Van Essen, David C, et al. In vivo architectonics: a cortico-centric perspective. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jun; '''93 Pt 2''': 157-64 | |
Trends and properties of human cerebral cortex: correlations with cortical myelin content. Description: Glasser, Matthew F, et al. Trends and properties of human cerebral cortex: correlations with cortical myelin content. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jun; '''93 Pt 2''': 165-75 | |
Impact of family structure and common environment on heritability estimation for neuroimaging genetics studies using Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines. Description: Koran, Mary Ellen, et al. Impact of family structure and common environment on heritability estimation for neuroimaging genetics studies using Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines. ''J Med Imaging (Bellingham)''. 2014 Jun 27; '''1''' (1):014005 | |
Methods and considerations for longitudinal structural brain imaging analysis across development. Description: Mills, Kathryn L, et al. Methods and considerations for longitudinal structural brain imaging analysis across development. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2014 Jul; '''9''': 172-90 | |
Intrinsic and task-evoked network architectures of the human brain. Description: Cole, Michael W, et al. Intrinsic and task-evoked network architectures of the human brain. ''Neuron''. 2014 Jul 2; '''83''' (1):238-51 | |
ICA-based artefact removal and accelerated fMRI acquisition for improved resting state network imaging. Description: Griffanti, Ludovica, et al. ICA-based artefact removal and accelerated fMRI acquisition for improved resting state network imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jul 15; '''95''': 232-47 | |
Time-resolved resting-state brain networks. Description: Zalesky, Andrew, et al. Time-resolved resting-state brain networks. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2014 Jul 15; '''111''' (28):10341-6 | |
Parcellating an individual subject's cortical and subcortical brain structures using snowball sampling of resting-state correlations. Description: Wig, Gagan S, et al. Parcellating an individual subject's cortical and subcortical brain structures using snowball sampling of resting-state correlations. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2014 Aug; '''24''' (8):2036-54 | |
A high performance 3D cluster-based test of unsmoothed fMRI data. Description: Li, Huanjie, et al. A high performance 3D cluster-based test of unsmoothed fMRI data. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Sep; '''98''': 537-46 | |
Effective connectivity during animacy perception--dynamic causal modelling of Human Connectome Project data. Description: Hillebrandt, Hauke, et al. Effective connectivity during animacy perception--dynamic causal modelling of Human Connectome Project data. ''Sci Rep''. 2014 Sep 1; '''4''': 6240 | |
Fast computation of voxel-level brain connectivity maps from resting-state functional MRI using l(1)-norm as approximation of Pearson's temporal correlation: proof-of-concept and example vector hardware implementation. Description: Minati, Ludovico, et al. Fast computation of voxel-level brain connectivity maps from resting-state functional MRI using l(1)-norm as approximation of Pearson's temporal correlation: proof-of-concept and example vector hardware implementation. ''Med Eng Phys''. 2014 Sep; '''36''' (9):1212-7 | |
Semiautomatic segmentation of brain subcortical structures from high-field MRI. Description: Kim, Jinyoung, et al. Semiautomatic segmentation of brain subcortical structures from high-field MRI. ''IEEE J Biomed Health Inform''. 2014 Sep; '''18''' (5):1678-95 | |
Test-retest reliabilities of resting-state FMRI measurements in human brain functional connectomics: a systems neuroscience perspective. Description: Zuo, Xi-Nian, et al. Test-retest reliabilities of resting-state FMRI measurements in human brain functional connectomics: a systems neuroscience perspective. ''Neurosci Biobehav Rev''. 2014 Sep; '''45''': 100-18 | |
Correspondences between retinotopic areas and myelin maps in human visual cortex. Description: Abdollahi, Rouhollah O, et al. Correspondences between retinotopic areas and myelin maps in human visual cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Oct 1; '''99''': 509-24 | |
Evaluation and statistical inference for human connectomes. Description: Pestilli, Franco, et al. Evaluation and statistical inference for human connectomes. ''Nat Methods''. 2014 Oct; '''11''' (10):1058-63 | |
Magnetoencephalography in the study of brain dynamics. Description: Pizzella, Vittorio, et al. Magnetoencephalography in the study of brain dynamics. ''Funct Neurol''. 2014 Oct-Dec; '''29''' (4):241-53 | |
Separable responses to error, ambiguity, and reaction time in cingulo-opercular task control regions. Description: Neta, Maital, et al. Separable responses to error, ambiguity, and reaction time in cingulo-opercular task control regions. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Oct 1; '''99''': 59-68 | |
MSM: a new flexible framework for Multimodal Surface Matching. Description: Robinson, Emma C, et al. MSM: a new flexible framework for Multimodal Surface Matching. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Oct 15; '''100''': 414-26 | |
Behavioral relevance of the dynamics of the functional brain connectome. Description: Jia, Hao, et al. Behavioral relevance of the dynamics of the functional brain connectome. ''Brain Connect''. 2014 Nov; '''4''' (9):741-59 | |
Estimation of the CSA-ODF using Bayesian compressed sensing of multi-shell HARDI. Description: Duarte-Carvajalino, Julio M, et al. Estimation of the CSA-ODF using Bayesian compressed sensing of multi-shell HARDI. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2014 Nov; '''72''' (5):1471-85 | |
Non-Negative Spherical Deconvolution (NNSD) for estimation of fiber Orientation Distribution Function in single-/multi-shell diffusion MRI. Description: Cheng, Jian, et al. Non-Negative Spherical Deconvolution (NNSD) for estimation of fiber Orientation Distribution Function in single-/multi-shell diffusion MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Nov 1; '''101''': 750-64 | |
Multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution for improved analysis of multi-shell diffusion MRI data. Description: Jeurissen, Ben, et al. Multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution for improved analysis of multi-shell diffusion MRI data. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Dec; '''103''': 411-426 | |
Automatic target validation based on neuroscientific literature mining for tractography. Description: Vasques, Xavier, et al. Automatic target validation based on neuroscientific literature mining for tractography. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2015; '''9''': 66 | |
Big Data Approaches for the Analysis of Large-Scale fMRI Data Using Apache Spark and GPU Processing: A Demonstration on Resting-State fMRI Data from the Human Connectome Project. Description: Boubela, Roland N, et al. Big Data Approaches for the Analysis of Large-Scale fMRI Data Using Apache Spark and GPU Processing: A Demonstration on Resting-State fMRI Data from the Human Connectome Project. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 492 | |
Comprehension through explanation as the interaction of the brain's coherence and cognitive control networks. Description: Moss, Jarrod, et al. Comprehension through explanation as the interaction of the brain's coherence and cognitive control networks. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 562 | |
Dynamic connectivity detection: an algorithm for determining functional connectivity change points in fMRI data. Description: Xu, Yuting, et al. Dynamic connectivity detection: an algorithm for determining functional connectivity change points in fMRI data. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 285 | |
Evaluation of highly accelerated simultaneous multi-slice EPI for fMRI. Description: Chen, L, et al. Evaluation of highly accelerated simultaneous multi-slice EPI for fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jan 1; '''104''': 452-9 | |
Graph Theoretical Analysis Reveals: Women's Brains Are Better Connected than Men's. Description: Szalkai, Balazs, et al. Graph Theoretical Analysis Reveals: Women's Brains Are Better Connected than Men's. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (7):e0130045 | |
Heads in the Cloud: A Primer on Neuroimaging Applications of High Performance Computing. Description: Shatil, Anwar S, et al. Heads in the Cloud: A Primer on Neuroimaging Applications of High Performance Computing. ''Magn Reson Insights''. 2015; '''8''' (Suppl 1):69-80 | |
In Vivo 7T MRI of the Non-Human Primate Brainstem. Description: Zitella, Laura M, et al. In Vivo 7T MRI of the Non-Human Primate Brainstem. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (5):e0127049 | |
Joint Spectral Decomposition for the Parcellation of the Human Cerebral Cortex Using Resting-State fMRI. Description: Arslan, Salim, et al. Joint Spectral Decomposition for the Parcellation of the Human Cerebral Cortex Using Resting-State fMRI. ''Inf Process Med Imaging''. 2015; '''24''': 85-97 | |
Measuring Asymmetric Interactions in Resting State Brain Networks. Description: Joshi, Anand A, et al. Measuring Asymmetric Interactions in Resting State Brain Networks. ''Inf Process Med Imaging''. 2015; '''24''': 399-410 | |
Organization of the Human Frontal Pole Revealed by Large-Scale DTI-Based Connectivity: Implications for Control of Behavior. Description: Orr, Joseph M, et al. Organization of the Human Frontal Pole Revealed by Large-Scale DTI-Based Connectivity: Implications for Control of Behavior. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (5):e0124797 | |
Parcellating connectivity in spatial maps. Description: Baldassano, Christopher, et al. Parcellating connectivity in spatial maps. ''PeerJ''. 2015; '''3''': e784 | |
Reorganization of brain networks in aging: a review of functional connectivity studies. Description: Sala-Llonch, Roser, et al. Reorganization of brain networks in aging: a review of functional connectivity studies. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 663 | |
Seeing More by Showing Less: Orientation-Dependent Transparency Rendering for Fiber Tractography Visualization. Description: Tax, Chantal M W, et al. Seeing More by Showing Less: Orientation-Dependent Transparency Rendering for Fiber Tractography Visualization. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (10):e0139434 | |
Spatiotemporal analysis of the appearance of gamma-band Microstates in resting state MEG. Description: Kelsey, Matthew, et al. Spatiotemporal analysis of the appearance of gamma-band Microstates in resting state MEG. ''Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc''. 2015; '''2015''': 2637-40 | |
Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity of People with Obesity and Prediction of Body Mass Index Using Connectivity. Description: Park, Bo-yong, et al. Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity of People with Obesity and Prediction of Body Mass Index Using Connectivity. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (11):e0141376 | |
Subject-specific computational modeling of DBS in the PPTg area. Description: Zitella, Laura M, et al. Subject-specific computational modeling of DBS in the PPTg area. ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 93 | |
Surface-Based Display of Volume-Averaged Cerebellar Imaging Data. Description: Diedrichsen, Jorn, et al. Surface-Based Display of Volume-Averaged Cerebellar Imaging Data. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (7):e0133402 | |
Toward a multisubject analysis of neural connectivity. Description: Oates, C J, et al. Toward a multisubject analysis of neural connectivity. ''Neural Comput''. 2015 Jan; '''27''' (1):151-70 | |
Tractography-Driven Groupwise Multi-scale Parcellation of the Cortex. Description: Parisot, Sarah, et al. Tractography-Driven Groupwise Multi-scale Parcellation of the Cortex. ''Inf Process Med Imaging''. 2015; '''24''': 600-12 | |
Spatial and temporal characteristics of error-related activity in the human brain. Description: Neta, Maital, et al. Spatial and temporal characteristics of error-related activity in the human brain. ''J Neurosci''. 2015 Jan 7; '''35''' (1):253-66 | |
Theoretical and experimental evaluation of multi-band EPI for high-resolution whole brain pCASL Imaging. Description: Li, Xiufeng, et al. Theoretical and experimental evaluation of multi-band EPI for high-resolution whole brain pCASL Imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Feb 1; '''106''': 170-81 | |
Massively expedited genome-wide heritability analysis (MEGHA). Description: Ge, Tian, et al. Massively expedited genome-wide heritability analysis (MEGHA). ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2015 Feb 24; '''112''' (8):2479-84 | |
Synchronization, non-linear dynamics and low-frequency fluctuations: analogy between spontaneous brain activity and networked single-transistor chaotic oscillators. Description: Minati, Ludovico, et al. Synchronization, non-linear dynamics and low-frequency fluctuations: analogy between spontaneous brain activity and networked single-transistor chaotic oscillators. ''Chaos''. 2015 Mar; '''25''' (3):033107 | |
White matter lesional predictors of chronic visual neglect: a longitudinal study. Description: Lunven, Marine, et al. White matter lesional predictors of chronic visual neglect: a longitudinal study. ''Brain''. 2015 Mar; '''138''' (Pt 3):746-60 | |
A kernel machine method for detecting effects of interaction between multidimensional variable sets: an imaging genetics application. Description: Ge, Tian, et al. A kernel machine method for detecting effects of interaction between multidimensional variable sets: an imaging genetics application. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Apr 1; '''109''': 505-514 | |
Analysis of cortical shape in children with simplex autism. Description: Dierker, Donna L, et al. Analysis of cortical shape in children with simplex autism. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Apr; '''25''' (4):1042-51 | |
Brain activity: connectivity, sparsity, and mutual information. Description: Cassidy, Ben, et al. Brain activity: connectivity, sparsity, and mutual information. ''IEEE Trans Med Imaging''. 2015 Apr; '''34''' (4):846-60 | |
Exploring spatiotemporal network transitions in task functional MRI. Description: Scott, Gregory, et al. Exploring spatiotemporal network transitions in task functional MRI. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2015 Apr; '''36''' (4):1348-64 | |
Large-scale probabilistic functional modes from resting state fMRI. Description: Harrison, Samuel J, et al. Large-scale probabilistic functional modes from resting state fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Apr 1; '''109''': 217-31 | |
Cortical thickness gradients in structural hierarchies. Description: Wagstyl, Konrad, et al. Cortical thickness gradients in structural hierarchies. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 May 1; '''111''': 241-50 | |
Heritability of fractional anisotropy in human white matter: a comparison of Human Connectome Project and ENIGMA-DTI data. Description: Kochunov, Peter, et al. Heritability of fractional anisotropy in human white matter: a comparison of Human Connectome Project and ENIGMA-DTI data. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 May 1; '''111''': 300-11 | |
Simultaneous multi-scale diffusion estimation and tractography guided by entropy spectrum pathways. Description: Galinsky, Vitaly L, et al. Simultaneous multi-scale diffusion estimation and tractography guided by entropy spectrum pathways. ''IEEE Trans Med Imaging''. 2015 May; '''34''' (5):1177-93 | |
Specialization and integration of functional thalamocortical connectivity in the human infant. Description: Toulmin, Hilary, et al. Specialization and integration of functional thalamocortical connectivity in the human infant. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2015 May 19; '''112''' (20):6485-90 | |
The Budapest Reference Connectome Server v2.0. Description: Szalkai, Balazs, et al. The Budapest Reference Connectome Server v2.0. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2015 May 19; '''595''': 60-2 | |
Simultaneous multi-slice Turbo-FLASH imaging with CAIPIRINHA for whole brain distortion-free pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 3 and 7 T. Description: Wang, Yi, et al. Simultaneous multi-slice Turbo-FLASH imaging with CAIPIRINHA for whole brain distortion-free pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 3 and 7 T. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jun; '''113''': 279-88 | |
The human connectome in health and psychopathology. Description: Van Essen, David C, et al. The human connectome in health and psychopathology. ''World Psychiatry''. 2015 Jun; '''14''' (2):154-7 | |
A novel brain partition highlights the modular skeleton shared by structure and function. Description: Diez, Ibai, et al. A novel brain partition highlights the modular skeleton shared by structure and function. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Jun 3; '''5''': 10532 | |
Functional topography of the human entorhinal cortex. Description: Navarro Schroder, Tobias, et al. Functional topography of the human entorhinal cortex. ''Elife''. 2015 Jun 8; '''4''': | |
Normal relationship of the cervicomedullary junction with the obex and olivary bodies: a comparison of cadaveric dissection and in vivo diffusion tensor imaging. Description: Middlebrooks, Erik H, et al. Normal relationship of the cervicomedullary junction with the obex and olivary bodies: a comparison of cadaveric dissection and in vivo diffusion tensor imaging. ''Surg Radiol Anat''. 2015 Jul; '''37''' (5):493-7 | |
Differences between Mice and Humans in Regulation and the Molecular Network of Collagen, Type III, Alpha-1 at the Gene Expression Level: Obstacles that Translational Research Must Overcome. Description: Wang, Lishi, et al. Differences between Mice and Humans in Regulation and the Molecular Network of Collagen, Type III, Alpha-1 at the Gene Expression Level: Obstacles that Translational Research Must Overcome. ''Int J Mol Sci''. 2015 Jul 3; '''16''' (7):15031-56 | |
Optimization of large-scale mouse brain connectome via joint evaluation of DTI and neuron tracing data. Description: Chen, Hanbo, et al. Optimization of large-scale mouse brain connectome via joint evaluation of DTI and neuron tracing data. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jul 15; '''115''': 202-13 | |
Less noise, more activation: Multiband acquisition schemes for auditory functional MRI. Description: De Martino, Federico, et al. Less noise, more activation: Multiband acquisition schemes for auditory functional MRI. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2015 Aug; '''74''' (2):462-7 | |
Linking contemporary high resolution magnetic resonance imaging to the von Economo legacy: A study on the comparison of MRI cortical thickness and histological measurements of cortical structure. Description: Scholtens, Lianne H, et al. Linking contemporary high resolution magnetic resonance imaging to the von Economo legacy: A study on the comparison of MRI cortical thickness and histological measurements of cortical structure. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2015 Aug; '''36''' (8):3038-46 | |
Functional System and Areal Organization of a Highly Sampled Individual Human Brain. Description: Laumann, Timothy O, et al. Functional System and Areal Organization of a Highly Sampled Individual Human Brain. ''Neuron''. 2015 Aug 5; '''87''' (3):657-70 | |
A symmetric multivariate leakage correction for MEG connectomes. Description: Colclough, G L, et al. A symmetric multivariate leakage correction for MEG connectomes. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Aug 15; '''117''': 439-48 | |
Distributed Attention Is Implemented through Theta-Rhythmic Gamma Modulation. Description: Landau, Ayelet Nina, et al. Distributed Attention Is Implemented through Theta-Rhythmic Gamma Modulation. ''Curr Biol''. 2015 Aug 31; '''25''' (17):2332-7 | |
Diffusion MRI and its Role in Neuropsychology. Description: Mueller, Bryon A, et al. Diffusion MRI and its Role in Neuropsychology. ''Neuropsychol Rev''. 2015 Sep; '''25''' (3):250-71 | |
Network structure of brain atrophy in de novo Parkinson's disease. Description: Zeighami, Yashar, et al. Network structure of brain atrophy in de novo Parkinson's disease. ''Elife''. 2015 Sep 7; '''4''': | |
Cortical Folding Pattern and its Consistency Induced by Biological Growth. Description: Razavi, Mir Jalil, et al. Cortical Folding Pattern and its Consistency Induced by Biological Growth. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Sep 25; '''5''': 14477 | |
High-Resolution Mapping of Myeloarchitecture In Vivo: Localization of Auditory Areas in the Human Brain. Description: De Martino, Federico, et al. High-Resolution Mapping of Myeloarchitecture In Vivo: Localization of Auditory Areas in the Human Brain. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2015 Oct; '''25''' (10):3394-405 | |
Predicting Activation Across Individuals with Resting-State Functional Connectivity Based Multi-Atlas Label Fusion. Description: Langs, Georg, et al. Predicting Activation Across Individuals with Resting-State Functional Connectivity Based Multi-Atlas Label Fusion. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2015 Oct; '''9350''': 313-320 | |
Shared Predisposition in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Subcortical Brain Structure. Description: Pagliaccio, David, et al. Shared Predisposition in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Subcortical Brain Structure. ''JAMA Psychiatry''. 2015 Oct; '''72''' (10):994-1001 | |
Sparse Bayesian Inference of White Matter Fiber Orientations from Compressed Multi-resolution Diffusion MRI. Description: Pisharady, Pramod Kumar, et al. Sparse Bayesian Inference of White Matter Fiber Orientations from Compressed Multi-resolution Diffusion MRI. ''Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv''. 2015 Oct; '''9349''': 117-124 | |
Molecular network of important genes for systemic sclerosis-related progressive lung fibrosis. Description: Jiao, Yan, et al. Molecular network of important genes for systemic sclerosis-related progressive lung fibrosis. ''BMC Res Notes''. 2015 Oct 7; '''8''': 544 | |
Rhythms for Cognition: Communication through Coherence. Description: Fries, Pascal. Rhythms for Cognition: Communication through Coherence. ''Neuron''. 2015 Oct 7; '''88''' (1):220-35 | |
Bridging Cytoarchitectonics and Connectomics in Human Cerebral Cortex. Description: van den Heuvel, Martijn P, et al. Bridging Cytoarchitectonics and Connectomics in Human Cerebral Cortex. ''J Neurosci''. 2015 Oct 14; '''35''' (41):13943-8 | |
Estimating individual contribution from group-based structural correlation networks. Description: Saggar, Manish, et al. Estimating individual contribution from group-based structural correlation networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 15; '''120''': 274-84 | |
In vivo characterization of the connectivity and subcomponents of the human globus pallidus. Description: Beukema, Patrick, et al. In vivo characterization of the connectivity and subcomponents of the human globus pallidus. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Oct 15; '''120''': 382-93 | |
A positive-negative mode of population covariation links brain connectivity, demographics and behavior. Description: Smith, Stephen M, et al. A positive-negative mode of population covariation links brain connectivity, demographics and behavior. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Nov; '''18''' (11):1565-7 | |
Fiber Orientation and Compartment Parameter Estimation From Multi-Shell Diffusion Imaging. Description: Tran, Giang, et al. Fiber Orientation and Compartment Parameter Estimation From Multi-Shell Diffusion Imaging. ''IEEE Trans Med Imaging''. 2015 Nov; '''34''' (11):2320-32 | |
Functional connectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals using patterns of brain connectivity. Description: Finn, Emily S, et al. Functional connectome fingerprinting: identifying individuals using patterns of brain connectivity. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Nov; '''18''' (11):1664-71 | |
Measuring macroscopic brain connections in vivo. Description: Jbabdi, Saad, et al. Measuring macroscopic brain connections in vivo. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Nov; '''18''' (11):1546-55 | |
The frequency dimension of fMRI dynamic connectivity: Network connectivity, functional hubs and integration in the resting brain. Description: Thompson, William Hedley, et al. The frequency dimension of fMRI dynamic connectivity: Network connectivity, functional hubs and integration in the resting brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Nov 1; '''121''': 227-42 | |
High resolution whole brain diffusion imaging at 7T for the Human Connectome Project. Description: Vu, A T, et al. High resolution whole brain diffusion imaging at 7T for the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Nov 15; '''122''': 318-31 | |
Non-parametric representation and prediction of single- and multi-shell diffusion-weighted MRI data using Gaussian processes. Description: Andersson, Jesper L R, et al. Non-parametric representation and prediction of single- and multi-shell diffusion-weighted MRI data using Gaussian processes. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Nov 15; '''122''': 166-76 | |
Canonical genetic signatures of the adult human brain. Description: Hawrylycz, Michael, et al. Canonical genetic signatures of the adult human brain. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Dec; '''18''' (12):1832-44 | |
Contrast enhancement by combining T1- and T2-weighted structural brain MR Images. Description: Misaki, Masaya, et al. Contrast enhancement by combining T1- and T2-weighted structural brain MR Images. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2015 Dec; '''74''' (6):1609-20 | |
Feasibility of Structural and Functional MRI Acquisition with Unpowered Implants in Argus II Retinal Prosthesis Patients: A Case Study. Description: Cunningham, Samantha I, et al. Feasibility of Structural and Functional MRI Acquisition with Unpowered Implants in Argus II Retinal Prosthesis Patients: A Case Study. ''Transl Vis Sci Technol''. 2015 Dec; '''4''' (6):6 | |
Multi-level block permutation. Description: Winkler, Anderson M, et al. Multi-level block permutation. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Dec; '''123''': 253-68 | |
Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals. Description: Wang, Danhong, et al. Parcellating cortical functional networks in individuals. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2015 Dec; '''18''' (12):1853-60 | |
Relaxed genetic control of cortical organization in human brains compared with chimpanzees. Description: Gomez-Robles, Aida, et al. Relaxed genetic control of cortical organization in human brains compared with chimpanzees. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2015 Dec 1; '''112''' (48):14799-804 | |
Strengths and weaknesses of state of the art fiber tractography pipelines--A comprehensive in-vivo and phantom evaluation study using Tractometer. Description: Neher, Peter F, et al. Strengths and weaknesses of state of the art fiber tractography pipelines--A comprehensive in-vivo and phantom evaluation study using Tractometer. ''Med Image Anal''. 2015 Dec; '''26''' (1):287-305 | |
The controversial existence of the human superior fronto-occipital fasciculus: Connectome-based tractographic study with microdissection validation. Description: Meola, Antonio, et al. The controversial existence of the human superior fronto-occipital fasciculus: Connectome-based tractographic study with microdissection validation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2015 Dec; '''36''' (12):4964-71 | |
Tractography-based Parcellation of the Human Middle Temporal Gyrus. Description: Xu, Jinping, et al. Tractography-based Parcellation of the Human Middle Temporal Gyrus. ''Sci Rep''. 2015 Dec 22; '''5''': 18883 | |
Alignment of Tractograms As Graph Matching. Description: Olivetti, Emanuele, et al. Alignment of Tractograms As Graph Matching. ''Front Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 554 | |
A probabilistic atlas of the cerebellar white matter. Description: van Baarsen, K M, et al. A probabilistic atlas of the cerebellar white matter. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt A):724-732 | |
A Symmetry-Based Method to Infer Structural Brain Networks from Probabilistic Tractography Data. Description: Shadi, Kamal, et al. A Symmetry-Based Method to Infer Structural Brain Networks from Probabilistic Tractography Data. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2016; '''10''': 46 | |
Connected brains and minds--The UMCD repository for brain connectivity matrices. Description: Brown, Jesse A, et al. Connected brains and minds--The UMCD repository for brain connectivity matrices. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt B):1238-1241 | |
Connectivity differences between adult male and female patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder according to resting-state functional MRI. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. Connectivity differences between adult male and female patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder according to resting-state functional MRI. ''Neural Regen Res''. 2016 Jan; '''11''' (1):119-25 | |
ConnectomeDB--Sharing human brain connectivity data. Description: Hodge, Michael R, et al. ConnectomeDB--Sharing human brain connectivity data. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt B):1102-1107 | |
Converting Multi-Shell and Diffusion Spectrum Imaging to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. Description: Yeh, Fang-Cheng, et al. Converting Multi-Shell and Diffusion Spectrum Imaging to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. ''Front Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 418 | |
D-BRAIN: Anatomically Accurate Simulated Diffusion MRI Brain Data. Description: Perrone, Daniele, et al. D-BRAIN: Anatomically Accurate Simulated Diffusion MRI Brain Data. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (3):e0149778 | |
Different interaction modes for the default mode network revealed by resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Description: Zuo, Nianming, et al. Different interaction modes for the default mode network revealed by resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2016 Jan; '''43''' (1):78-88 | |
Early Childhood Depression and Alterations in the Trajectory of Gray Matter Maturation in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence. Description: Luby, Joan L, et al. Early Childhood Depression and Alterations in the Trajectory of Gray Matter Maturation in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence. ''JAMA Psychiatry''. 2016 Jan; '''73''' (1):31-8 | |
Exploring fMRI Results Space: 31 Variants of an fMRI Analysis in AFNI, FSL, and SPM. Description: Pauli, Ruth, et al. Exploring fMRI Results Space: 31 Variants of an fMRI Analysis in AFNI, FSL, and SPM. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2016; '''10''': 24 | |
Eye Movements during Auditory Attention Predict Individual Differences in Dorsal Attention Network Activity. Description: Braga, Rodrigo M, et al. Eye Movements during Auditory Attention Predict Individual Differences in Dorsal Attention Network Activity. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 164 | |
Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations. Description: Gordon, Evan M, et al. Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Jan; '''26''' (1):288-303 | |
Generative models of the human connectome. Description: Betzel, Richard F, et al. Generative models of the human connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt A):1054-1064 | |
Heritability of Hippocampal Formation Sub-region Volumes. Description: Greenspan, Kiefer S, et al. Heritability of Hippocampal Formation Sub-region Volumes. ''J Neurol Neurosci''. 2016; '''7''' (6): | |
Heterogeneity of trans-callosal structural connectivity and effects on resting state subnetwork integrity may underlie both wanted and unwanted effects of therapeutic corpus callostomy. Description: Taylor, Peter Neal, et al. Heterogeneity of trans-callosal structural connectivity and effects on resting state subnetwork integrity may underlie both wanted and unwanted effects of therapeutic corpus callostomy. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2016; '''12''': 341-7 | |
How to Direct the Edges of the Connectomes: Dynamics of the Consensus Connectomes and the Development of the Connections in the Human Brain. Description: Kerepesi, Csaba, et al. How to Direct the Edges of the Connectomes: Dynamics of the Consensus Connectomes and the Development of the Connections in the Human Brain. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (6):e0158680 | |
Let's Not Waste Time: Using Temporal Information in Clustered Activity Estimation with Spatial Adjacency Restrictions (CAESAR) for Parcellating FMRI Data. Description: Janssen, Ronald J, et al. Let's Not Waste Time: Using Temporal Information in Clustered Activity Estimation with Spatial Adjacency Restrictions (CAESAR) for Parcellating FMRI Data. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (12):e0164703 | |
Multimodal 7T Imaging of Thalamic Nuclei for Preclinical Deep Brain Stimulation Applications. Description: Xiao, YiZi, et al. Multimodal 7T Imaging of Thalamic Nuclei for Preclinical Deep Brain Stimulation Applications. ''Front Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 264 | |
Recreational marijuana use impacts white matter integrity and subcortical (but not cortical) morphometry. Description: Orr, Joseph M, et al. Recreational marijuana use impacts white matter integrity and subcortical (but not cortical) morphometry. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2016; '''12''': 47-56 | |
Sharing the wealth: Neuroimaging data repositories. Description: Eickhoff, Simon, et al. Sharing the wealth: Neuroimaging data repositories. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt B):1065-1068 | |
Simulating disease propagation across white matter connectome reveals anatomical substrate for neuropathology staging in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Description: Schmidt, Ruben, et al. Simulating disease propagation across white matter connectome reveals anatomical substrate for neuropathology staging in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt A):762-769 | |
Simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging techniques. Description: Barth, Markus, et al. Simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging techniques. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2016 Jan; '''75''' (1):63-81 | |
Structural Brain Network: What is the Effect of LiFE Optimization of Whole Brain Tractography? Description: Qi, Shouliang, et al. Structural Brain Network: What is the Effect of LiFE Optimization of Whole Brain Tractography? ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 12 | |
Task-Related Edge Density (TED)-A New Method for Revealing Dynamic Network Formation in fMRI Data of the Human Brain. Description: Lohmann, Gabriele, et al. Task-Related Edge Density (TED)-A New Method for Revealing Dynamic Network Formation in fMRI Data of the Human Brain. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (6):e0158185 | |
Temporal Changes in Local Functional Connectivity Density Reflect the Temporal Variability of the Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations in Gray Matter. Description: Tomasi, D, et al. Temporal Changes in Local Functional Connectivity Density Reflect the Temporal Variability of the Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations in Gray Matter. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (4):e0154407 | |
Temporal Non-Local Means Filtering Reveals Real-Time Whole-Brain Cortical Interactions in Resting fMRI. Description: Bhushan, Chitresh, et al. Temporal Non-Local Means Filtering Reveals Real-Time Whole-Brain Cortical Interactions in Resting fMRI. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (7):e0158504 | |
The "Hub Disruption Index," a Reliable Index Sensitive to the Brain Networks Reorganization. A Study of the Contralesional Hemisphere in Stroke. Description: Termenon, Maite, et al. The "Hub Disruption Index," a Reliable Index Sensitive to the Brain Networks Reorganization. A Study of the Contralesional Hemisphere in Stroke. ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 84 | |
Vascular autorescaling of fMRI (VasA fMRI) improves sensitivity of population studies: A pilot study. Description: Kazan, Samira M, et al. Vascular autorescaling of fMRI (VasA fMRI) improves sensitivity of population studies: A pilot study. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 1; '''124''' (Pt A):794-805 | |
An integrated approach to correction for off-resonance effects and subject movement in diffusion MR imaging. Description: Andersson, Jesper L R, et al. An integrated approach to correction for off-resonance effects and subject movement in diffusion MR imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 15; '''125''': 1063-1078 | |
Automatic segmentation of the striatum and globus pallidus using MIST: Multimodal Image Segmentation Tool. Description: Visser, Eelke, et al. Automatic segmentation of the striatum and globus pallidus using MIST: Multimodal Image Segmentation Tool. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 15; '''125''': 479-497 | |
Connectometry: A statistical approach harnessing the analytical potential of the local connectome. Description: Yeh, Fang-Cheng, et al. Connectometry: A statistical approach harnessing the analytical potential of the local connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 15; '''125''': 162-171 | |
Realistic simulation of artefacts in diffusion MRI for validating post-processing correction techniques. Description: Graham, Mark S, et al. Realistic simulation of artefacts in diffusion MRI for validating post-processing correction techniques. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jan 15; '''125''': 1079-1094 | |
Alpha-Beta and Gamma Rhythms Subserve Feedback and Feedforward Influences among Human Visual Cortical Areas. Description: Michalareas, Georgios, et al. Alpha-Beta and Gamma Rhythms Subserve Feedback and Feedforward Influences among Human Visual Cortical Areas. ''Neuron''. 2016 Jan 20; '''89''' (2):384-97 | |
Human brain networks function in connectome-specific harmonic waves. Description: Atasoy, Selen, et al. Human brain networks function in connectome-specific harmonic waves. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Jan 21; '''7''': 10340 | |
Abnormal striatal resting-state functional connectivity in adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Description: Bernstein, Gail A, et al. Abnormal striatal resting-state functional connectivity in adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder. ''Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging''. 2016 Jan 30; '''247''': 49-56 | |
Diverse Phase Relations among Neuronal Rhythms and Their Potential Function. Description: Maris, Eric, et al. Diverse Phase Relations among Neuronal Rhythms and Their Potential Function. ''Trends Neurosci''. 2016 Feb; '''39''' (2):86-99 | |
Ensemble Tractography. Description: Takemura, Hiromasa, et al. Ensemble Tractography. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2016 Feb; '''12''' (2):e1004692 | |
Functional connectivity change as shared signal dynamics. Description: Cole, Michael W, et al. Functional connectivity change as shared signal dynamics. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2016 Feb 1; '''259''': 22-39 | |
Insula reactivity to negative stimuli is associated with daily cigarette use: A preliminary investigation using the Human Connectome Database. Description: Dias, N R, et al. Insula reactivity to negative stimuli is associated with daily cigarette use: A preliminary investigation using the Human Connectome Database. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2016 Feb 1; '''159''': 277-80 | |
Subdivision of Broca's region based on individual-level functional connectivity. Description: Jakobsen, Estrid, et al. Subdivision of Broca's region based on individual-level functional connectivity. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2016 Feb; '''43''' (4):561-71 | |
Voxel-Based Meta-Analytical Evidence of Structural Disconnectivity in Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Description: Wise, Toby, et al. Voxel-Based Meta-Analytical Evidence of Structural Disconnectivity in Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2016 Feb 15; '''79''' (4):293-302 | |
Quantitative mapping of the per-axon diffusion coefficients in brain white matter. Description: Kaden, Enrico, et al. Quantitative mapping of the per-axon diffusion coefficients in brain white matter. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2016 Apr; '''75''' (4):1752-63 | |
Trade-off between angular and spatial resolutions in in vivo fiber tractography. Description: Vos, Sjoerd B, et al. Trade-off between angular and spatial resolutions in in vivo fiber tractography. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Apr 1; '''129''': 117-132 | |
Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance. Description: Tavor, I, et al. Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance. ''Science''. 2016 Apr 8; '''352''' (6282):216-20 | |
Training shortest-path tractography: Automatic learning of spatial priors. Description: Kasenburg, Niklas, et al. Training shortest-path tractography: Automatic learning of spatial priors. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Apr 15; '''130''': 63-76 | |
A Major Human White Matter Pathway Between Dorsal and Ventral Visual Cortex. Description: Takemura, Hiromasa, et al. A Major Human White Matter Pathway Between Dorsal and Ventral Visual Cortex. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 May; '''26''' (5):2205-2214 | |
Connectivity Analysis and Feature Classification in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sub-Types: A Task Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. Connectivity Analysis and Feature Classification in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Sub-Types: A Task Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. ''Brain Topogr''. 2016 May; '''29''' (3):429-39 | |
The application of a new sampling theorem for non-bandlimited signals on the sphere: Improving the recovery of crossing fibers for low b-value acquisitions. Description: Deslauriers-Gauthier, Samuel, et al. The application of a new sampling theorem for non-bandlimited signals on the sphere: Improving the recovery of crossing fibers for low b-value acquisitions. ''Med Image Anal''. 2016 May; '''30''': 46-59 | |
Complementary Characteristics of Correlation Patterns in Morphometric Correlation Networks of Cortical Thickness, Surface Area, and Gray Matter Volume. Description: Yang, Jin-Ju, et al. Complementary Characteristics of Correlation Patterns in Morphometric Correlation Networks of Cortical Thickness, Surface Area, and Gray Matter Volume. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 May 26; '''6''': 26682 | |
Characterizing dynamic local functional connectivity in the human brain. Description: Deng, Lifu, et al. Characterizing dynamic local functional connectivity in the human brain. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 May 27; '''6''': 26976 | |
Dependency Network Analysis (DEPNA) Reveals Context Related Influence of Brain Network Nodes. Description: Jacob, Yael, et al. Dependency Network Analysis (DEPNA) Reveals Context Related Influence of Brain Network Nodes. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jun 7; '''6''': 27444 | |
Common Measures for National Institute of Mental Health Funded Research. Description: Barch, Deanna M, et al. Common Measures for National Institute of Mental Health Funded Research. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2016 Jun 15; '''79''' (12):e91-6 | |
Fusion in diffusion MRI for improved fibre orientation estimation: An application to the 3T and 7T data of the Human Connectome Project. Description: Sotiropoulos, Stamatios N, et al. Fusion in diffusion MRI for improved fibre orientation estimation: An application to the 3T and 7T data of the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jul 1; '''134''': 396-409 | |
Gibbs ringing in diffusion MRI. Description: Veraart, Jelle, et al. Gibbs ringing in diffusion MRI. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2016 Jul; '''76''' (1):301-14 | |
Resting-state functional connectivity of the human habenula in healthy individuals: Associations with subclinical depression. Description: Ely, Benjamin A, et al. Resting-state functional connectivity of the human habenula in healthy individuals: Associations with subclinical depression. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2016 Jul; '''37''' (7):2369-84 | |
Cluster failure: Why fMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates. Description: Eklund, Anders, et al. Cluster failure: Why fMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2016 Jul 12; '''113''' (28):7900-5 | |
Overlapping communities reveal rich structure in large-scale brain networks during rest and task conditions. Description: Najafi, Mahshid, et al. Overlapping communities reveal rich structure in large-scale brain networks during rest and task conditions. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Jul 15; '''135''': 92-106 | |
Group-wise parcellation of the cortex through multi-scale spectral clustering. Description: Parisot, Sarah, et al. Group-wise parcellation of the cortex through multi-scale spectral clustering. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Aug 1; '''136''': 68-83 | |
Multivariate dynamical systems-based estimation of causal brain interactions in fMRI: Group-level validation using benchmark data, neurophysiological models and human connectome project data. Description: Ryali, Srikanth, et al. Multivariate dynamical systems-based estimation of causal brain interactions in fMRI: Group-level validation using benchmark data, neurophysiological models and human connectome project data. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2016 Aug 1; '''268''': 142-53 | |
The Human Brainnetome Atlas: A New Brain Atlas Based on Connectional Architecture. Description: Fan, Lingzhong, et al. The Human Brainnetome Atlas: A New Brain Atlas Based on Connectional Architecture. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2016 Aug; '''26''' (8):3508-26 | |
A multi-modal parcellation of human cerebral cortex. Description: Glasser, Matthew F, et al. A multi-modal parcellation of human cerebral cortex. ''Nature''. 2016 Aug 11; '''536''' (7615):171-178 | |
Higher Intelligence Is Associated with Less Task-Related Brain Network Reconfiguration. Description: Schultz, Douglas H, et al. Higher Intelligence Is Associated with Less Task-Related Brain Network Reconfiguration. ''J Neurosci''. 2016 Aug 17; '''36''' (33):8551-61 | |
Revealing the neural fingerprints of a missing hand. Description: Kikkert, Sanne, et al. Revealing the neural fingerprints of a missing hand. ''Elife''. 2016 Aug 23; '''5''': | |
Functional brain networks related to individual differences in human intelligence at rest. Description: Hearne, Luke J, et al. Functional brain networks related to individual differences in human intelligence at rest. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Aug 26; '''6''': 32328 | |
How reliable are MEG resting-state connectivity metrics? Description: Colclough, G L, et al. How reliable are MEG resting-state connectivity metrics? ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Sep; '''138''': 284-293 | |
Observational learning computations in neurons of the human anterior cingulate cortex. Description: Hill, Michael R, et al. Observational learning computations in neurons of the human anterior cingulate cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Sep 6; '''7''': 12722 | |
Multi-compartment microscopic diffusion imaging. Description: Kaden, Enrico, et al. Multi-compartment microscopic diffusion imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Oct 1; '''139''': 346-359 | |
Understanding Heterogeneity in Clinical Cohorts Using Normative Models: Beyond Case-Control Studies. Description: Marquand, Andre F, et al. Understanding Heterogeneity in Clinical Cohorts Using Normative Models: Beyond Case-Control Studies. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2016 Oct 1; '''80''' (7):552-61 | |
Gamma-Rhythmic Gain Modulation. Description: Ni, Jianguang, et al. Gamma-Rhythmic Gain Modulation. ''Neuron''. 2016 Oct 5; '''92''' (1):240-251 | |
Cingulo-opercular network efficiency mediates the association between psychotic-like experiences and cognitive ability in the general population. Description: Sheffield, Julia M, et al. Cingulo-opercular network efficiency mediates the association between psychotic-like experiences and cognitive ability in the general population. ''Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging''. 2016 Nov; '''1''' (6):498-506 | |
Comprehensive cellular-resolution atlas of the adult human brain. Description: Ding, Song-Lin, et al. Comprehensive cellular-resolution atlas of the adult human brain. ''J Comp Neurol''. 2016 Nov 1; '''524''' (16):3127-481 | |
In vivo delineation of subdivisions of the human amygdaloid complex in a high-resolution group template. Description: Tyszka, J Michael, et al. In vivo delineation of subdivisions of the human amygdaloid complex in a high-resolution group template. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2016 Nov; '''37''' (11):3979-3998 | |
Situating the default-mode network along a principal gradient of macroscale cortical organization. Description: Margulies, Daniel S, et al. Situating the default-mode network along a principal gradient of macroscale cortical organization. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2016 Nov 1; '''113''' (44):12574-12579 | |
The extreme capsule fiber complex in humans and macaque monkeys: a comparative diffusion MRI tractography study. Description: Mars, Rogier B, et al. The extreme capsule fiber complex in humans and macaque monkeys: a comparative diffusion MRI tractography study. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2016 Nov; '''221''' (8):4059-4071 | |
Multidimensional heritability analysis of neuroanatomical shape. Description: Ge, Tian, et al. Multidimensional heritability analysis of neuroanatomical shape. ''Nat Commun''. 2016 Nov 15; '''7''': 13291 | |
Optimal DSI reconstruction parameter recommendations: Better ODFs and better connectivity. Description: Paquette, Michael, et al. Optimal DSI reconstruction parameter recommendations: Better ODFs and better connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Nov 15; '''142''': 1-13 | |
Reliability of graph analysis of resting state fMRI using test-retest dataset from the Human Connectome Project. Description: Termenon, M, et al. Reliability of graph analysis of resting state fMRI using test-retest dataset from the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Nov 15; '''142''': 172-187 | |
Mechanism of Consistent Gyrus Formation: an Experimental and Computational Study. Description: Zhang, Tuo, et al. Mechanism of Consistent Gyrus Formation: an Experimental and Computational Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Nov 17; '''6''': 37272 | |
Activity flow over resting-state networks shapes cognitive task activations. Description: Cole, Michael W, et al. Activity flow over resting-state networks shapes cognitive task activations. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2016 Dec; '''19''' (12):1718-1726 | |
Phase-cycled simultaneous multislice balanced SSFP imaging with CAIPIRINHA for efficient banding reduction. Description: Wang, Yi, et al. Phase-cycled simultaneous multislice balanced SSFP imaging with CAIPIRINHA for efficient banding reduction. ''Magn Reson Med''. 2016 Dec; '''76''' (6):1764-1774 | |
Temporal Dynamics and Developmental Maturation of Salience, Default and Central-Executive Network Interactions Revealed by Variational Bayes Hidden Markov Modeling. Description: Ryali, Srikanth, et al. Temporal Dynamics and Developmental Maturation of Salience, Default and Central-Executive Network Interactions Revealed by Variational Bayes Hidden Markov Modeling. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2016 Dec; '''12''' (12):e1005138 | |
Fixing the stimulus-as-fixed-effect fallacy in task fMRI. Description: Westfall, Jacob, et al. Fixing the stimulus-as-fixed-effect fallacy in task fMRI. ''Wellcome Open Res''. 2016 Dec 9; '''1''': 23 | |
Microstructure Imaging of Crossing (MIX) White Matter Fibers from diffusion MRI. Description: Farooq, Hamza, et al. Microstructure Imaging of Crossing (MIX) White Matter Fibers from diffusion MRI. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Dec 16; '''6''': 38927 | |
Bursty properties revealed in large-scale brain networks with a point-based method for dynamic functional connectivity. Description: Thompson, William Hedley, et al. Bursty properties revealed in large-scale brain networks with a point-based method for dynamic functional connectivity. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Dec 19; '''6''': 39156 | |
Active delineation of Meyer's loop using oriented priors through MAGNEtic tractography (MAGNET). Description: Chamberland, Maxime, et al. Active delineation of Meyer's loop using oriented priors through MAGNEtic tractography (MAGNET). ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2017 Jan; '''38''' (1):509-527 | |
Agreement between functional connectivity and cortical thickness-driven correlation maps of the medial frontal cortex. Description: Park, Hyunjin, et al. Agreement between functional connectivity and cortical thickness-driven correlation maps of the medial frontal cortex. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (3):e0171803 | |
Amyloid Imaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Predict Driving Performance Among Cognitively Normal Individuals. Description: Roe, Catherine M, et al. Amyloid Imaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Predict Driving Performance Among Cognitively Normal Individuals. ''Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord''. 2017 Jan-Mar; '''31''' (1):69-72 | |
Analysis of alcohol use disorders from the Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample: Correlation of brain cortical thickness with neuroticism. Description: Zhao, Yihong, et al. Analysis of alcohol use disorders from the Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland Sample: Correlation of brain cortical thickness with neuroticism. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2017 Jan 1; '''170''': 66-73 | |
Auditory and visual connectivity gradients in frontoparietal cortex. Description: Braga, Rodrigo M, et al. Auditory and visual connectivity gradients in frontoparietal cortex. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2017 Jan; '''38''' (1):255-270 | |
Automated white matter fiber tract identification in patients with brain tumors. Description: O'Donnell, Lauren J, et al. Automated white matter fiber tract identification in patients with brain tumors. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2017; '''13''': 138-153 | |
Bayesian Tractography Using Geometric Shape Priors. Description: Dong, Xiaoming, et al. Bayesian Tractography Using Geometric Shape Priors. ''Front Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 483 | |
Brain Mapping and Synapse Quantification In vivo: It's Time to Imaging. Description: Acebes, Angel. Brain Mapping and Synapse Quantification In vivo: It's Time to Imaging. ''Front Neuroanat''. 2017; '''11''': 17 | |
Brain Network Dynamics Adhere to a Power Law. Description: Tomasi, Dardo G, et al. Brain Network Dynamics Adhere to a Power Law. ''Front Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 72 | |
Cortex Parcellation Associated Whole White Matter Parcellation in Individual Subjects. Description: Schiffler, Patrick, et al. Cortex Parcellation Associated Whole White Matter Parcellation in Individual Subjects. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 352 | |
Damage to white matter bottlenecks contributes to language impairments after left hemispheric stroke. Description: Griffis, Joseph C, et al. Damage to white matter bottlenecks contributes to language impairments after left hemispheric stroke. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2017; '''14''': 552-565 | |
N-of-1 Trial in Person with Pontine Stroke Receiving Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Improve Hand Function. Description: Frost, Kate L, et al. N-of-1 Trial in Person with Pontine Stroke Receiving Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Improve Hand Function. ''J Neuroimaging Psychiatry Neurol''. 2017; '''2''' (2):36-42 | |
Probabilistic White Matter Atlases of Human Auditory, Basal Ganglia, Language, Precuneus, Sensorimotor, Visual and Visuospatial Networks. Description: Figley, Teresa D, et al. Probabilistic White Matter Atlases of Human Auditory, Basal Ganglia, Language, Precuneus, Sensorimotor, Visual and Visuospatial Networks. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 306 | |
Reproducible Large-Scale Neuroimaging Studies with the OpenMOLE Workflow Management System. Description: Passerat-Palmbach, Jonathan, et al. Reproducible Large-Scale Neuroimaging Studies with the OpenMOLE Workflow Management System. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2017; '''11''': 21 | |
Resting connectivity predicts task activation in pre-surgical populations. Description: Parker Jones, O, et al. Resting connectivity predicts task activation in pre-surgical populations. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2017; '''13''': 378-385 | |
The Brain Analysis Library of Spatial maps and Atlases (BALSA) database. Description: Van Essen, David C, et al. The Brain Analysis Library of Spatial maps and Atlases (BALSA) database. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Jan; '''144''' (Pt B):270-274 | |
Within brain area tractography suggests local modularity using high resolution connectomics. Description: Taylor, Peter N, et al. Within brain area tractography suggests local modularity using high resolution connectomics. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jan 5; '''7''': 39859 | |
Individual-specific features of brain systems identified with resting state functional correlations. Description: Gordon, Evan M, et al. Individual-specific features of brain systems identified with resting state functional correlations. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Feb 1; '''146''': 918-939 | |
Parameterizable consensus connectomes from the Human Connectome Project: the Budapest Reference Connectome Server v3.0. Description: Szalkai, Balazs, et al. Parameterizable consensus connectomes from the Human Connectome Project: the Budapest Reference Connectome Server v3.0. ''Cogn Neurodyn''. 2017 Feb; '''11''' (1):113-116 | |
Particle swarm optimization for programming deep brain stimulation arrays. Description: Pena, Edgar, et al. Particle swarm optimization for programming deep brain stimulation arrays. ''J Neural Eng''. 2017 Feb; '''14''' (1):016014 | |
The fiber-density-coreset for redundancy reduction in huge fiber-sets. Description: Alexandroni, Guy, et al. The fiber-density-coreset for redundancy reduction in huge fiber-sets. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Feb 1; '''146''': 246-256 | |
Fluid and flexible minds: Intelligence reflects synchrony in the brain's intrinsic network architecture. Description: Ferguson, Michael A, et al. Fluid and flexible minds: Intelligence reflects synchrony in the brain's intrinsic network architecture. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2017 Spring; '''1''' (2):192-207 | |
The obese brain as a heritable phenotype: a combined morphometry and twin study. Description: Weise, C M, et al. The obese brain as a heritable phenotype: a combined morphometry and twin study. ''Int J Obes (Lond)''. 2017 Mar; '''41''' (3):458-466 | |
White matter connections of the inferior parietal lobule: A study of surgical anatomy. Description: Burks, Joshua D, et al. White matter connections of the inferior parietal lobule: A study of surgical anatomy. ''Brain Behav''. 2017 Apr; '''7''' (4):e00640 | |
Towards a comprehensive framework for movement and distortion correction of diffusion MR images: Within volume movement. Description: Andersson, Jesper L R, et al. Towards a comprehensive framework for movement and distortion correction of diffusion MR images: Within volume movement. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 May 15; '''152''': 450-466 | |
Association Between Reward Reactivity and Drug Use Severity is Substance Dependent: Preliminary Evidence From the Human Connectome Project. Description: Peechatka, Alyssa L, et al. Association Between Reward Reactivity and Drug Use Severity is Substance Dependent: Preliminary Evidence From the Human Connectome Project. ''Nicotine Tob Res''. 2017 Jun 1; '''19''' (6):710-715 | |
Hand classification of fMRI ICA noise components. Description: Griffanti, Ludovica, et al. Hand classification of fMRI ICA noise components. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Jul 1; '''154''': 188-205 | |
Quantifying the brain's sheet structure with normalized convolution. Description: Tax, Chantal M W, et al. Quantifying the brain's sheet structure with normalized convolution. ''Med Image Anal''. 2017 Jul; '''39''': 162-177 | |
Top-Down Beta Enhances Bottom-Up Gamma. Description: Richter, Craig G, et al. Top-Down Beta Enhances Bottom-Up Gamma. ''J Neurosci''. 2017 Jul 12; '''37''' (28):6698-6711 | |
Bayesian switching factor analysis for estimating time-varying functional connectivity in fMRI. Description: Taghia, Jalil, et al. Bayesian switching factor analysis for estimating time-varying functional connectivity in fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Jul 15; '''155''': 271-290 | |
Protein synthesis is associated with high-speed dynamics and broad-band stability of functional hubs in the brain. Description: Hellyer, Peter J, et al. Protein synthesis is associated with high-speed dynamics and broad-band stability of functional hubs in the brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Jul 15; '''155''': 209-216 | |
Parallel Interdigitated Distributed Networks within the Individual Estimated by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity. Description: Braga, Rodrigo M, et al. Parallel Interdigitated Distributed Networks within the Individual Estimated by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity. ''Neuron''. 2017 Jul 19; '''95''' (2):457-471.e5 | |
Contextual connectivity: A framework for understanding the intrinsic dynamic architecture of large-scale functional brain networks. Description: Ciric, Rastko, et al. Contextual connectivity: A framework for understanding the intrinsic dynamic architecture of large-scale functional brain networks. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Jul 26; '''7''' (1):6537 | |
The heritability of multi-modal connectivity in human brain activity. Description: Colclough, Giles L, et al. The heritability of multi-modal connectivity in human brain activity. ''Elife''. 2017 Jul 26; '''6''': | |
Anisotropic finite element models for brain injury prediction: the sensitivity of axonal strain to white matter tract inter-subject variability. Description: Giordano, Chiara, et al. Anisotropic finite element models for brain injury prediction: the sensitivity of axonal strain to white matter tract inter-subject variability. ''Biomech Model Mechanobiol''. 2017 Aug; '''16''' (4):1269-1293 | |
Deconstructing white matter connectivity of human amygdala nuclei with thalamus and cortex subdivisions in vivo. Description: Abivardi, Aslan, et al. Deconstructing white matter connectivity of human amygdala nuclei with thalamus and cortex subdivisions in vivo. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2017 Aug; '''38''' (8):3927-3940 | |
Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains. Description: Gordon, Evan M, et al. Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains. ''Neuron''. 2017 Aug 16; '''95''' (4):791-807.e7 | |
Anatomical and functional organization of the human substantia nigra and its connections. Description: Zhang, Yu, et al. Anatomical and functional organization of the human substantia nigra and its connections. ''Elife''. 2017 Aug 21; '''6''': | |
Comparing test-retest reliability of dynamic functional connectivity methods. Description: Choe, Ann S, et al. Comparing test-retest reliability of dynamic functional connectivity methods. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Sep; '''158''': 155-175 | |
Cross-population myelination covariance of human cerebral cortex. Description: Ma, Zhiwei, et al. Cross-population myelination covariance of human cerebral cortex. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2017 Sep; '''38''' (9):4730-4743 | |
Multidimensional encoding of brain connectomes. Description: Caiafa, Cesar F, et al. Multidimensional encoding of brain connectomes. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Sep 13; '''7''' (1):11491 | |
Graph theory reveals amygdala modules consistent with its anatomical subdivisions. Description: Caparelli, Elisabeth C, et al. Graph theory reveals amygdala modules consistent with its anatomical subdivisions. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 31; '''7''' (1):14392 | |
Neuroanatomical foundations of delayed reward discounting decision making. Description: Owens, Max M, et al. Neuroanatomical foundations of delayed reward discounting decision making. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 1; '''161''': 261-270 | |
The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography. Description: Maier-Hein, Klaus H, et al. The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography. ''Nat Commun''. 2017 Nov 7; '''8''' (1):1349 | |
Functional subdivisions of the hypothalamus using areal parcellation and their signal changes related to glucose metabolism. Description: Osada, Takahiro, et al. Functional subdivisions of the hypothalamus using areal parcellation and their signal changes related to glucose metabolism. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 15; '''162''': 1-12 | |
Sensory-biased attention networks in human lateral frontal cortex revealed by intrinsic functional connectivity. Description: Tobyne, Sean M, et al. Sensory-biased attention networks in human lateral frontal cortex revealed by intrinsic functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Nov 15; '''162''': 362-372 | |
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) and Gulf War Illness (GWI): HLA-DRB1*13:02 Spares Subcortical Atrophy in Gulf War Veterans. Description: James, Lisa M, et al. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) and Gulf War Illness (GWI): HLA-DRB1*13:02 Spares Subcortical Atrophy in Gulf War Veterans. ''EBioMedicine''. 2017 Dec; '''26''': 126-131 | |
Short parietal lobe connections of the human and monkey brain. Description: Catani, Marco, et al. Short parietal lobe connections of the human and monkey brain. ''Cortex''. 2017 Dec; '''97''': 339-357 | |
Altered caudate connectivity is associated with executive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury. Description: De Simoni, Sara, et al. Altered caudate connectivity is associated with executive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury. ''Brain''. 2018 Jan 1; '''141''' (1):148-164 | |
A Set of Functional Brain Networks for the Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Characteristics. Description: Sung, Yul-Wan, et al. A Set of Functional Brain Networks for the Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Characteristics. ''Front Neurosci''. 2018; '''12''': 149 | |
Data management and sharing in neuroimaging: Practices and perceptions of MRI researchers. Description: Borghi, John A, et al. Data management and sharing in neuroimaging: Practices and perceptions of MRI researchers. ''PLoS One''. 2018; '''13''' (7):e0200562 | |
delta-MAPS: from spatio-temporal data to a weighted and lagged network between functional domains. Description: Fountalis, Ilias, et al. delta-MAPS: from spatio-temporal data to a weighted and lagged network between functional domains. ''Appl Netw Sci''. 2018; '''3''' (1):21 | |
Frequency-based brain networks: From a multiplex framework to a full multilayer description. Description: Buldu, Javier M, et al. Frequency-based brain networks: From a multiplex framework to a full multilayer description. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2018; '''2''' (4):418-441 | |
Functional connectome of the five-factor model of personality. Description: Toschi, N, et al. Functional connectome of the five-factor model of personality. ''Personal Neurosci''. 2018; '''1''': | |
Geometric Convolutional Neural Network for Analyzing Surface-Based Neuroimaging Data. Description: Seong, Si-Baek, et al. Geometric Convolutional Neural Network for Analyzing Surface-Based Neuroimaging Data. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2018; '''12''': 42 | |
Grading of Frequency Spectral Centroid Across Resting-State Networks. Description: Ries, Anja, et al. Grading of Frequency Spectral Centroid Across Resting-State Networks. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2018; '''12''': 436 | |
Mapping hybrid functional-structural connectivity traits in the human connectome. Description: Amico, Enrico, et al. Mapping hybrid functional-structural connectivity traits in the human connectome. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2018; '''2''' (3):306-322 | |
No evidence for morphometric associations of the amygdala and hippocampus with the five-factor model personality traits in relatively healthy young adults. Description: Gray, Joshua C, et al. No evidence for morphometric associations of the amygdala and hippocampus with the five-factor model personality traits in relatively healthy young adults. ''PLoS One''. 2018; '''13''' (9):e0204011 | |
Preliminary evidence for genetic overlap between body mass index and striatal reward response. Description: Lancaster, T M, et al. Preliminary evidence for genetic overlap between body mass index and striatal reward response. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2018 Jan 10; '''8''' (1):19 | |
Subcortical evidence for a contribution of arousal to fMRI studies of brain activity. Description: Liu, Xiao, et al. Subcortical evidence for a contribution of arousal to fMRI studies of brain activity. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Jan 26; '''9''' (1):395 | |
Estimation of white matter fiber parameters from compressed multiresolution diffusion MRI using sparse Bayesian learning. Description: Pisharady, Pramod Kumar, et al. Estimation of white matter fiber parameters from compressed multiresolution diffusion MRI using sparse Bayesian learning. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Feb 15; '''167''': 488-503 | |
The relationship between spatial configuration and functional connectivity of brain regions. Description: Bijsterbosch, Janine Diane, et al. The relationship between spatial configuration and functional connectivity of brain regions. ''Elife''. 2018 Feb 16; '''7''': | |
Imaging at ultrahigh magnetic fields: History, challenges, and solutions. Description: Ugurbil, Kamil. Imaging at ultrahigh magnetic fields: History, challenges, and solutions. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Mar; '''168''': 7-32 | |
Post-genomic behavioral genetics: From revolution to routine. Description: Ashbrook, D G, et al. Post-genomic behavioral genetics: From revolution to routine. ''Genes Brain Behav''. 2018 Mar; '''17''' (3):e12441 | |
Protective Effect of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Allele DRB1*13:02 on Age-Related Brain Gray Matter Volume Reduction in Healthy Women. Description: James, Lisa M, et al. Protective Effect of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Allele DRB1*13:02 on Age-Related Brain Gray Matter Volume Reduction in Healthy Women. ''EBioMedicine''. 2018 Mar; '''29''': 31-37 | |
The crossed frontal aslant tract: A possible pathway involved in the recovery of supplementary motor area syndrome. Description: Baker, Cordell M, et al. The crossed frontal aslant tract: A possible pathway involved in the recovery of supplementary motor area syndrome. ''Brain Behav''. 2018 Mar; '''8''' (3):e00926 | |
The impact of ultra-high field MRI on cognitive and computational neuroimaging. Description: De Martino, Federico, et al. The impact of ultra-high field MRI on cognitive and computational neuroimaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Mar; '''168''': 366-382 | |
Temporal transitions of spontaneous brain activity. Description: Ma, Zhiwei, et al. Temporal transitions of spontaneous brain activity. ''Elife''. 2018 Mar 8; '''7''': | |
Concurrent white matter bundles and grey matter networks using independent component analysis. Description: O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan, et al. Concurrent white matter bundles and grey matter networks using independent component analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Apr 15; '''170''': 296-306 | |
Gray-matter structural variability in the human cerebellum: Lobule-specific differences across sex and hemisphere. Description: Steele, Christopher J, et al. Gray-matter structural variability in the human cerebellum: Lobule-specific differences across sex and hemisphere. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Apr 15; '''170''': 164-173 | |
Reconstructing the Neanderthal brain using computational anatomy. Description: Kochiyama, Takanori, et al. Reconstructing the Neanderthal brain using computational anatomy. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Apr 26; '''8''' (1):6296 | |
Evidence for association between familial bipolar risk and ventral striatal volume. Description: Lancaster, T M. Evidence for association between familial bipolar risk and ventral striatal volume. ''J Affect Disord''. 2018 May; '''232''': 69-72 | |
Identifying and characterizing systematic temporally-lagged BOLD artifacts. Description: Byrge, Lisa, et al. Identifying and characterizing systematic temporally-lagged BOLD artifacts. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 May 1; '''171''': 376-392 | |
Whole brain comparative anatomy using connectivity blueprints. Description: Mars, Rogier B, et al. Whole brain comparative anatomy using connectivity blueprints. ''Elife''. 2018 May 11; '''7''': | |
Improved estimation of subject-level functional connectivity using full and partial correlation with empirical Bayes shrinkage. Description: Mejia, Amanda F, et al. Improved estimation of subject-level functional connectivity using full and partial correlation with empirical Bayes shrinkage. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 May 15; '''172''': 478-491 | |
Neurocranial anatomy of an enigmatic Early Devonian fish sheds light on early osteichthyan evolution. Description: Clement, Alice M, et al. Neurocranial anatomy of an enigmatic Early Devonian fish sheds light on early osteichthyan evolution. ''Elife''. 2018 May 29; '''7''': | |
The quest for identifiability in human functional connectomes. Description: Amico, Enrico, et al. The quest for identifiability in human functional connectomes. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 May 29; '''8''' (1):8254 | |
Uncovering hidden brain state dynamics that regulate performance and decision-making during cognition. Description: Taghia, Jalil, et al. Uncovering hidden brain state dynamics that regulate performance and decision-making during cognition. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Jun 27; '''9''' (1):2505 | |
Distinct functional and structural neural underpinnings of working memory. Description: Owens, Max M, et al. Distinct functional and structural neural underpinnings of working memory. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Jul 1; '''174''': 463-471 | |
The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study: Imaging acquisition across 21 sites. Description: Casey, B J, et al. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study: Imaging acquisition across 21 sites. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2018 Aug; '''32''': 43-54 | |
Zero-shot fMRI decoding with three-dimensional registration based on diffusion tensor imaging. Description: Fuchigami, Takuya, et al. Zero-shot fMRI decoding with three-dimensional registration based on diffusion tensor imaging. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Aug 17; '''8''' (1):12342 | |
Inter-network connectivity and amyloid-beta linked to cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal cohort study. Description: Van Hooren, Roy W E, et al. Inter-network connectivity and amyloid-beta linked to cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal cohort study. ''Alzheimers Res Ther''. 2018 Aug 28; '''10''' (1):88 | |
An Autonomic Network: Synchrony Between Slow Rhythms of Pulse and Brain Resting State Is Associated with Personality and Emotions. Description: Shokri-Kojori, Ehsan, et al. An Autonomic Network: Synchrony Between Slow Rhythms of Pulse and Brain Resting State Is Associated with Personality and Emotions. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2018 Sep 1; '''28''' (9):3356-3371 | |
Comparison of fluctuations in global network topology of modeled and empirical brain functional connectivity. Description: Fukushima, Makoto, et al. Comparison of fluctuations in global network topology of modeled and empirical brain functional connectivity. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2018 Sep; '''14''' (9):e1006497 | |
Dorsal and ventral cortices are coupled by cross-frequency interactions during working memory. Description: Popov, Tzvetan, et al. Dorsal and ventral cortices are coupled by cross-frequency interactions during working memory. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Sep; '''178''': 277-286 | |
Reaffirming the link between chronic phantom limb pain and maintained missing hand representation. Description: Kikkert, Sanne, et al. Reaffirming the link between chronic phantom limb pain and maintained missing hand representation. ''Cortex''. 2018 Sep; '''106''': 174-184 | |
The effect of machine learning regression algorithms and sample size on individualized behavioral prediction with functional connectivity features. Description: Cui, Zaixu, et al. The effect of machine learning regression algorithms and sample size on individualized behavioral prediction with functional connectivity features. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Sep; '''178''': 622-637 | |
Human V2A: A map of the peripheral visual hemifield with functional connections to scene-selective cortex. Description: Elshout, Joris A, et al. Human V2A: A map of the peripheral visual hemifield with functional connections to scene-selective cortex. ''J Vis''. 2018 Sep 4; '''18''' (9):22 | |
Personality Profiles Are Associated with Functional Brain Networks Related to Cognition and Emotion. Description: Mulders, Peter, et al. Personality Profiles Are Associated with Functional Brain Networks Related to Cognition and Emotion. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 17; '''8''' (1):13874 | |
Variations of cingulate sulcal organization and link with cognitive performance. Description: Amiez, Celine, et al. Variations of cingulate sulcal organization and link with cognitive performance. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Sep 18; '''8''' (1):13988 | |
Neurogenetic profiles delineate large-scale connectivity dynamics of the human brain. Description: Diez, Ibai, et al. Neurogenetic profiles delineate large-scale connectivity dynamics of the human brain. ''Nat Commun''. 2018 Sep 24; '''9''' (1):3876 | |
An anatomically curated fiber clustering white matter atlas for consistent white matter tract parcellation across the lifespan. Description: Zhang, Fan, et al. An anatomically curated fiber clustering white matter atlas for consistent white matter tract parcellation across the lifespan. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Oct 1; '''179''': 429-447 | |
An integrated brain-behavior model for working memory. Description: Moser, D A, et al. An integrated brain-behavior model for working memory. ''Mol Psychiatry''. 2018 Oct; '''23''' (10):1974-1980 | |
Construction of a neonatal cortical surface atlas using Multimodal Surface Matching in the Developing Human Connectome Project. Description: Bozek, Jelena, et al. Construction of a neonatal cortical surface atlas using Multimodal Surface Matching in the Developing Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Oct 1; '''179''': 11-29 | |
Fluctuations between high- and low-modularity topology in time-resolved functional connectivity. Description: Fukushima, Makoto, et al. Fluctuations between high- and low-modularity topology in time-resolved functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Oct 15; '''180''' (Pt B):406-416 | |
The behavioral and cognitive relevance of time-varying, dynamic changes in functional connectivity. Description: Cohen, Jessica R. The behavioral and cognitive relevance of time-varying, dynamic changes in functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Oct 15; '''180''' (Pt B):515-525 | |
Validation strategies for the interpretation of microstructure imaging using diffusion MRI. Description: Dyrby, Tim B, et al. Validation strategies for the interpretation of microstructure imaging using diffusion MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Nov 15; '''182''': 62-79 | |
The Big Reveal: Precision Mapping Shines a Gigantic Floodlight on the Cerebellum. Description: Fair, Damien A. The Big Reveal: Precision Mapping Shines a Gigantic Floodlight on the Cerebellum. ''Neuron''. 2018 Nov 21; '''100''' (4):773-776 | |
Prediction of individualized task activation in sensory modality-selective frontal cortex with 'connectome fingerprinting'. Description: Tobyne, Sean M, et al. Prediction of individualized task activation in sensory modality-selective frontal cortex with 'connectome fingerprinting'. ''Neuroimage''. 2018 Dec; '''183''': 173-185 | |
Replication of Resting State-Task Network Correspondence and Novel Findings on Brain Network Activation During Task fMRI in the Human Connectome Project Study. Description: Nickerson, Lisa D. Replication of Resting State-Task Network Correspondence and Novel Findings on Brain Network Activation During Task fMRI in the Human Connectome Project Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2018 Dec 3; '''8''' (1):17543 | |
A Functional Data Method for Causal Dynamic Network Modeling of Task-Related fMRI. Description: Cao, Xuefei, et al. A Functional Data Method for Causal Dynamic Network Modeling of Task-Related fMRI. ''Front Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 127 | |
A Multichannel 2D Convolutional Neural Network Model for Task-Evoked fMRI Data Classification. Description: Hu, Jinlong, et al. A Multichannel 2D Convolutional Neural Network Model for Task-Evoked fMRI Data Classification. ''Comput Intell Neurosci''. 2019; '''2019''': 5065214 | |
Behavioral and Health Correlates of Resting-State Metastability in the Human Connectome Project. Description: Lee, Won Hee, et al. Behavioral and Health Correlates of Resting-State Metastability in the Human Connectome Project. ''Brain Topogr''. 2019 Jan; '''32''' (1):80-86 | |
Brain Differences Between Men and Women: Evidence From Deep Learning. Description: Xin, Jiang, et al. Brain Differences Between Men and Women: Evidence From Deep Learning. ''Front Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 185 | |
Centralized and distributed cognitive task processing in the human connectome. Description: Amico, Enrico, et al. Centralized and distributed cognitive task processing in the human connectome. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2019; '''3''' (2):455-474 | |
Everything Matters: The ReproNim Perspective on Reproducible Neuroimaging. Description: Kennedy, David N, et al. Everything Matters: The ReproNim Perspective on Reproducible Neuroimaging. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2019; '''13''': 1 | |
Extracting Reproducible Time-Resolved Resting State Networks Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Description: Kunert-Graf, James M, et al. Extracting Reproducible Time-Resolved Resting State Networks Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition. ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 75 | |
Functional Brain Changes During Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Associated With Tinnitus Severity. Description: Zimmerman, Benjamin, et al. Functional Brain Changes During Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Associated With Tinnitus Severity. ''Front Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 747 | |
FuNP (Fusion of Neuroimaging Preprocessing) Pipelines: A Fully Automated Preprocessing Software for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. FuNP (Fusion of Neuroimaging Preprocessing) Pipelines: A Fully Automated Preprocessing Software for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2019; '''13''': 5 | |
Global vs. Network-Specific Regulations as the Source of Intrinsic Coactivations in Resting-State Networks. Description: Amemiya, Shiori, et al. Global vs. Network-Specific Regulations as the Source of Intrinsic Coactivations in Resting-State Networks. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 65 | |
High-accuracy individual identification using a "thin slice" of the functional connectome. Description: Byrge, Lisa, et al. High-accuracy individual identification using a "thin slice" of the functional connectome. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2019; '''3''' (2):363-383 | |
Inversion of a large-scale circuit model reveals a cortical hierarchy in the dynamic resting human brain. Description: Wang, Peng, et al. Inversion of a large-scale circuit model reveals a cortical hierarchy in the dynamic resting human brain. ''Sci Adv''. 2019 Jan; '''5''' (1):eaat7854 | |
Lower Functional Connectivity in Vestibular-Limbic Networks in Individuals With Subclinical Agoraphobia. Description: Indovina, Iole, et al. Lower Functional Connectivity in Vestibular-Limbic Networks in Individuals With Subclinical Agoraphobia. ''Front Neurol''. 2019; '''10''': 874 | |
Metastable Resting State Brain Dynamics. Description: Beim Graben, Peter, et al. Metastable Resting State Brain Dynamics. ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 62 | |
Neural basis of induced phantom limb pain relief. Description: Kikkert, Sanne, et al. Neural basis of induced phantom limb pain relief. ''Ann Neurol''. 2019 Jan; '''85''' (1):59-73 | |
Static magnetic field stimulation of the supplementary motor area modulates resting-state activity and motor behavior. Description: Pineda-Pardo, Jose A, et al. Static magnetic field stimulation of the supplementary motor area modulates resting-state activity and motor behavior. ''Commun Biol''. 2019; '''2''': 397 | |
The Musical Structure of Time in the Brain: Repetition, Rhythm, and Harmony in fMRI During Rest and Passive Movie Viewing. Description: Lloyd, Dan. The Musical Structure of Time in the Brain: Repetition, Rhythm, and Harmony in fMRI During Rest and Passive Movie Viewing. ''Front Comput Neurosci''. 2019; '''13''': 98 | |
Why is Clinical fMRI in a Resting State? Description: O'Connor, Erin E, et al. Why is Clinical fMRI in a Resting State? ''Front Neurol''. 2019; '''10''': 420 | |
Decreased brain connectivity in smoking contrasts with increased connectivity in drinking. Description: Cheng, Wei, et al. Decreased brain connectivity in smoking contrasts with increased connectivity in drinking. ''Elife''. 2019 Jan 8; '''8''': | |
Archetypes of human cognition defined by time preference for reward and their brain correlates: An evolutionary trade-off approach. Description: Cona, Giorgia, et al. Archetypes of human cognition defined by time preference for reward and their brain correlates: An evolutionary trade-off approach. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Jan 15; '''185''': 322-334 | |
Baby brain atlases. Description: Oishi, Kenichi, et al. Baby brain atlases. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Jan 15; '''185''': 865-880 | |
Denoising high angular resolution diffusion imaging data by combining singular value decomposition and non-local means filter. Description: Wu, Zhanxiong, et al. Denoising high angular resolution diffusion imaging data by combining singular value decomposition and non-local means filter. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2019 Jan 15; '''312''': 105-113 | |
[Clinical differences between primary nasopharyngeal NK/T-cell lymphoma and primary nasal cavity NK/T-cell lymphoma with nasopharynx extension]. Description: Liu, W X, et al. [Clinical differences between primary nasopharyngeal NK/T-cell lymphoma and primary nasal cavity NK/T-cell lymphoma with nasopharynx extension]. ''Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi''. 2019 Jan 23; '''41''' (1):56-62 | |
Deep neural network predicts emotional responses of the human brain from functional magnetic resonance imaging. Description: Kim, Hyun-Chul, et al. Deep neural network predicts emotional responses of the human brain from functional magnetic resonance imaging. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Feb 1; '''186''': 607-627 | |
Intersubject similarity of personality is associated with intersubject similarity of brain connectivity patterns. Description: Liu, Wei, et al. Intersubject similarity of personality is associated with intersubject similarity of brain connectivity patterns. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Feb 1; '''186''': 56-69 | |
Person-Based Brain Morphometric Similarity is Heritable and Correlates With Biological Features. Description: Doucet, Gaelle E, et al. Person-Based Brain Morphometric Similarity is Heritable and Correlates With Biological Features. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2019 Feb 1; '''29''' (2):852-862 | |
Brain songs framework used for discovering the relevant timescale of the human brain. Description: Deco, Gustavo, et al. Brain songs framework used for discovering the relevant timescale of the human brain. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Feb 4; '''10''' (1):583 | |
Obtaining and maintaining cortical hand representation as evidenced from acquired and congenital handlessness. Description: Wesselink, Daan B, et al. Obtaining and maintaining cortical hand representation as evidenced from acquired and congenital handlessness. ''Elife''. 2019 Feb 5; '''8''': | |
Discordant attributes of structural and functional brain connectivity in a two-layer multiplex network. Description: Lim, Sol, et al. Discordant attributes of structural and functional brain connectivity in a two-layer multiplex network. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Feb 27; '''9''' (1):2885 | |
A powerful and efficient multivariate approach for voxel-level connectome-wide association studies. Description: Gong, Weikang, et al. A powerful and efficient multivariate approach for voxel-level connectome-wide association studies. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Mar; '''188''': 628-641 | |
A spectrum of routing strategies for brain networks. Description: Avena-Koenigsberger, Andrea, et al. A spectrum of routing strategies for brain networks. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2019 Mar; '''15''' (3):e1006833 | |
BMI-related cortical morphometry changes are associated with altered white matter structure. Description: Medic, Nenad, et al. BMI-related cortical morphometry changes are associated with altered white matter structure. ''Int J Obes (Lond)''. 2019 Mar; '''43''' (3):523-532 | |
Performing group-level functional image analyses based on homologous functional regions mapped in individuals. Description: Li, Meiling, et al. Performing group-level functional image analyses based on homologous functional regions mapped in individuals. ''PLoS Biol''. 2019 Mar; '''17''' (3):e2007032 | |
Using GPUs to accelerate computational diffusion MRI: From microstructure estimation to tractography and connectomes. Description: Hernandez-Fernandez, Moises, et al. Using GPUs to accelerate computational diffusion MRI: From microstructure estimation to tractography and connectomes. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Mar; '''188''': 598-615 | |
Frequency specific contribution of intrinsic connectivity networks to the integration in brain networks. Description: Park, Yeong-Hun, et al. Frequency specific contribution of intrinsic connectivity networks to the integration in brain networks. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Mar 11; '''9''' (1):4072 | |
Possible links between the lag structure in visual cortex and visual streams using fMRI. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. Possible links between the lag structure in visual cortex and visual streams using fMRI. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Mar 12; '''9''' (1):4283 | |
The architecture of functional lateralisation and its relationship to callosal connectivity in the human brain. Description: Karolis, Vyacheslav R, et al. The architecture of functional lateralisation and its relationship to callosal connectivity in the human brain. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Mar 29; '''10''' (1):1417 | |
Generalized diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging (GDSI) for model-free reconstruction of the ensemble average propagator. Description: Tian, Qiyuan, et al. Generalized diffusion spectrum magnetic resonance imaging (GDSI) for model-free reconstruction of the ensemble average propagator. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Apr 1; '''189''': 497-515 | |
Task activations produce spurious but systematic inflation of task functional connectivity estimates. Description: Cole, Michael W, et al. Task activations produce spurious but systematic inflation of task functional connectivity estimates. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Apr 1; '''189''': 1-18 | |
When less is more: Structural correlates of core executive functions in young adults - A VBM and cortical thickness study. Description: Weise, Christopher M, et al. When less is more: Structural correlates of core executive functions in young adults - A VBM and cortical thickness study. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Apr 1; '''189''': 896-903 | |
A Physarum Centrality Measure of the Human Brain Network. Description: Kwon, Hunki, et al. A Physarum Centrality Measure of the Human Brain Network. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Apr 11; '''9''' (1):5907 | |
Representational structure or task structure? Bias in neural representational similarity analysis and a Bayesian method for reducing bias. Description: Cai, Ming Bo, et al. Representational structure or task structure? Bias in neural representational similarity analysis and a Bayesian method for reducing bias. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2019 May; '''15''' (5):e1006299 | |
The Human Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex: Sulcal Morphology and Its Influence on Functional Organization. Description: Lopez-Persem, Alizee, et al. The Human Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex: Sulcal Morphology and Its Influence on Functional Organization. ''J Neurosci''. 2019 May 8; '''39''' (19):3627-3639 | |
The relationship between spatial configuration and functional connectivity of brain regions revisited. Description: Bijsterbosch, Janine Diane, et al. The relationship between spatial configuration and functional connectivity of brain regions revisited. ''Elife''. 2019 May 8; '''8''': | |
Loneliness and meaning in life are reflected in the intrinsic network architecture of the brain. Description: Mwilambwe-Tshilobo, Laetitia, et al. Loneliness and meaning in life are reflected in the intrinsic network architecture of the brain. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2019 May 17; '''14''' (4):423-433 | |
Ranking Regions, Edges and Classifying Tasks in Functional Brain Graphs by Sub-Graph Entropy. Description: Sen, Bhaskar, et al. Ranking Regions, Edges and Classifying Tasks in Functional Brain Graphs by Sub-Graph Entropy. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 May 20; '''9''' (1):7628 | |
Translational bioinformatics in mental health: open access data sources and computational biomarker discovery. Description: Tenenbaum, Jessica D, et al. Translational bioinformatics in mental health: open access data sources and computational biomarker discovery. ''Brief Bioinform''. 2019 May 21; '''20''' (3):842-856 | |
Are global and specific interindividual differences in cortical thickness associated with facets of cognitive abilities, including face cognition? Description: Meyer, Kristina, et al. Are global and specific interindividual differences in cortical thickness associated with facets of cognitive abilities, including face cognition? ''R Soc Open Sci''. 2019 Jul; '''6''' (7):180857 | |
Heartbeat Induces a Cortical Theta-Synchronized Network in the Resting State. Description: Kim, Jaejoong, et al. Heartbeat Induces a Cortical Theta-Synchronized Network in the Resting State. ''eNeuro''. 2019 Jul/Aug; '''6''' (4): | |
Sulcal organization in the medial frontal cortex provides insights into primate brain evolution. Description: Amiez, Celine, et al. Sulcal organization in the medial frontal cortex provides insights into primate brain evolution. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Jul 31; '''10''' (1):3437 | |
Global signal regression strengthens association between resting-state functional connectivity and behavior. Description: Li, Jingwei, et al. Global signal regression strengthens association between resting-state functional connectivity and behavior. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 1; '''196''': 126-141 | |
Intra-cortical myelin mediates personality differences. Description: Toschi, Nicola, et al. Intra-cortical myelin mediates personality differences. ''J Pers''. 2019 Aug; '''87''' (4):889-902 | |
MK-curve - Characterizing the relation between mean kurtosis and alterations in the diffusion MRI signal. Description: Zhang, Fan, et al. MK-curve - Characterizing the relation between mean kurtosis and alterations in the diffusion MRI signal. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 1; '''196''': 68-80 | |
A consistent organizational structure across multiple functional subnetworks of the human brain. Description: Stillman, Paul E, et al. A consistent organizational structure across multiple functional subnetworks of the human brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 15; '''197''': 24-36 | |
Multivariate approaches improve the reliability and validity of functional connectivity and prediction of individual behaviors. Description: Yoo, Kwangsun, et al. Multivariate approaches improve the reliability and validity of functional connectivity and prediction of individual behaviors. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 15; '''197''': 212-223 | |
Tensor network factorizations: Relationships between brain structural connectomes and traits. Description: Zhang, Zhengwu, et al. Tensor network factorizations: Relationships between brain structural connectomes and traits. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 15; '''197''': 330-343 | |
The central autonomic network at rest: Uncovering functional MRI correlates of time-varying autonomic outflow. Description: Valenza, G, et al. The central autonomic network at rest: Uncovering functional MRI correlates of time-varying autonomic outflow. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Aug 15; '''197''': 383-390 | |
Diffusion Tensor Model links to Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging at high b-value in Cerebral Cortical Gray Matter. Description: Fukutomi, Hikaru, et al. Diffusion Tensor Model links to Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging at high b-value in Cerebral Cortical Gray Matter. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Aug 22; '''9''' (1):12246 | |
Multimodal characterization of the human nucleus accumbens. Description: Cartmell, Samuel Cd, et al. Multimodal characterization of the human nucleus accumbens. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Sep; '''198''': 137-149 | |
Role of brain imaging in disorders of brain-gut interaction: a Rome Working Team Report. Description: Mayer, Emeran A, et al. Role of brain imaging in disorders of brain-gut interaction: a Rome Working Team Report. ''Gut''. 2019 Sep; '''68''' (9):1701-1715 | |
What is special about the human arcuate fasciculus? Lateralization, projections, and expansion. Description: Eichert, Nicole, et al. What is special about the human arcuate fasciculus? Lateralization, projections, and expansion. ''Cortex''. 2019 Sep; '''118''': 107-115 | |
Organized Toe Maps in Extreme Foot Users. Description: Dempsey-Jones, Harriet, et al. Organized Toe Maps in Extreme Foot Users. ''Cell Rep''. 2019 Sep 10; '''28''' (11):2748-2756.e4 | |
Parcellation-based tractographic modeling of the dorsal attention network. Description: Allan, Parker G, et al. Parcellation-based tractographic modeling of the dorsal attention network. ''Brain Behav''. 2019 Oct; '''9''' (10):e01365 | |
Time-resolved connectome of the five-factor model of personality. Description: Passamonti, L, et al. Time-resolved connectome of the five-factor model of personality. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Oct 21; '''9''' (1):15066 | |
Genetic mapping and evolutionary analysis of human-expanded cognitive networks. Description: Wei, Yongbin, et al. Genetic mapping and evolutionary analysis of human-expanded cognitive networks. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Oct 24; '''10''' (1):4839 | |
Brain structural differences in monozygotic twins discordant for body mass index. Description: Weise, Christopher M, et al. Brain structural differences in monozygotic twins discordant for body mass index. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Nov 1; '''201''': 116006 | |
Genome-wide association analysis of 19,629 individuals identifies variants influencing regional brain volumes and refines their genetic co-architecture with cognitive and mental health traits. Description: Zhao, Bingxin, et al. Genome-wide association analysis of 19,629 individuals identifies variants influencing regional brain volumes and refines their genetic co-architecture with cognitive and mental health traits. ''Nat Genet''. 2019 Nov; '''51''' (11):1637-1644 | |
Ventral tegmental area connections to motor and sensory cortical fields in humans. Description: Hosp, Jonas A, et al. Ventral tegmental area connections to motor and sensory cortical fields in humans. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2019 Nov; '''224''' (8):2839-2855 | |
Manifold Learning of Dynamic Functional Connectivity Reliably Identifies Functionally Consistent Coupling Patterns in Human Brains. Description: Yang, Yuyuan, et al. Manifold Learning of Dynamic Functional Connectivity Reliably Identifies Functionally Consistent Coupling Patterns in Human Brains. ''Brain Sci''. 2019 Nov 4; '''9''' (11): | |
Dichotomous organization of amygdala/temporal-prefrontal bundles in both humans and monkeys. Description: Folloni, Davide, et al. Dichotomous organization of amygdala/temporal-prefrontal bundles in both humans and monkeys. ''Elife''. 2019 Nov 5; '''8''': | |
Estimating repetitive spatiotemporal patterns from many subjects' resting-state fMRIs. Description: Takeda, Yusuke, et al. Estimating repetitive spatiotemporal patterns from many subjects' resting-state fMRIs. ''Neuroimage''. 2019 Dec; '''203''': 116182 | |
Associations between rare microglia-linked Alzheimer's disease risk variants and subcortical brain volumes in young individuals. Description: Lancaster, Thomas M. Associations between rare microglia-linked Alzheimer's disease risk variants and subcortical brain volumes in young individuals. ''Alzheimers Dement (Amst)''. 2019 Dec; '''11''': 368-373 | |
Evolutionary modifications in human brain connectivity associated with schizophrenia. Description: van den Heuvel, Martijn P, et al. Evolutionary modifications in human brain connectivity associated with schizophrenia. ''Brain''. 2019 Dec 1; '''142''' (12):3991-4002 | |
The visual word form area (VWFA) is part of both language and attention circuitry. Description: Chen, Lang, et al. The visual word form area (VWFA) is part of both language and attention circuitry. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Dec 6; '''10''' (1):5601 | |
Delineating functional segregations of the human middle temporal gyrus with resting-state functional connectivity and coactivation patterns. Description: Xu, Jinping, et al. Delineating functional segregations of the human middle temporal gyrus with resting-state functional connectivity and coactivation patterns. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2019 Dec 15; '''40''' (18):5159-5171 | |
Determining the Hierarchical Architecture of the Human Brain Using Subject-Level Clustering of Functional Networks. Description: Akiki, Teddy J, et al. Determining the Hierarchical Architecture of the Human Brain Using Subject-Level Clustering of Functional Networks. ''Sci Rep''. 2019 Dec 17; '''9''' (1):19290 | |
Focal left prefrontal lesions and cognitive impairment: A multivariate lesion-symptom mapping approach. Description: Arbula, Sandra, et al. Focal left prefrontal lesions and cognitive impairment: A multivariate lesion-symptom mapping approach. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2020 Jan; '''136''': 107253 | |
Individual Cortical Entropy Profile: Test-Retest Reliability, Predictive Power for Cognitive Ability, and Neuroanatomical Foundation. Description: Liu, Mianxin, et al. Individual Cortical Entropy Profile: Test-Retest Reliability, Predictive Power for Cognitive Ability, and Neuroanatomical Foundation. ''Cereb Cortex Commun''. 2020; '''1''' (1):tgaa015 | |
Multi-Hops Functional Connectivity Improves Individual Prediction of Fusiform Face Activation via a Graph Neural Network. Description: Wu, Dongya, et al. Multi-Hops Functional Connectivity Improves Individual Prediction of Fusiform Face Activation via a Graph Neural Network. ''Front Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 596109 | |
Adults vs. neonates: Differentiation of functional connectivity between the basolateral amygdala and occipitotemporal cortex. Description: Hansen, Heather A, et al. Adults vs. neonates: Differentiation of functional connectivity between the basolateral amygdala and occipitotemporal cortex. ''PLoS One''. 2020; '''15''' (10):e0237204 | |
Ambivert degree identifies crucial brain functional hubs and improves detection of Alzheimer's Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Description: Gupta, Sukrit, et al. Ambivert degree identifies crucial brain functional hubs and improves detection of Alzheimer's Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2020; '''25''': 102186 | |
Amygdala Structural Connectivity Is Associated With Impulsive Choice and Difficulty Quitting Smoking. Description: Bari, Ausaf A, et al. Amygdala Structural Connectivity Is Associated With Impulsive Choice and Difficulty Quitting Smoking. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 117 | |
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Functional Topology in Human Brain Networks: From Resting to Task States. Description: Zhang, Wenhai, et al. Dynamic Reconfiguration of Functional Topology in Human Brain Networks: From Resting to Task States. ''Neural Plast''. 2020; '''2020''': 8837615 | |
Gender-Related and Hemispheric Effects in Cortical Thickness-Based Hemispheric Brain Morphological Network. Description: Choi, Yong-Ho, et al. Gender-Related and Hemispheric Effects in Cortical Thickness-Based Hemispheric Brain Morphological Network. ''Biomed Res Int''. 2020; '''2020''': 3560259 | |
Ghost Attractors in Spontaneous Brain Activity: Recurrent Excursions Into Functionally-Relevant BOLD Phase-Locking States. Description: Vohryzek, Jakub, et al. Ghost Attractors in Spontaneous Brain Activity: Recurrent Excursions Into Functionally-Relevant BOLD Phase-Locking States. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 20 | |
Harmonization of Brain Diffusion MRI: Concepts and Methods. Description: Pinto, Maira Siqueira, et al. Harmonization of Brain Diffusion MRI: Concepts and Methods. ''Front Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 396 | |
Mapping of the Language Network With Deep Learning. Description: Luckett, Patrick, et al. Mapping of the Language Network With Deep Learning. ''Front Neurol''. 2020; '''11''': 819 | |
Snowball ICA: A Model Order Free Independent Component Analysis Strategy for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. Description: Hu, Guoqiang, et al. Snowball ICA: A Model Order Free Independent Component Analysis Strategy for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. ''Front Neurosci''. 2020; '''14''': 569657 | |
Anatomical assessment of trigeminal nerve tractography using diffusion MRI: A comparison of acquisition b-values and single- and multi-fiber tracking strategies. Description: Xie, Guoqiang, et al. Anatomical assessment of trigeminal nerve tractography using diffusion MRI: A comparison of acquisition b-values and single- and multi-fiber tracking strategies. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2020 Jan 8; '''25''': 102160 | |
Measuring graphical strength within the connectome: A neuroanatomic, parcellation-based study. Description: Jones, Ryan G, et al. Measuring graphical strength within the connectome: A neuroanatomic, parcellation-based study. ''J Neurol Sci''. 2020 Jan 15; '''408''': 116529 | |
Parcellation-based tractographic modeling of the ventral attention network. Description: Allan, Parker G, et al. Parcellation-based tractographic modeling of the ventral attention network. ''J Neurol Sci''. 2020 Jan 15; '''408''': 116548 | |
Test-retest reliability of spatial patterns from resting-state functional MRI using the restricted Boltzmann machine and hierarchically organized spatial patterns from the deep belief network. Description: Kim, Hyun-Chul, et al. Test-retest reliability of spatial patterns from resting-state functional MRI using the restricted Boltzmann machine and hierarchically organized spatial patterns from the deep belief network. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2020 Jan 15; '''330''': 108451 | |
Thalamocortical structural connectivity abnormalities in drug-resistant generalized epilepsy: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Description: Zhang, Yiming, et al. Thalamocortical structural connectivity abnormalities in drug-resistant generalized epilepsy: A diffusion tensor imaging study. ''Brain Res''. 2020 Jan 15; '''1727''': 146558 | |
White matter dissection and structural connectivity of the human vertical occipital fasciculus to link vision-associated brain cortex. Description: Jitsuishi, Tatsuya, et al. White matter dissection and structural connectivity of the human vertical occipital fasciculus to link vision-associated brain cortex. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Jan 21; '''10''' (1):820 | |
A Unique Brain Connectome Fingerprint Predates and Predicts Response to Antidepressants. Description: Nemati, Samaneh, et al. A Unique Brain Connectome Fingerprint Predates and Predicts Response to Antidepressants. ''iScience''. 2020 Jan 24; '''23''' (1):100800 | |
Functional Connectivity Fingerprints at Rest Are Similar across Youths and Adults and Vary with Genetic Similarity. Description: Demeter, Damion V, et al. Functional Connectivity Fingerprints at Rest Are Similar across Youths and Adults and Vary with Genetic Similarity. ''iScience''. 2020 Jan 24; '''23''' (1):100801 | |
Deep neural networks and kernel regression achieve comparable accuracies for functional connectivity prediction of behavior and demographics. Description: He, Tong, et al. Deep neural networks and kernel regression achieve comparable accuracies for functional connectivity prediction of behavior and demographics. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Feb 1; '''206''': 116276 | |
Time of day is associated with paradoxical reductions in global signal fluctuation and functional connectivity. Description: Orban, Csaba, et al. Time of day is associated with paradoxical reductions in global signal fluctuation and functional connectivity. ''PLoS Biol''. 2020 Feb; '''18''' (2):e3000602 | |
Genetic influence is linked to cortical morphology in category-selective areas of visual cortex. Description: Abbasi, Nooshin, et al. Genetic influence is linked to cortical morphology in category-selective areas of visual cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2020 Feb 5; '''11''' (1):709 | |
Regression-based machine-learning approaches to predict task activation using resting-state fMRI. Description: Cohen, Alexander D, et al. Regression-based machine-learning approaches to predict task activation using resting-state fMRI. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Feb 15; '''41''' (3):815-826 | |
Denoising scanner effects from multimodal MRI data using linked independent component analysis. Description: Li, Huanjie, et al. Denoising scanner effects from multimodal MRI data using linked independent component analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Mar; '''208''': 116388 | |
Discovering the shared biology of cognitive traits determined by genetic overlap. Description: Guimaraes, J P O F T, et al. Discovering the shared biology of cognitive traits determined by genetic overlap. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Mar; '''208''': 116409 | |
The effect of global signal regression on DCM estimates of noise and effective connectivity from resting state fMRI. Description: Almgren, Hannes, et al. The effect of global signal regression on DCM estimates of noise and effective connectivity from resting state fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Mar; '''208''': 116435 | |
Specific and segregated changes to the functional connectome evoked by the processing of emotional faces: A task-based connectome study. Description: Markett, Sebastian, et al. Specific and segregated changes to the functional connectome evoked by the processing of emotional faces: A task-based connectome study. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Mar 16; '''10''' (1):4822 | |
Imaging local genetic influences on cortical folding. Description: Alexander-Bloch, Aaron F, et al. Imaging local genetic influences on cortical folding. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2020 Mar 31; '''117''' (13):7430-7436 | |
Brain functional connectome-based prediction of individual decision impulsivity. Description: Cai, Huanhuan, et al. Brain functional connectome-based prediction of individual decision impulsivity. ''Cortex''. 2020 Apr; '''125''': 288-298 | |
Convergent Evidence for Predispositional Effects of Brain Gray Matter Volume on Alcohol Consumption. Description: Baranger, David A A, et al. Convergent Evidence for Predispositional Effects of Brain Gray Matter Volume on Alcohol Consumption. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2020 Apr 1; '''87''' (7):645-655 | |
Single and repeated ketamine treatment induces perfusion changes in sensory and limbic networks in major depressive disorder. Description: Sahib, Ashish K, et al. Single and repeated ketamine treatment induces perfusion changes in sensory and limbic networks in major depressive disorder. ''Eur Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2020 Apr; '''33''': 89-100 | |
Multimodal mapping of the face connectome. Description: Wang, Yin, et al. Multimodal mapping of the face connectome. ''Nat Hum Behav''. 2020 Apr; '''4''' (4):397-411 | |
Parcellation influence on the connectivity-based structure-function relationship in the human brain. Description: Messe, Arnaud. Parcellation influence on the connectivity-based structure-function relationship in the human brain. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Apr 1; '''41''' (5):1167-1180 | |
Replicable brain signatures of emotional bias and memory based on diffusion kurtosis imaging of white matter tracts. Description: Welton, Thomas, et al. Replicable brain signatures of emotional bias and memory based on diffusion kurtosis imaging of white matter tracts. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Apr 1; '''41''' (5):1274-1285 | |
The interrelation of sleep and mental and physical health is anchored in grey-matter neuroanatomy and under genetic control. Description: Tahmasian, Masoud, et al. The interrelation of sleep and mental and physical health is anchored in grey-matter neuroanatomy and under genetic control. ''Commun Biol''. 2020 Apr 9; '''3''' (1):171 | |
The heterogeneous functional architecture of the posteromedial cortex is associated with selective functional connectivity differences in Alzheimer's disease. Description: Khan, Wasim, et al. The heterogeneous functional architecture of the posteromedial cortex is associated with selective functional connectivity differences in Alzheimer's disease. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Apr 15; '''41''' (6):1557-1572 | |
Primate homologs of mouse cortico-striatal circuits. Description: Balsters, Joshua Henk, et al. Primate homologs of mouse cortico-striatal circuits. ''Elife''. 2020 Apr 16; '''9''': | |
Space-independent community and hub structure of functional brain networks. Description: Zamani Esfahlani, Farnaz, et al. Space-independent community and hub structure of functional brain networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 May 1; '''211''': 116612 | |
Modulation of amygdala reactivity following rapidly acting interventions for major depression. Description: Loureiro, Joana R A, et al. Modulation of amygdala reactivity following rapidly acting interventions for major depression. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 May; '''41''' (7):1699-1710 | |
Principles of temporal association cortex organisation as revealed by connectivity gradients. Description: Blazquez Freches, Guilherme, et al. Principles of temporal association cortex organisation as revealed by connectivity gradients. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2020 May; '''225''' (4):1245-1260 | |
Iterative consensus spectral clustering improves detection of subject and group level brain functional modules. Description: Gupta, Sukrit, et al. Iterative consensus spectral clustering improves detection of subject and group level brain functional modules. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 May 5; '''10''' (1):7590 | |
Heritability and Cognitive Relevance of Structural Brain Controllability. Description: Lee, Won Hee, et al. Heritability and Cognitive Relevance of Structural Brain Controllability. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2020 May 14; '''30''' (5):3044-3054 | |
Dataset decay and the problem of sequential analyses on open datasets. Description: Thompson, William Hedley, et al. Dataset decay and the problem of sequential analyses on open datasets. ''Elife''. 2020 May 19; '''9''': | |
Robust prediction of individual personality from brain functional connectome. Description: Cai, Huanhuan, et al. Robust prediction of individual personality from brain functional connectome. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2020 May 19; '''15''' (3):359-369 | |
Disambiguating the role of blood flow and global signal with partial information decomposition. Description: Colenbier, Nigel, et al. Disambiguating the role of blood flow and global signal with partial information decomposition. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Jun; '''213''': 116699 | |
Mapping brain-behavior networks using functional and structural connectome fingerprinting in the HCP dataset. Description: Lin, Ying-Chia, et al. Mapping brain-behavior networks using functional and structural connectome fingerprinting in the HCP dataset. ''Brain Behav''. 2020 Jun; '''10''' (6):e01647 | |
Structural optimality and neurogenetic expression mediate functional dynamics in the human brain. Description: Pappas, Ioannis, et al. Structural optimality and neurogenetic expression mediate functional dynamics in the human brain. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Jun 1; '''41''' (8):2229-2243 | |
A new method for accurate in vivo mapping of human brain connections using microstructural and anatomical information. Description: Schiavi, Simona, et al. A new method for accurate in vivo mapping of human brain connections using microstructural and anatomical information. ''Sci Adv''. 2020 Jul; '''6''' (31):eaba8245 | |
Longitudinal connections and the organization of the temporal cortex in macaques, great apes, and humans. Description: Roumazeilles, Lea, et al. Longitudinal connections and the organization of the temporal cortex in macaques, great apes, and humans. ''PLoS Biol''. 2020 Jul; '''18''' (7):e3000810 | |
Rest-task modulation of fMRI-derived global signal topography is mediated by transient coactivation patterns. Description: Zhang, Jianfeng, et al. Rest-task modulation of fMRI-derived global signal topography is mediated by transient coactivation patterns. ''PLoS Biol''. 2020 Jul; '''18''' (7):e3000733 | |
SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI. Description: Palombo, Marco, et al. SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Jul 15; '''215''': 116835 | |
Influence of Processing Pipeline on Cortical Thickness Measurement. Description: Kharabian Masouleh, Shahrzad, et al. Influence of Processing Pipeline on Cortical Thickness Measurement. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2020 Jul 30; '''30''' (9):5014-5027 | |
Modulation of inhibitory control networks relate to clinical response following ketamine therapy in major depression. Description: Sahib, Ashish K, et al. Modulation of inhibitory control networks relate to clinical response following ketamine therapy in major depression. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2020 Jul 30; '''10''' (1):260 | |
Distinct thalamocortical network dynamics are associated with the pathophysiology of chronic low back pain. Description: Tu, Yiheng, et al. Distinct thalamocortical network dynamics are associated with the pathophysiology of chronic low back pain. ''Nat Commun''. 2020 Aug 7; '''11''' (1):3948 | |
Anatomy and white matter connections of the fusiform gyrus. Description: Palejwala, Ali H, et al. Anatomy and white matter connections of the fusiform gyrus. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Aug 10; '''10''' (1):13489 | |
Deep flow-net for EPI distortion estimation. Description: Zahneisen, Benjamin, et al. Deep flow-net for EPI distortion estimation. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Aug 15; '''217''': 116886 | |
Parcellation-based modeling of the dorsal premotor area. Description: Sheets, John R, et al. Parcellation-based modeling of the dorsal premotor area. ''J Neurol Sci''. 2020 Aug 15; '''415''': 116907 | |
Characterizing the gradients of structural covariance in the human hippocampus. Description: Kharabian Masouleh, Shahrzad, et al. Characterizing the gradients of structural covariance in the human hippocampus. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Sep; '''218''': 116972 | |
Cross-network interactions in social cognition: A review of findings on task related brain activation and connectivity. Description: Schurz, Matthias, et al. Cross-network interactions in social cognition: A review of findings on task related brain activation and connectivity. ''Cortex''. 2020 Sep; '''130''': 142-157 | |
Discovering dynamic task-modulated functional networks with specific spectral modes using MEG. Description: Zhu, Yongjie, et al. Discovering dynamic task-modulated functional networks with specific spectral modes using MEG. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Sep; '''218''': 116924 | |
Predicting reading ability from brain anatomy and function: From areas to connections. Description: Kristanto, Daniel, et al. Predicting reading ability from brain anatomy and function: From areas to connections. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Sep; '''218''': 116966 | |
Structural connectivity predicts functional activation during lexical and sublexical reading. Description: Ekstrand, Chelsea, et al. Structural connectivity predicts functional activation during lexical and sublexical reading. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Sep; '''218''': 117008 | |
Network connectivity predicts language processing in healthy adults. Description: Tomasi, Dardo, et al. Network connectivity predicts language processing in healthy adults. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Sep; '''41''' (13):3696-3708 | |
Shaping brain structure: Genetic and phylogenetic axes of macroscale organization of cortical thickness. Description: Valk, Sofie L, et al. Shaping brain structure: Genetic and phylogenetic axes of macroscale organization of cortical thickness. ''Sci Adv''. 2020 Sep; '''6''' (39): | |
Aberrant effective connectivity is associated with positive symptoms in first-episode schizophrenia. Description: Dietz, Martin J, et al. Aberrant effective connectivity is associated with positive symptoms in first-episode schizophrenia. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2020 Sep 22; '''28''': 102444 | |
Identification of a distinct association fiber tract "IPS-FG" to connect the intraparietal sulcus areas and fusiform gyrus by white matter dissection and tractography. Description: Jitsuishi, Tatsuya, et al. Identification of a distinct association fiber tract "IPS-FG" to connect the intraparietal sulcus areas and fusiform gyrus by white matter dissection and tractography. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Sep 23; '''10''' (1):15475 | |
The superior frontal longitudinal tract: a connection between the dorsal premotor and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. Description: Bakhit, Mudathir, et al. The superior frontal longitudinal tract: a connection between the dorsal premotor and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Sep 28; '''10''' (1):15855 | |
A parcellation-based model of the auditory network. Description: Kuiper, Joseph J, et al. A parcellation-based model of the auditory network. ''Hear Res''. 2020 Oct; '''396''': 108078 | |
DeepDTI: High-fidelity six-direction diffusion tensor imaging using deep learning. Description: Tian, Qiyuan, et al. DeepDTI: High-fidelity six-direction diffusion tensor imaging using deep learning. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Oct 1; '''219''': 117017 | |
Exploring functional brain activity in neonates: A resting-state fMRI study. Description: Huang, Ziyi, et al. Exploring functional brain activity in neonates: A resting-state fMRI study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2020 Oct; '''45''': 100850 | |
Brain disconnections link structural connectivity with function and behaviour. Description: Thiebaut de Schotten, Michel, et al. Brain disconnections link structural connectivity with function and behaviour. ''Nat Commun''. 2020 Oct 9; '''11''' (1):5094 | |
Personality and local brain structure: Their shared genetic basis and reproducibility. Description: Valk, Sofie L, et al. Personality and local brain structure: Their shared genetic basis and reproducibility. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Oct 15; '''220''': 117067 | |
Association between childhood trauma and risk for obesity: a putative neurocognitive developmental pathway. Description: Luo, Qiang, et al. Association between childhood trauma and risk for obesity: a putative neurocognitive developmental pathway. ''BMC Med''. 2020 Oct 15; '''18''' (1):278 | |
Prevalent and sex-biased breathing patterns modify functional connectivity MRI in young adults. Description: Lynch, Charles J, et al. Prevalent and sex-biased breathing patterns modify functional connectivity MRI in young adults. ''Nat Commun''. 2020 Oct 20; '''11''' (1):5290 | |
Hypertension is associated with reduced hippocampal connectivity and impaired memory. Description: Feng, Ruiqing, et al. Hypertension is associated with reduced hippocampal connectivity and impaired memory. ''EBioMedicine''. 2020 Oct 22; '''61''': 103082 | |
Functional connectivity fingerprints of the human pulvinar: Decoding its role in cognition. Description: Guedj, Carole, et al. Functional connectivity fingerprints of the human pulvinar: Decoding its role in cognition. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Nov 1; '''221''': 117162 | |
Differential functional connectivity underlying asymmetric reward-related activity in human and nonhuman primates. Description: Lopez-Persem, Alizee, et al. Differential functional connectivity underlying asymmetric reward-related activity in human and nonhuman primates. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2020 Nov 10; '''117''' (45):28452-28462 | |
Joint embedding: A scalable alignment to compare individuals in a connectivity space. Description: Nenning, Karl-Heinz, et al. Joint embedding: A scalable alignment to compare individuals in a connectivity space. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Nov 15; '''222''': 117232 | |
A comprehensive atlas of white matter tracts in the chimpanzee. Description: Bryant, Katherine L, et al. A comprehensive atlas of white matter tracts in the chimpanzee. ''PLoS Biol''. 2020 Dec; '''18''' (12):e3000971 | |
Cross-species functional alignment reveals evolutionary hierarchy within the connectome. Description: Xu, Ting, et al. Cross-species functional alignment reveals evolutionary hierarchy within the connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Dec; '''223''': 117346 | |
Whole-brain functional connectivity correlates of obesity phenotypes. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. Whole-brain functional connectivity correlates of obesity phenotypes. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Dec; '''41''' (17):4912-4924 | |
Modulation of the functional connectome in major depressive disorder by ketamine therapy. Description: Sahib, Ashish K, et al. Modulation of the functional connectome in major depressive disorder by ketamine therapy. ''Psychol Med''. 2020 Dec 3; '''52''' (13):1-10 | |
Turbulent-like Dynamics in the Human Brain. Description: Deco, Gustavo, et al. Turbulent-like Dynamics in the Human Brain. ''Cell Rep''. 2020 Dec 8; '''33''' (10):108471 | |
Mindfulness training preserves sustained attention and resting state anticorrelation between default-mode network and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A randomized controlled trial. Description: Bauer, Clemens C C, et al. Mindfulness training preserves sustained attention and resting state anticorrelation between default-mode network and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A randomized controlled trial. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Dec 15; '''41''' (18):5356-5369 | |
A Comparative Study of Diffusion Fiber Reconstruction Models for Pyramidal Tract Branches. Description: Suo, Xinjun, et al. A Comparative Study of Diffusion Fiber Reconstruction Models for Pyramidal Tract Branches. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 777377 | |
Automatic multispectral MRI segmentation of human hippocampal subfields: an evaluation of multicentric test-retest reproducibility. Description: Chiappiniello, Andrea, et al. Automatic multispectral MRI segmentation of human hippocampal subfields: an evaluation of multicentric test-retest reproducibility. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2021 Jan; '''226''' (1):137-150 | |
Case Report: GPi DBS for Non-parkinsonian Midline Tremor: A Normative Connectomic Comparison to a Failed Thalamic DBS. Description: Morishita, Takashi, et al. Case Report: GPi DBS for Non-parkinsonian Midline Tremor: A Normative Connectomic Comparison to a Failed Thalamic DBS. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 709552 | |
Combining network topology and information theory to construct representative brain networks. Description: Luppi, Andrea I, et al. Combining network topology and information theory to construct representative brain networks. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2021; '''5''' (1):96-124 | |
Connectomics in Brain Aging and Dementia - The Background and Design of a Study of a Connectome Related to Human Disease. Description: Cohen, Ann D, et al. Connectomics in Brain Aging and Dementia - The Background and Design of a Study of a Connectome Related to Human Disease. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2021; '''13''': 669490 | |
Constructing Brain Connectivity Model Using Causal Network Reconstruction Approach. Description: Saetia, Supat, et al. Constructing Brain Connectivity Model Using Causal Network Reconstruction Approach. ''Front Neuroinform''. 2021; '''15''': 619557 | |
Design of Deep Learning Model for Task-Evoked fMRI Data Classification. Description: Huang, Xiaojie, et al. Design of Deep Learning Model for Task-Evoked fMRI Data Classification. ''Comput Intell Neurosci''. 2021; '''2021''': 6660866 | |
Key Intrinsic Connectivity Networks for Individual Identification With Siamese Long Short-Term Memory. Description: Park, Yeong-Hun, et al. Key Intrinsic Connectivity Networks for Individual Identification With Siamese Long Short-Term Memory. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 660187 | |
Longitudinal Analysis of Brain-Predicted Age in Amnestic and Non-amnestic Sporadic Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Description: Gautherot, Morgan, et al. Longitudinal Analysis of Brain-Predicted Age in Amnestic and Non-amnestic Sporadic Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2021; '''13''': 729635 | |
Mechanism Exploration of 3-Hinge Gyral Formation and Pattern Recognition. Description: Razavi, Mir Jalil, et al. Mechanism Exploration of 3-Hinge Gyral Formation and Pattern Recognition. ''Cereb Cortex Commun''. 2021; '''2''' (3):tgab044 | |
Signal diffusion along connectome gradients and inter-hub routing differentially contribute to dynamic human brain function. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. Signal diffusion along connectome gradients and inter-hub routing differentially contribute to dynamic human brain function. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jan 1; '''224''': 117429 | |
Stable Meta-Networks, Noise, and Artifacts in the Human Connectome: Low- to High-Dimensional Independent Components Analysis as a Hierarchy of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks. Description: Wylie, Korey P, et al. Stable Meta-Networks, Noise, and Artifacts in the Human Connectome: Low- to High-Dimensional Independent Components Analysis as a Hierarchy of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 625737 | |
Toward an information theoretical description of communication in brain networks. Description: Amico, Enrico, et al. Toward an information theoretical description of communication in brain networks. ''Netw Neurosci''. 2021; '''5''' (3):646-665 | |
Chimpanzee histology and functional brain imaging show that the paracingulate sulcus is not human-specific. Description: Amiez, Celine, et al. Chimpanzee histology and functional brain imaging show that the paracingulate sulcus is not human-specific. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 Jan 8; '''4''' (1):54 | |
Brain dynamics: the temporal variability of connectivity, and differences in schizophrenia and ADHD. Description: Rolls, Edmund T, et al. Brain dynamics: the temporal variability of connectivity, and differences in schizophrenia and ADHD. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2021 Jan 21; '''11''' (1):70 | |
Sleep quality relates to emotional reactivity via intracortical myelination. Description: Toschi, Nicola, et al. Sleep quality relates to emotional reactivity via intracortical myelination. ''Sleep''. 2021 Jan 21; '''44''' (1): | |
Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit effective connectivity mediates the relationship between white matter structure and PASAT-3 performance in multiple sclerosis. Description: Meng, Dewen, et al. Dorsolateral prefrontal circuit effective connectivity mediates the relationship between white matter structure and PASAT-3 performance in multiple sclerosis. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Feb 1; '''42''' (2):495-509 | |
Parcellation-based anatomic modeling of the default mode network. Description: Sandhu, Zainab, et al. Parcellation-based anatomic modeling of the default mode network. ''Brain Behav''. 2021 Feb; '''11''' (2):e01976 | |
Structure-function coupling in the human connectome: A machine learning approach. Description: Sarwar, T, et al. Structure-function coupling in the human connectome: A machine learning approach. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Feb 1; '''226''': 117609 | |
Approximation to pain-signaling network in humans by means of migraine. Description: Hosp, Jonas Aurel, et al. Approximation to pain-signaling network in humans by means of migraine. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Feb 15; '''42''' (3):766-779 | |
Co-activation patterns across multiple tasks reveal robust anti-correlated functional networks. Description: Li, Meiling, et al. Co-activation patterns across multiple tasks reveal robust anti-correlated functional networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Feb 15; '''227''': 117680 | |
Connectome-based evidence for creative thinking as an emergent property of ordinary cognitive operations. Description: Zhuang, Kaixiang, et al. Connectome-based evidence for creative thinking as an emergent property of ordinary cognitive operations. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Feb 15; '''227''': 117632 | |
Effective connectivity between bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala: Reproducibility and relation to anxiety. Description: Hofmann, David, et al. Effective connectivity between bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala: Reproducibility and relation to anxiety. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Feb 15; '''42''' (3):824-836 | |
Parcellation-based modeling of the supplementary motor area. Description: Sheets, John R, et al. Parcellation-based modeling of the supplementary motor area. ''J Neurol Sci''. 2021 Feb 15; '''421''': 117322 | |
Consistency of independent component analysis for FMRI. Description: Zhao, Wei, et al. Consistency of independent component analysis for FMRI. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2021 Mar 1; '''351''': 109013 | |
Integrating across neuroimaging modalities boosts prediction accuracy of cognitive ability. Description: Rasero, Javier, et al. Integrating across neuroimaging modalities boosts prediction accuracy of cognitive ability. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2021 Mar; '''17''' (3):e1008347 | |
Medial-tonsillar telovelar approach for resection of a superior medullary velum cerebral cavernous malformation: anatomical and tractography study of the surgical approach and functional implications. Description: Brogna, Christian, et al. Medial-tonsillar telovelar approach for resection of a superior medullary velum cerebral cavernous malformation: anatomical and tractography study of the surgical approach and functional implications. ''Acta Neurochir (Wien)''. 2021 Mar; '''163''' (3):625-633 | |
Modeling neural and self-reported factors of affective distress in the relationship between pain and working memory in healthy individuals. Description: Anderson, Steven R, et al. Modeling neural and self-reported factors of affective distress in the relationship between pain and working memory in healthy individuals. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2021 Mar 12; '''153''': 107766 | |
Attention Alterations in Pediatric Anxiety: Evidence From Behavior and Neuroimaging. Description: Perino, Michael T, et al. Attention Alterations in Pediatric Anxiety: Evidence From Behavior and Neuroimaging. ''Biol Psychiatry''. 2021 Apr 1; '''89''' (7):726-734 | |
High-resolution connectomic fingerprints: Mapping neural identity and behavior. Description: Mansour L, Sina, et al. High-resolution connectomic fingerprints: Mapping neural identity and behavior. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Apr 1; '''229''': 117695 | |
Parcellation-based anatomic model of the semantic network. Description: Milton, Camille K, et al. Parcellation-based anatomic model of the semantic network. ''Brain Behav''. 2021 Apr; '''11''' (4):e02065 | |
Revisiting the global workspace orchestrating the hierarchical organization of the human brain. Description: Deco, Gustavo, et al. Revisiting the global workspace orchestrating the hierarchical organization of the human brain. ''Nat Hum Behav''. 2021 Apr; '''5''' (4):497-511 | |
Smoking-induced craving relief relates to increased DLPFC-striatal coupling in nicotine-dependent women. Description: Franklin, Teresa R, et al. Smoking-induced craving relief relates to increased DLPFC-striatal coupling in nicotine-dependent women. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2021 Apr 1; '''221''': 108593 | |
Identifying multiple sclerosis subtypes using unsupervised machine learning and MRI data. Description: Eshaghi, Arman, et al. Identifying multiple sclerosis subtypes using unsupervised machine learning and MRI data. ''Nat Commun''. 2021 Apr 6; '''12''' (1):2078 | |
Cortical response to naturalistic stimuli is largely predictable with deep neural networks. Description: Khosla, Meenakshi, et al. Cortical response to naturalistic stimuli is largely predictable with deep neural networks. ''Sci Adv''. 2021 May; '''7''' (22): | |
Displaying the autonomic processing network in humans - a global tractography approach. Description: Reisert, M, et al. Displaying the autonomic processing network in humans - a global tractography approach. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 May 1; '''231''': 117852 | |
Functional connectivity of the hippocampus and its subfields in resting-state networks. Description: Ezama, Laura, et al. Functional connectivity of the hippocampus and its subfields in resting-state networks. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2021 May; '''53''' (10):3378-3393 | |
Variability of white matter anatomy in the subcallosal cingulate area. Description: Tsolaki, Evangelia, et al. Variability of white matter anatomy in the subcallosal cingulate area. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 May; '''42''' (7):2005-2017 | |
The Human Brain Is Best Described as Being on a Female/Male Continuum: Evidence from a Neuroimaging Connectivity Study. Description: Zhang, Yi, et al. The Human Brain Is Best Described as Being on a Female/Male Continuum: Evidence from a Neuroimaging Connectivity Study. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2021 May 10; '''31''' (6):3021-3033 | |
Anatomical and functional coupling between the dorsal and ventral attention networks. Description: Suo, Xinjun, et al. Anatomical and functional coupling between the dorsal and ventral attention networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 May 15; '''232''': 117868 | |
The pulse: transient fMRI signal increases in subcortical arousal systems during transitions in attention. Description: Li, Rong, et al. The pulse: transient fMRI signal increases in subcortical arousal systems during transitions in attention. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 May 15; '''232''': 117873 | |
Transcriptome-wide association analysis of brain structures yields insights into pleiotropy with complex neuropsychiatric traits. Description: Zhao, Bingxin, et al. Transcriptome-wide association analysis of brain structures yields insights into pleiotropy with complex neuropsychiatric traits. ''Nat Commun''. 2021 May 17; '''12''' (1):2878 | |
Deep learning based segmentation of brain tissue from diffusion MRI. Description: Zhang, Fan, et al. Deep learning based segmentation of brain tissue from diffusion MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jun; '''233''': 117934 | |
Opposing relationships of childhood threat and deprivation with stria terminalis white matter. Description: Banihashemi, Layla, et al. Opposing relationships of childhood threat and deprivation with stria terminalis white matter. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Jun 1; '''42''' (8):2445-2460 | |
Sex effects on cortical morphological networks in healthy young adults. Description: Ge, Ruiyang, et al. Sex effects on cortical morphological networks in healthy young adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jun; '''233''': 117945 | |
Inter-individual body mass variations relate to fractionated functional brain hierarchies. Description: Park, Bo-Yong, et al. Inter-individual body mass variations relate to fractionated functional brain hierarchies. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 Jun 14; '''4''' (1):735 | |
Brain dynamics: Synchronous peaks, functional connectivity, and its temporal variability. Description: Rolls, Edmund T, et al. Brain dynamics: Synchronous peaks, functional connectivity, and its temporal variability. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Jun 15; '''42''' (9):2790-2801 | |
Dynamic causal brain circuits during working memory and their functional controllability. Description: Cai, Weidong, et al. Dynamic causal brain circuits during working memory and their functional controllability. ''Nat Commun''. 2021 Jun 29; '''12''' (1):3314 | |
Dynamical consequences of regional heterogeneity in the brain's transcriptional landscape. Description: Deco, Gustavo, et al. Dynamical consequences of regional heterogeneity in the brain's transcriptional landscape. ''Sci Adv''. 2021 Jul; '''7''' (29): | |
Posterior Precuneus is Highly Connected to Medial Temporal Lobe Revealed by Tractography and White Matter Dissection. Description: Jitsuishi, Tatsuya, et al. Posterior Precuneus is Highly Connected to Medial Temporal Lobe Revealed by Tractography and White Matter Dissection. ''Neuroscience''. 2021 Jul 1; '''466''': 173-185 | |
Connectional asymmetry of the inferior parietal lobule shapes hemispheric specialization in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. Description: Cheng, Luqi, et al. Connectional asymmetry of the inferior parietal lobule shapes hemispheric specialization in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. ''Elife''. 2021 Jul 2; '''10''': | |
Functional parcellation of human and macaque striatum reveals human-specific connectivity in the dorsal caudate. Description: Liu, Xiaojin, et al. Functional parcellation of human and macaque striatum reveals human-specific connectivity in the dorsal caudate. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jul 15; '''235''': 118006 | |
Heritability of brain resilience to perturbation in humans. Description: Menardi, Arianna, et al. Heritability of brain resilience to perturbation in humans. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jul 15; '''235''': 118013 | |
MRI brain templates of the male Yucatan minipig. Description: Norris, Carly, et al. MRI brain templates of the male Yucatan minipig. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jul 15; '''235''': 118015 | |
Surface-based single-subject morphological brain networks: Effects of morphological index, brain parcellation and similarity measure, sample size-varying stability and test-retest reliability. Description: Li, Yinzhi, et al. Surface-based single-subject morphological brain networks: Effects of morphological index, brain parcellation and similarity measure, sample size-varying stability and test-retest reliability. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Jul 15; '''235''': 118018 | |
Large-Scale Phenomic and Genomic Analysis of Brain Asymmetrical Skew. Description: Kong, Xiang-Zhen, et al. Large-Scale Phenomic and Genomic Analysis of Brain Asymmetrical Skew. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2021 Jul 29; '''31''' (9):4151-4168 | |
A large-scale structural and functional connectome of social mentalizing. Description: Wang, Yin, et al. A large-scale structural and functional connectome of social mentalizing. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118115 | |
Bayesian estimation of maximum entropy model for individualized energy landscape analysis of brain state dynamics. Description: Kang, Jiyoung, et al. Bayesian estimation of maximum entropy model for individualized energy landscape analysis of brain state dynamics. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Aug 1; '''42''' (11):3411-3428 | |
Inter-subject and inter-parcellation variability of resting-state whole-brain dynamical modeling. Description: Popovych, Oleksandr V, et al. Inter-subject and inter-parcellation variability of resting-state whole-brain dynamical modeling. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 1; '''236''': 118201 | |
Modelling state-transition dynamics in resting-state brain signals by the hidden Markov and Gaussian mixture models. Description: Ezaki, Takahiro, et al. Modelling state-transition dynamics in resting-state brain signals by the hidden Markov and Gaussian mixture models. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2021 Aug; '''54''' (4):5404-5416 | |
Using functional connectivity models to characterize relationships between working and episodic memory. Description: Stark, Gigi F, et al. Using functional connectivity models to characterize relationships between working and episodic memory. ''Brain Behav''. 2021 Aug; '''11''' (8):e02105 | |
Comparison of multiple tractography methods for reconstruction of the retinogeniculate visual pathway using diffusion MRI. Description: He, Jianzhong, et al. Comparison of multiple tractography methods for reconstruction of the retinogeniculate visual pathway using diffusion MRI. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Aug 15; '''42''' (12):3887-3904 | |
Connectivity within regions characterizes epilepsy duration and treatment outcome. Description: Chen, Xue, et al. Connectivity within regions characterizes epilepsy duration and treatment outcome. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Aug 15; '''42''' (12):3777-3791 | |
Sensory, somatomotor and internal mentation networks emerge dynamically in the resting brain with internal mentation predominating in older age. Description: Zhang, Lu, et al. Sensory, somatomotor and internal mentation networks emerge dynamically in the resting brain with internal mentation predominating in older age. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Aug 15; '''237''': 118188 | |
Variability in Brain Structure and Function Reflects Lack of Peer Support. Description: Schurz, Matthias, et al. Variability in Brain Structure and Function Reflects Lack of Peer Support. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2021 Aug 26; '''31''' (10):4612-4627 | |
Ventralis intermedius nucleus anatomical variability assessment by MRI structural connectivity. Description: Ferreira, Francisca, et al. Ventralis intermedius nucleus anatomical variability assessment by MRI structural connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Sep; '''238''': 118231 | |
Whole-Brain Resting-State Functional Connectivity Patterns Associated With Pediatric Anxiety and Involuntary Attention Capture. Description: Perino, Michael T, et al. Whole-Brain Resting-State Functional Connectivity Patterns Associated With Pediatric Anxiety and Involuntary Attention Capture. ''Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci''. 2021 Sep; '''1''' (3):229-238 | |
Functionnectome as a framework to analyse the contribution of brain circuits to fMRI. Description: Nozais, Victor, et al. Functionnectome as a framework to analyse the contribution of brain circuits to fMRI. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 Sep 2; '''4''' (1):1035 | |
Ketamine's modulation of cerebro-cerebellar circuitry during response inhibition in major depression. Description: Loureiro, Joana R A, et al. Ketamine's modulation of cerebro-cerebellar circuitry during response inhibition in major depression. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2021 Sep 9; '''32''': 102792 | |
The Association between Body Mass Index and Intra-Cortical Myelin: Findings from the Human Connectome Project. Description: Dong, Debo, et al. The Association between Body Mass Index and Intra-Cortical Myelin: Findings from the Human Connectome Project. ''Nutrients''. 2021 Sep 16; '''13''' (9): | |
Social prediction modulates activity of macaque superior temporal cortex. Description: Roumazeilles, Lea, et al. Social prediction modulates activity of macaque superior temporal cortex. ''Sci Adv''. 2021 Sep 17; '''7''' (38):eabh2392 | |
Myelo- and cytoarchitectonic microstructural and functional human cortical atlases reconstructed in common MRI space. Description: Pijnenburg, Rory, et al. Myelo- and cytoarchitectonic microstructural and functional human cortical atlases reconstructed in common MRI space. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Oct 1; '''239''': 118274 | |
Connectivity correlates to predict essential tremor deep brain stimulation outcome: Evidence for a common treatment pathway. Description: Middlebrooks, Erik H, et al. Connectivity correlates to predict essential tremor deep brain stimulation outcome: Evidence for a common treatment pathway. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2021 Oct 4; '''32''': 102846 | |
Ethnoracial disparities in cognition are associated with multiple socioeconomic status-stress pathways. Description: Letang, Sarah K, et al. Ethnoracial disparities in cognition are associated with multiple socioeconomic status-stress pathways. ''Cogn Res Princ Implic''. 2021 Oct 9; '''6''' (1):64 | |
Delineating between-subject heterogeneity in alpha networks with Spatio-Spectral Eigenmodes. Description: Quinn, Andrew J, et al. Delineating between-subject heterogeneity in alpha networks with Spatio-Spectral Eigenmodes. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Oct 15; '''240''': 118330 | |
When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint. Description: Van De Ville, Dimitri, et al. When makes you unique: Temporality of the human brain fingerprint. ''Sci Adv''. 2021 Oct 15; '''7''' (42):eabj0751 | |
Rare long-range cortical connections enhance human information processing. Description: Deco, Gustavo, et al. Rare long-range cortical connections enhance human information processing. ''Curr Biol''. 2021 Oct 25; '''31''' (20):4436-4448.e5 | |
Behavioral, Anatomical and Heritable Convergence of Affect and Cognition in Superior Frontal Cortex. Description: Kraljevic, Nevena, et al. Behavioral, Anatomical and Heritable Convergence of Affect and Cognition in Superior Frontal Cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Nov; '''243''': 118561 | |
Physiological noise modeling in fMRI based on the pulsatile component of photoplethysmograph. Description: Kassinopoulos, Michalis, et al. Physiological noise modeling in fMRI based on the pulsatile component of photoplethysmograph. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Nov 15; '''242''': 118467 | |
Identification of community structure-based brain states and transitions using functional MRI. Description: Bian, Lingbin, et al. Identification of community structure-based brain states and transitions using functional MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118635 | |
Identifying super-feminine, super-masculine and sex-defining connections in the human braingraph. Description: Keresztes, Laszlo, et al. Identifying super-feminine, super-masculine and sex-defining connections in the human braingraph. ''Cogn Neurodyn''. 2021 Dec; '''15''' (6):949-959 | |
Large, open datasets for human connectomics research: Considerations for reproducible and responsible data use. Description: Laird, Angela R. Large, open datasets for human connectomics research: Considerations for reproducible and responsible data use. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118579 | |
Neuroimaging brain growth charts: A road to mental health. Description: Chen, Li-Zhen, et al. Neuroimaging brain growth charts: A road to mental health. ''Psychoradiology''. 2021 Dec; '''1''' (4):272-286 | |
Predicting the retinotopic organization of human visual cortex from anatomy using geometric deep learning. Description: Ribeiro, Fernanda L, et al. Predicting the retinotopic organization of human visual cortex from anatomy using geometric deep learning. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118624 | |
Validating dynamicity in resting state fMRI with activation-informed temporal segmentation. Description: Duda, Marlena, et al. Validating dynamicity in resting state fMRI with activation-informed temporal segmentation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 1; '''42''' (17):5718-5735 | |
A deep learning based approach identifies regions more relevant than resting-state networks to the prediction of general intelligence from resting-state fMRI. Description: Hebling Vieira, Bruno, et al. A deep learning based approach identifies regions more relevant than resting-state networks to the prediction of general intelligence from resting-state fMRI. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 15; '''42''' (18):5873-5887 | |
Brain kernel: A new spatial covariance function for fMRI data. Description: Wu, Anqi, et al. Brain kernel: A new spatial covariance function for fMRI data. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 15; '''245''': 118580 | |
Comparing empirical kinship derived heritability for imaging genetics traits in the UK biobank and human connectome project. Description: Gao, Si, et al. Comparing empirical kinship derived heritability for imaging genetics traits in the UK biobank and human connectome project. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 15; '''245''': 118700 | |
Connectivity gradients on tractography data: Pipeline and example applications. Description: Blazquez Freches, Guilherme, et al. Connectivity gradients on tractography data: Pipeline and example applications. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 15; '''42''' (18):5827-5845 | |
Graph auto-encoding brain networks with applications to analyzing large-scale brain imaging datasets. Description: Liu, Meimei, et al. Graph auto-encoding brain networks with applications to analyzing large-scale brain imaging datasets. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 15; '''245''': 118750 | |
The trajectory of the medial longitudinal fasciculus in the human brain: A diffusion imaging-based tractography study. Description: Li, Mengjun, et al. The trajectory of the medial longitudinal fasciculus in the human brain: A diffusion imaging-based tractography study. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2021 Dec 15; '''42''' (18):6070-6086 | |
White matter disconnectivity fingerprints causally linked to dissociated forms of alexia. Description: Ng, Sam, et al. White matter disconnectivity fingerprints causally linked to dissociated forms of alexia. ''Commun Biol''. 2021 Dec 20; '''4''' (1):1413 | |
A neural signature of regularity in sound is reduced in older adults. Description: Herrmann, Bjorn, et al. A neural signature of regularity in sound is reduced in older adults. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2022 Jan; '''109''': 1-10 | |
Reproducibility in the absence of selective reporting: An illustration from large-scale brain asymmetry research. Description: Kong, Xiang-Zhen, et al. Reproducibility in the absence of selective reporting: An illustration from large-scale brain asymmetry research. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Jan; '''43''' (1):244-254 | |
Visualization of human optic nerve by diffusion tensor mapping and degree of neuropathy. Description: Labieniec, Lukasz, et al. Visualization of human optic nerve by diffusion tensor mapping and degree of neuropathy. ''PLoS One''. 2022; '''17''' (12):e0278987 | |
Functional connectivity of amygdala subregions predicts vulnerability to depression following the COVID-19 pandemic. Description: Zhang, Shudong, et al. Functional connectivity of amygdala subregions predicts vulnerability to depression following the COVID-19 pandemic. ''J Affect Disord''. 2022 Jan 15; '''297''': 421-429 | |
Extensive cortical functional connectivity of the human hippocampal memory system. Description: Ma, Qing, et al. Extensive cortical functional connectivity of the human hippocampal memory system. ''Cortex''. 2022 Feb; '''147''': 83-101 | |
White matter association tracts underlying language and theory of mind: An investigation of 809 brains from the Human Connectome Project. Description: Zekelman, Leo R, et al. White matter association tracts underlying language and theory of mind: An investigation of 809 brains from the Human Connectome Project. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Feb 1; '''246''': 118739 | |
White Matter Connectivity between Structures of the Basal Ganglia using 3T and 7T. Description: Shim, Jae-Hyuk, et al. White Matter Connectivity between Structures of the Basal Ganglia using 3T and 7T. ''Neuroscience''. 2022 Feb 10; '''483''': 32-39 | |
Statistical testing in transcriptomic-neuroimaging studies: A how-to and evaluation of methods assessing spatial and gene specificity. Description: Wei, Yongbin, et al. Statistical testing in transcriptomic-neuroimaging studies: A how-to and evaluation of methods assessing spatial and gene specificity. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Feb 15; '''43''' (3):885-901 | |
Dynamic network impairments underlie cognitive fluctuations in Lewy body dementia. Description: Matar, Elie, et al. Dynamic network impairments underlie cognitive fluctuations in Lewy body dementia. ''NPJ Parkinsons Dis''. 2022 Feb 17; '''8''' (1):16 | |
Introducing and applying Newtonian blurring: an augmented dataset of 126,000 human connectomes at Description: Keresztes, Laszlo, et al. Introducing and applying Newtonian blurring: an augmented dataset of 126,000 human connectomes at ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Feb 23; '''12''' (1):3102 | |
Multi-timepoint pattern analysis: Influence of personality and behavior on decoding context-dependent brain connectivity dynamics. Description: Ganesan, Saampras, et al. Multi-timepoint pattern analysis: Influence of personality and behavior on decoding context-dependent brain connectivity dynamics. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Mar; '''43''' (4):1403-1418 | |
Reproducible brain-wide association studies require thousands of individuals. Description: Marek, Scott, et al. Reproducible brain-wide association studies require thousands of individuals. ''Nature''. 2022 Mar; '''603''' (7902):654-660 | |
Beyond body maps: Information content of specific body parts is distributed across the somatosensory homunculus. Description: Muret, Dollyane, et al. Beyond body maps: Information content of specific body parts is distributed across the somatosensory homunculus. ''Cell Rep''. 2022 Mar 15; '''38''' (11):110523 | |
Cross-ethnicity/race generalization failure of behavioral prediction from resting-state functional connectivity. Description: Li, Jingwei, et al. Cross-ethnicity/race generalization failure of behavioral prediction from resting-state functional connectivity. ''Sci Adv''. 2022 Mar 18; '''8''' (11):eabj1812 | |
Characteristic functional cores revealed by hyperbolic disc embedding and k-core percolation on resting-state fMRI. Description: Whi, Wonseok, et al. Characteristic functional cores revealed by hyperbolic disc embedding and k-core percolation on resting-state fMRI. ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Mar 22; '''12''' (1):4887 | |
The Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control dataset, a theoretically-guided within-subject task fMRI battery. Description: Etzel, Joset A, et al. The Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control dataset, a theoretically-guided within-subject task fMRI battery. ''Sci Data''. 2022 Mar 29; '''9''' (1):114 | |
An efficient functional magnetic resonance imaging data reduction strategy using neighborhood preserving embedding algorithm. Description: Zhao, Wei, et al. An efficient functional magnetic resonance imaging data reduction strategy using neighborhood preserving embedding algorithm. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Apr 1; '''43''' (5):1561-1576 | |
Locus coeruleus integrity is related to tau burden and memory loss in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease. Description: Dahl, Martin J, et al. Locus coeruleus integrity is related to tau burden and memory loss in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease. ''Neurobiol Aging''. 2022 Apr; '''112''': 39-54 | |
Medial temporal lobe contributions to resting-state networks. Description: Seoane, Sara, et al. Medial temporal lobe contributions to resting-state networks. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2022 Apr; '''227''' (3):995-1012 | |
The medial occipital longitudinal tract supports early stage encoding of visuospatial information. Description: Beyh, Ahmad, et al. The medial occipital longitudinal tract supports early stage encoding of visuospatial information. ''Commun Biol''. 2022 Apr 5; '''5''' (1):318 | |
Connectome spatial smoothing (CSS): Concepts, methods, and evaluation. Description: Mansour L, Sina, et al. Connectome spatial smoothing (CSS): Concepts, methods, and evaluation. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Apr 15; '''250''': 118930 | |
Dynamic variations of resting-state BOLD signal spectra in white matter. Description: Li, Muwei, et al. Dynamic variations of resting-state BOLD signal spectra in white matter. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Apr 15; '''250''': 118972 | |
Automatic oculomotor nerve identification based on data-driven fiber clustering. Description: Huang, Jiahao, et al. Automatic oculomotor nerve identification based on data-driven fiber clustering. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 May; '''43''' (7):2164-2180 | |
Neurite dispersion and density mediates the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and cognition in healthy younger adults. Description: Callow, Daniel D, et al. Neurite dispersion and density mediates the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and cognition in healthy younger adults. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2022 May 3; '''169''': 108207 | |
Avalanche criticality in individuals, fluid intelligence, and working memory. Description: Xu, Longzhou, et al. Avalanche criticality in individuals, fluid intelligence, and working memory. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Jun 1; '''43''' (8):2534-2553 | |
Meta-matching as a simple framework to translate phenotypic predictive models from big to small data. Description: He, Tong, et al. Meta-matching as a simple framework to translate phenotypic predictive models from big to small data. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2022 Jun; '''25''' (6):795-804 | |
Monofractal analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging: An introductory review. Description: Campbell, Olivia Lauren, et al. Monofractal analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging: An introductory review. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Jun 1; '''43''' (8):2693-2706 | |
SDnDTI: Self-supervised deep learning-based denoising for diffusion tensor MRI. Description: Tian, Qiyuan, et al. SDnDTI: Self-supervised deep learning-based denoising for diffusion tensor MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Jun; '''253''': 119033 | |
The spectrum of data sharing policies in neuroimaging data repositories. Description: Jwa, Anita S, et al. The spectrum of data sharing policies in neuroimaging data repositories. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Jun 1; '''43''' (8):2707-2721 | |
Widespread white matter oedema in subacute COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms. Description: Rau, Alexander, et al. Widespread white matter oedema in subacute COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms. ''Brain''. 2022 Jun 9; | |
Dynamical differential covariance recovers directional network structure in multiscale neural systems. Description: Chen, Yusi, et al. Dynamical differential covariance recovers directional network structure in multiscale neural systems. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2022 Jun 14; '''119''' (24):e2117234119 | |
Effects of virtual lesions on temporal dynamics in cortical networks based on personalized dynamic models. Description: Wei, Jing, et al. Effects of virtual lesions on temporal dynamics in cortical networks based on personalized dynamic models. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Jul 1; '''254''': 119087 | |
Fiber tracing and microstructural characterization among audiovisual integration brain regions in neonates compared with young adults. Description: Quinones, Juan F, et al. Fiber tracing and microstructural characterization among audiovisual integration brain regions in neonates compared with young adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Jul 1; '''254''': 119141 | |
Parcellation-based tractographic modeling of the salience network through meta-analysis. Description: Briggs, Robert G, et al. Parcellation-based tractographic modeling of the salience network through meta-analysis. ''Brain Behav''. 2022 Jul; '''12''' (7):e2646 | |
Discovering hidden brain network responses to naturalistic stimuli via tensor component analysis of multi-subject fMRI data. Description: Hu, Guoqiang, et al. Discovering hidden brain network responses to naturalistic stimuli via tensor component analysis of multi-subject fMRI data. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Jul 15; '''255''': 119193 | |
Metastable oscillatory modes emerge from synchronization in the brain spacetime connectome. Description: Cabral, Joana, et al. Metastable oscillatory modes emerge from synchronization in the brain spacetime connectome. ''Commun Phys''. 2022 Jul 15; '''5''': 184 | |
Heritability and cross-species comparisons of human cortical functional organization asymmetry. Description: Wan, Bin, et al. Heritability and cross-species comparisons of human cortical functional organization asymmetry. ''Elife''. 2022 Jul 29; '''11''': | |
Covariance shrinkage can assess and improve functional connectomes. Description: Honnorat, Nicolas, et al. Covariance shrinkage can assess and improve functional connectomes. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Aug 1; '''256''': 119229 | |
Potential diagnostic biomarkers for schizophrenia. Description: Yue, Weihua, et al. Potential diagnostic biomarkers for schizophrenia. ''Med Rev (Berl)''. 2022 Aug; '''2''' (4):385-416 | |
A Riemannian approach to predicting brain function from the structural connectome. Description: Benkarim, Oualid, et al. A Riemannian approach to predicting brain function from the structural connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Aug 15; '''257''': 119299 | |
DARQ: Deep learning of quality control for stereotaxic registration of human brain MRI to the T1w MNI-ICBM 152 template. Description: Fonov, Vladimir S, et al. DARQ: Deep learning of quality control for stereotaxic registration of human brain MRI to the T1w MNI-ICBM 152 template. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Aug 15; '''257''': 119266 | |
Imaging perivascular space structure and function using brain MRI. Description: Barisano, Giuseppe, et al. Imaging perivascular space structure and function using brain MRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Aug 15; '''257''': 119329 | |
Reliability and subject specificity of personalized whole-brain dynamical models. Description: Domhof, Justin W M, et al. Reliability and subject specificity of personalized whole-brain dynamical models. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Aug 15; '''257''': 119321 | |
Using deep clustering to improve fMRI dynamic functional connectivity analysis. Description: Spencer, Arthur P C, et al. Using deep clustering to improve fMRI dynamic functional connectivity analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Aug 15; '''257''': 119288 | |
Statistical quantification of confounding bias in machine learning models. Description: Spisak, Tamas. Statistical quantification of confounding bias in machine learning models. ''Gigascience''. 2022 Aug 26; '''11''': | |
Anterior default mode network and posterior insular connectivity is predictive of depressive symptom reduction following serial ketamine infusion. Description: Wade, Benjamin S C, et al. Anterior default mode network and posterior insular connectivity is predictive of depressive symptom reduction following serial ketamine infusion. ''Psychol Med''. 2022 Sep; '''52''' (12):2376-2386 | |
Brain intrinsic connection patterns underlying tool processing in human adults are present in neonates and not in macaques. Description: Wen, Haojie, et al. Brain intrinsic connection patterns underlying tool processing in human adults are present in neonates and not in macaques. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Sep; '''258''': 119339 | |
Reward enhances connectivity between the ventral striatum and the default mode network. Description: Dobryakova, Ekaterina, et al. Reward enhances connectivity between the ventral striatum and the default mode network. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Sep; '''258''': 119398 | |
Sex is predicted by spatial memory multivariate activation patterns. Description: Spets, Dylan S, et al. Sex is predicted by spatial memory multivariate activation patterns. ''Learn Mem''. 2022 Sep; '''29''' (9):297-301 | |
The human language effective connectome. Description: Rolls, Edmund T, et al. The human language effective connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Sep; '''258''': 119352 | |
Uncovering shape signatures of resting-state functional connectivity by geometric deep learning on Riemannian manifold. Description: Dan, Tingting, et al. Uncovering shape signatures of resting-state functional connectivity by geometric deep learning on Riemannian manifold. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Sep; '''43''' (13):3970-3986 | |
White matter substrates of functional connectivity dynamics in the human brain. Description: Basile, Gianpaolo Antonio, et al. White matter substrates of functional connectivity dynamics in the human brain. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Sep; '''258''': 119391 | |
Causal effects of cingulate morphology on executive functions in healthy young adults. Description: Razzaq, Fuleah A, et al. Causal effects of cingulate morphology on executive functions in healthy young adults. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Oct 1; '''43''' (14):4370-4382 | |
Fast Streamline Search: An Exact Technique for Diffusion MRI Tractography. Description: St-Onge, Etienne, et al. Fast Streamline Search: An Exact Technique for Diffusion MRI Tractography. ''Neuroinformatics''. 2022 Oct; '''20''' (4):1093-1104 | |
Generalizable predictive modeling of semantic processing ability from functional brain connectivity. Description: Meng, Danting, et al. Generalizable predictive modeling of semantic processing ability from functional brain connectivity. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Oct 1; '''43''' (14):4274-4292 | |
Metastability, fractal scaling, and synergistic information processing: What phase relationships reveal about intrinsic brain activity. Description: Hancock, Fran, et al. Metastability, fractal scaling, and synergistic information processing: What phase relationships reveal about intrinsic brain activity. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Oct 1; '''259''': 119433 | |
Receptor-informed network control theory links LSD and psilocybin to a flattening of the brain's control energy landscape. Description: Singleton, S Parker, et al. Receptor-informed network control theory links LSD and psilocybin to a flattening of the brain's control energy landscape. ''Nat Commun''. 2022 Oct 3; '''13''' (1):5812 | |
The individuality of shape asymmetries of the human cerebral cortex. Description: Chen, Yu-Chi, et al. The individuality of shape asymmetries of the human cerebral cortex. ''Elife''. 2022 Oct 5; '''11''': | |
Retinal ganglion cell endowment is correlated with optic tract fiber cross section, not density. Description: Taskin, Huseyin O, et al. Retinal ganglion cell endowment is correlated with optic tract fiber cross section, not density. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Oct 15; '''260''': 119495 | |
Sex differences in predictors and regional patterns of brain age gap estimates. Description: Sanford, Nicole, et al. Sex differences in predictors and regional patterns of brain age gap estimates. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2022 Oct 15; '''43''' (15):4689-4698 | |
A comparative study of the superior longitudinal fasciculus subdivisions between neonates and young adults. Description: Liang, Wenjia, et al. A comparative study of the superior longitudinal fasciculus subdivisions between neonates and young adults. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2022 Nov; '''227''' (8):2713-2730 | |
Decoding transcriptional signatures of the association between free water and macroscale organizations in healthy adolescents. Description: Wei, Lei, et al. Decoding transcriptional signatures of the association between free water and macroscale organizations in healthy adolescents. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Nov 1; '''261''': 119514 | |
Micapipe: A pipeline for multimodal neuroimaging and connectome analysis. Description: Cruces, Raul R, et al. Micapipe: A pipeline for multimodal neuroimaging and connectome analysis. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Nov; '''263''': 119612 | |
Mode decomposition-based time-varying phase synchronization for fMRI. Description: Honari, Hamed, et al. Mode decomposition-based time-varying phase synchronization for fMRI. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Nov 1; '''261''': 119519 | |
Multimodal analysis demonstrating the shaping of functional gradients in the marmoset brain. Description: Tong, Chuanjun, et al. Multimodal analysis demonstrating the shaping of functional gradients in the marmoset brain. ''Nat Commun''. 2022 Nov 3; '''13''' (1):6584 | |
Coordinated cortical thickness alterations across six neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. Description: Hettwer, M D, et al. Coordinated cortical thickness alterations across six neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. ''Nat Commun''. 2022 Nov 11; '''13''' (1):6851 | |
Superficial white matter bundle atlas based on hierarchical fiber clustering over probabilistic tractography data. Description: Roman, Claudio, et al. Superficial white matter bundle atlas based on hierarchical fiber clustering over probabilistic tractography data. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Nov 15; '''262''': 119550 | |
Evaluating the rare cases of cortical vertigo using disconnectome mapping. Description: Conrad, Julian, et al. Evaluating the rare cases of cortical vertigo using disconnectome mapping. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2022 Dec; '''227''' (9):3063-3073 | |
Heritability of hippocampal functional and microstructural organisation. Description: Bayrak, Seyma, et al. Heritability of hippocampal functional and microstructural organisation. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Dec 1; '''264''': 119656 | |
Relationship between nuclei-specific amygdala connectivity and mental health dimensions in humans. Description: Klein-Flugge, Miriam C, et al. Relationship between nuclei-specific amygdala connectivity and mental health dimensions in humans. ''Nat Hum Behav''. 2022 Dec; '''6''' (12):1705-1722 | |
Resting-state Networks in Tinnitus : A Scoping Review. Description: Kok, Tori Elyssa, et al. Resting-state Networks in Tinnitus : A Scoping Review. ''Clin Neuroradiol''. 2022 Dec; '''32''' (4):903-922 | |
Multimodal and multidomain lesion network mapping enhances prediction of sensorimotor behavior in stroke patients. Description: Jimenez-Marin, Antonio, et al. Multimodal and multidomain lesion network mapping enhances prediction of sensorimotor behavior in stroke patients. ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Dec 27; '''12''' (1):22400 | |
Resting-state networks representation of the global phenomena. Description: Amemiya, Shiori, et al. Resting-state networks representation of the global phenomena. ''Front Neurosci''. 2023; '''17''': 1220848 | |
Structural-functional connectivity bandwidth predicts processing speed in mild traumatic brain Injury: A multiplex network analysis. Description: Parsons, Nicholas, et al. Structural-functional connectivity bandwidth predicts processing speed in mild traumatic brain Injury: A multiplex network analysis. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2023; '''38''': 103428 | |
The complexity of spontaneous brain activity changes in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and ADHD was examined using different variations of entropy. Description: Guan, Sihai, et al. The complexity of spontaneous brain activity changes in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and ADHD was examined using different variations of entropy. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Jan; '''44''' (1):94-118 | |
A connectome-based neuromarker of nonverbal number acuity and arithmetic skills. Description: Zhang, Dai, et al. A connectome-based neuromarker of nonverbal number acuity and arithmetic skills. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2023 Jan 5; '''33''' (3):881-894 | |
Anatomically interpretable deep learning of brain age captures domain-specific cognitive impairment. Description: Yin, Chenzhong, et al. Anatomically interpretable deep learning of brain age captures domain-specific cognitive impairment. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2023 Jan 10; '''120''' (2):e2214634120 | |
Toward naturalistic neuroscience: Mechanisms underlying the flattening of brain hierarchy in movie-watching compared to rest and task. Description: Kringelbach, Morten L, et al. Toward naturalistic neuroscience: Mechanisms underlying the flattening of brain hierarchy in movie-watching compared to rest and task. ''Sci Adv''. 2023 Jan 13; '''9''' (2):eade6049 | |
Robust dynamic brain coactivation states estimated in individuals. Description: Peng, Xiaolong, et al. Robust dynamic brain coactivation states estimated in individuals. ''Sci Adv''. 2023 Jan 18; '''9''' (3):eabq8566 | |
Static and dynamic functional connectomes represent largely similar information. Description: Matkovic, Andraz, et al. Static and dynamic functional connectomes represent largely similar information. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Jan 24; | |
Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness. Description: Luppi, Andrea I, et al. Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness. ''Commun Biol''. 2023 Jan 28; '''6''' (1):117 | |
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging connectome features are predictive of functional lateralization of semantic processing in the anterior temporal lobes. Description: Zahnert, Felix, et al. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging connectome features are predictive of functional lateralization of semantic processing in the anterior temporal lobes. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Feb 1; '''44''' (2):496-508 | |
The human posterior cingulate, retrosplenial, and medial parietal cortex effective connectome, and implications for memory and navigation. Description: Rolls, Edmund T, et al. The human posterior cingulate, retrosplenial, and medial parietal cortex effective connectome, and implications for memory and navigation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Feb 1; '''44''' (2):629-655 | |
Characteristic cortico-cortical connection profile of human precuneus revealed by probabilistic tractography. Description: Jitsuishi, Tatsuya, et al. Characteristic cortico-cortical connection profile of human precuneus revealed by probabilistic tractography. ''Sci Rep''. 2023 Feb 2; '''13''' (1):1936 | |
Graded functional organisation in the left inferior frontal gyrus: evidence from task-free and task-based functional connectivity. Description: Diveica, Veronica, et al. Graded functional organisation in the left inferior frontal gyrus: evidence from task-free and task-based functional connectivity. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Feb 2; | |
Orbitofrontal cortex connectivity is associated with food reward and body weight in humans. Description: Rolls, Edmund T, et al. Orbitofrontal cortex connectivity is associated with food reward and body weight in humans. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2023 Feb 6; '''18''' (1): | |
Investigating associations of delay discounting with brain structure, working memory, and episodic memory. Description: Garzon, Benjamin, et al. Investigating associations of delay discounting with brain structure, working memory, and episodic memory. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2023 Feb 20; '''33''' (5):1669-1678 | |
Robust machine learning segmentation for large-scale analysis of heterogeneous clinical brain MRI datasets. Description: Billot, Benjamin, et al. Robust machine learning segmentation for large-scale analysis of heterogeneous clinical brain MRI datasets. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2023 Feb 28; '''120''' (9):e2216399120 | |
Mapping myelin in white matter with T1-weighted/T2-weighted maps: discrepancy with histology and other myelin MRI measures. Description: Sandrone, Stefano, et al. Mapping myelin in white matter with T1-weighted/T2-weighted maps: discrepancy with histology and other myelin MRI measures. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2023 Mar; '''228''' (2):525-535 | |
Multivariate BWAS can be replicable with moderate sample sizes. Description: Spisak, Tamas, et al. Multivariate BWAS can be replicable with moderate sample sizes. ''Nature''. 2023 Mar; '''615''' (7951):E4-E7 | |
Reply to: Multivariate BWAS can be replicable with moderate sample sizes. Description: Tervo-Clemmens, Brenden, et al. Reply to: Multivariate BWAS can be replicable with moderate sample sizes. ''Nature''. 2023 Mar; '''615''' (7951):E8-E12 | |
MFCSC: Novel method to calculate mismatch between functional and structural brain connectomes, and its application for detecting hemispheric functional specialisations. Description: Civier, Oren, et al. MFCSC: Novel method to calculate mismatch between functional and structural brain connectomes, and its application for detecting hemispheric functional specialisations. ''Sci Rep''. 2023 Mar 7; '''13''' (1):3485 | |
Dissociation between phase and power correlation networks in the human brain is driven by co-occurrent bursts. Description: Hindriks, Rikkert, et al. Dissociation between phase and power correlation networks in the human brain is driven by co-occurrent bursts. ''Commun Biol''. 2023 Mar 18; '''6''' (1):286 | |
Topology of the lateral visual system: The fundus of the superior temporal sulcus and parietal area H connect nonvisual cerebrum to the lateral occipital lobe. Description: Dadario, Nicholas B, et al. Topology of the lateral visual system: The fundus of the superior temporal sulcus and parietal area H connect nonvisual cerebrum to the lateral occipital lobe. ''Brain Behav''. 2023 Apr; '''13''' (4):e2945 | |
Heterogeneity of depression across the socioeconomic spectrum. Description: Hao, Yu, et al. Heterogeneity of depression across the socioeconomic spectrum. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2023 Apr 18; '''120''' (16):e2222069120 | |
TMS-evoked responses are driven by recurrent large-scale network dynamics. Description: Momi, Davide, et al. TMS-evoked responses are driven by recurrent large-scale network dynamics. ''Elife''. 2023 Apr 21; '''12''': | |
A shared neural basis underlying psychiatric comorbidity. Description: Xie, Chao, et al. A shared neural basis underlying psychiatric comorbidity. ''Nat Med''. 2023 May; '''29''' (5):1232-1242 | |
A somato-cognitive action network alternates with effector regions in motor cortex. Description: Gordon, Evan M, et al. A somato-cognitive action network alternates with effector regions in motor cortex. ''Nature''. 2023 May; '''617''' (7960):351-359 | |
Brain perivascular space imaging across the human lifespan. Description: Lynch, Kirsten M, et al. Brain perivascular space imaging across the human lifespan. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 May 1; '''271''': 120009 | |
Explainable fMRI-based brain decoding via spatial temporal-pyramid graph convolutional network. Description: Ye, Ziyuan, et al. Explainable fMRI-based brain decoding via spatial temporal-pyramid graph convolutional network. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 May; '''44''' (7):2921-2935 | |
Heritability of human "directed" functional connectome. Description: Bianco, Maria Giovanna, et al. Heritability of human "directed" functional connectome. ''Brain Behav''. 2023 May; '''13''' (5):e2839 | |
Latent disconnectome prediction of long-term cognitive-behavioural symptoms in stroke. Description: Talozzi, Lia, et al. Latent disconnectome prediction of long-term cognitive-behavioural symptoms in stroke. ''Brain''. 2023 May 2; '''146''' (5):1963-1978 | |
Task-induced changes in brain entropy. Description: Camargo, Aldo, et al. Task-induced changes in brain entropy. ''medRxiv''. 2023 May 2; | |
Toward Precision Medicine Using a "Digital Twin" Approach: Modeling the Onset of Disease-Specific Brain Atrophy in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Description: Cen, Steven, et al. Toward Precision Medicine Using a "Digital Twin" Approach: Modeling the Onset of Disease-Specific Brain Atrophy in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. ''Res Sq''. 2023 May 2; | |
Network and State Specificity in Connectivity-Based Predictions of Individual Behavior. Description: Kraljevic, Nevena, et al. Network and State Specificity in Connectivity-Based Predictions of Individual Behavior. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 May 12; | |
Time-resolved network control analysis links reduced control energy under DMT with the serotonin 2a receptor, signal diversity, and subjective experience. Description: Singleton, S Parker, et al. Time-resolved network control analysis links reduced control energy under DMT with the serotonin 2a receptor, signal diversity, and subjective experience. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 May 12; | |
Omnipresence of the sensorimotor-association axis topography in the human connectome. Description: Nenning, Karl-Heinz, et al. Omnipresence of the sensorimotor-association axis topography in the human connectome. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 May 15; '''272''': 120059 | |
Human and chimpanzee shared and divergent neurobiological systems for general and specific cognitive brain functions. Description: van den Heuvel, Martijn P, et al. Human and chimpanzee shared and divergent neurobiological systems for general and specific cognitive brain functions. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2023 May 30; '''120''' (22):e2218565120 | |
Characteristics of perivascular space dilatation in normal aging. Description: Park, Chang-Hyun, et al. Characteristics of perivascular space dilatation in normal aging. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Jun 1; '''44''' (8):3232-3240 | |
Emotion, motivation, decision-making, the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and the amygdala. Description: Rolls, Edmund T. Emotion, motivation, decision-making, the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and the amygdala. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2023 Jun; '''228''' (5):1201-1257 | |
Global synergistic actions to improve brain health for human development. Description: Owolabi, Mayowa O, et al. Global synergistic actions to improve brain health for human development. ''Nat Rev Neurol''. 2023 Jun; '''19''' (6):371-383 | |
Homotopic local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from resting-state functional connectivity. Description: Yan, Xiaoxuan, et al. Homotopic local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from resting-state functional connectivity. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 Jun; '''273''': 120010 | |
Language network lateralization is reflected throughout the macroscale functional organization of cortex. Description: Labache, Loic, et al. Language network lateralization is reflected throughout the macroscale functional organization of cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Jun 9; '''14''' (1):3405 | |
Critical scaling of whole-brain resting-state dynamics. Description: Ponce-Alvarez, Adrian, et al. Critical scaling of whole-brain resting-state dynamics. ''Commun Biol''. 2023 Jun 10; '''6''' (1):627 | |
Graph propagation network captures individual specificity of the relationship between functional and structural connectivity. Description: Wu, Dongya, et al. Graph propagation network captures individual specificity of the relationship between functional and structural connectivity. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Jun 15; '''44''' (9):3885-3896 | |
Similar somatotopy for active and passive digit representation in primary somatosensory cortex. Description: Sanders, Zeena-Britt, et al. Similar somatotopy for active and passive digit representation in primary somatosensory cortex. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Jun 15; '''44''' (9):3568-3585 | |
Automated three-dimensional major white matter bundle segmentation using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Description: Andica, Christina, et al. Automated three-dimensional major white matter bundle segmentation using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. ''Anat Sci Int''. 2023 Jul; '''98''' (3):318-336 | |
Multiscale effects of excitatory-inhibitory homeostasis in lesioned cortical networks: A computational study. Description: Pascoa Dos Santos, Francisco, et al. Multiscale effects of excitatory-inhibitory homeostasis in lesioned cortical networks: A computational study. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2023 Jul; '''19''' (7):e1011279 | |
The relevance of the unique anatomy of the human prefrontal operculum to the emergence of speech. Description: Amiez, Celine, et al. The relevance of the unique anatomy of the human prefrontal operculum to the emergence of speech. ''Commun Biol''. 2023 Jul 5; '''6''' (1):693 | |
Intermediately synchronised brain states optimise trade-off between subject specificity and predictive capacity. Description: Sasse, Leonard, et al. Intermediately synchronised brain states optimise trade-off between subject specificity and predictive capacity. ''Commun Biol''. 2023 Jul 10; '''6''' (1):705 | |
Associations between age, sex, APOE genotype, and regional vascular physiology in typically aging adults. Description: Damestani, Nikou L, et al. Associations between age, sex, APOE genotype, and regional vascular physiology in typically aging adults. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 Jul 15; '''275''': 120167 | |
Species -Shared and -Unique Gyral Peaks on Human and Macaque Brains. Description: Zhang, Songyao, et al. Species -Shared and -Unique Gyral Peaks on Human and Macaque Brains. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Jul 29; | |
Individualized targeting is warranted in subcallosal cingulate gyrus deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: A tractography analysis. Description: Zhu, Zhoule, et al. Individualized targeting is warranted in subcallosal cingulate gyrus deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: A tractography analysis. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Aug 1; '''44''' (11):4200-4210 | |
Robust estimation of cortical similarity networks from brain MRI. Description: Sebenius, Isaac, et al. Robust estimation of cortical similarity networks from brain MRI. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2023 Aug; '''26''' (8):1461-1471 | |
Brain criticality predicts individual levels of inter-areal synchronization in human electrophysiological data. Description: Fusca, Marco, et al. Brain criticality predicts individual levels of inter-areal synchronization in human electrophysiological data. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Aug 7; '''14''' (1):4736 | |
Connectomics as a prognostic tool of functional outcome in glioma surgery of the supplementary motor area: illustrative case. Description: Suero Molina, Eric, et al. Connectomics as a prognostic tool of functional outcome in glioma surgery of the supplementary motor area: illustrative case. ''J Neurosurg Case Lessons''. 2023 Aug 7; '''6''' (6): | |
Association between vmPFC gray matter volume and smoking initiation in adolescents. Description: Xiang, Shitong, et al. Association between vmPFC gray matter volume and smoking initiation in adolescents. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Aug 15; '''14''' (1):4684 | |
Brain hubs defined in the group do not overlap with regions of high inter-individual variability. Description: Smith, Derek M, et al. Brain hubs defined in the group do not overlap with regions of high inter-individual variability. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 Aug 15; '''277''': 120195 | |
Multi-modal and multi-model interrogation of large-scale functional brain networks. Description: Castaldo, Francesca, et al. Multi-modal and multi-model interrogation of large-scale functional brain networks. ''Neuroimage''. 2023 Aug 15; '''277''': 120236 | |
Tangent functional connectomes uncover more unique phenotypic traits. Description: Abbas, Kausar, et al. Tangent functional connectomes uncover more unique phenotypic traits. ''iScience''. 2023 Sep 15; '''26''' (9):107624 | |
Functional connectome through the human life span. Description: Sun, Lianglong, et al. Functional connectome through the human life span. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Sep 19; | |
Toward precision medicine using a "digital twin" approach: modeling the onset of disease-specific brain atrophy in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Description: Cen, Steven, et al. Toward precision medicine using a "digital twin" approach: modeling the onset of disease-specific brain atrophy in individuals with multiple sclerosis. ''Sci Rep''. 2023 Sep 28; '''13''' (1):16279 | |
An automated pipeline for obtaining labeled ICA-templates corresponding to functional brain systems. Description: Tahedl, Marlene, et al. An automated pipeline for obtaining labeled ICA-templates corresponding to functional brain systems. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Nov; '''44''' (16):5202-5211 | |
Brain morphology predicts individual sensitivity to pain: a multicenter machine learning approach. Description: Kotikalapudi, Raviteja, et al. Brain morphology predicts individual sensitivity to pain: a multicenter machine learning approach. ''Pain''. 2023 Nov 1; '''164''' (11):2516-2527 | |
High-accuracy machine learning techniques for functional connectome fingerprinting and cognitive state decoding. Description: Hannum, Andrew, et al. High-accuracy machine learning techniques for functional connectome fingerprinting and cognitive state decoding. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Nov; '''44''' (16):5294-5308 | |
Covariance patterns between sleep health domains and distributed intrinsic functional connectivity. Description: Wang, Yulin, et al. Covariance patterns between sleep health domains and distributed intrinsic functional connectivity. ''Nat Commun''. 2023 Nov 6; '''14''' (1):7133 | |
Sex differences in intrinsic functional cortical organization reflect differences in network topology rather than cortical morphometry. Description: Serio, Bianca, et al. Sex differences in intrinsic functional cortical organization reflect differences in network topology rather than cortical morphometry. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Nov 23; | |
Graded functional organization in the left inferior frontal gyrus: evidence from task-free and task-based functional connectivity. Description: Diveica, Veronica, et al. Graded functional organization in the left inferior frontal gyrus: evidence from task-free and task-based functional connectivity. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2023 Nov 27; '''33''' (23):11384-11399 | |
Gaming expertise induces meso-scale brain plasticity and efficiency mechanisms as revealed by whole-brain modeling Gaming expertise, neuroplasticity and functional dynamics. Description: Coronel-Oliveros, Carlos, et al. Gaming expertise induces meso-scale brain plasticity and efficiency mechanisms as revealed by whole-brain modeling Gaming expertise, neuroplasticity and functional dynamics. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Nov 28; | |
Debates on the dorsomedial prefrontal/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex: insights for future research. Description: Clairis, Nicolas, et al. Debates on the dorsomedial prefrontal/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex: insights for future research. ''Brain''. 2023 Dec 1; '''146''' (12):4826-4844 | |
Denoising brain networks using a fixed mathematical phase change in independent component analysis of magnitude-only fMRI data. Description: Zhang, Chao-Ying, et al. Denoising brain networks using a fixed mathematical phase change in independent component analysis of magnitude-only fMRI data. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Dec 1; '''44''' (17):5712-5728 | |
Maternal anxiety during pregnancy is associated with weaker prefrontal functional connectivity in adult offspring. Description: Turk, Elise, et al. Maternal anxiety during pregnancy is associated with weaker prefrontal functional connectivity in adult offspring. ''Brain Imaging Behav''. 2023 Dec; '''17''' (6):595-607 | |
Reconstructing the somatotopic organization of the corticospinal tract remains a challenge for modern tractography methods. Description: He, Jianzhong, et al. Reconstructing the somatotopic organization of the corticospinal tract remains a challenge for modern tractography methods. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Dec 1; '''44''' (17):6055-6073 | |
Multilayer meta-matching: translating phenotypic prediction models from multiple datasets to small data. Description: Chen, Pansheng, et al. Multilayer meta-matching: translating phenotypic prediction models from multiple datasets to small data. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Dec 7; | |
Stable Cortical Body Maps Before and After Arm Amputation. Description: Schone, Hunter R, et al. Stable Cortical Body Maps Before and After Arm Amputation. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Dec 14; | |
Integration and segregation manifolds in the brain ensure cognitive flexibility during tasks and rest. Description: Capouskova, Katerina, et al. Integration and segregation manifolds in the brain ensure cognitive flexibility during tasks and rest. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Dec 15; '''44''' (18):6349-6363 | |
Homological landscape of human brain functional sub-circuits. Description: Duong-Tran, Duy, et al. Homological landscape of human brain functional sub-circuits. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Dec 22; | |
A systematic review of automated methods to perform white matter tract segmentation. Description: Joshi, Ankita, et al. A systematic review of automated methods to perform white matter tract segmentation. ''Front Neurosci''. 2024; '''18''': 1376570 | |
Brain structural covariance network features are robust markers of early heavy alcohol use. Description: Ottino-Gonzalez, Jonatan, et al. Brain structural covariance network features are robust markers of early heavy alcohol use. ''Addiction''. 2024 Jan; '''119''' (1):113-124 | |
Deep EEG source localization via EMD-based fMRI high spatial frequency. Description: Moradi, Narges, et al. Deep EEG source localization via EMD-based fMRI high spatial frequency. ''PLoS One''. 2024; '''19''' (3):e0299284 | |
Different cortical connectivities in human females and males relate to differences in strength and body composition, reward and emotional systems, and memory. Description: Zhang, Ruohan, et al. Different cortical connectivities in human females and males relate to differences in strength and body composition, reward and emotional systems, and memory. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Jan; '''229''' (1):47-61 | |
DiMANI: diffusion MRI for anatomical nuclei imaging-Application for the direct visualization of thalamic subnuclei. Description: Patriat, Remi, et al. DiMANI: diffusion MRI for anatomical nuclei imaging-Application for the direct visualization of thalamic subnuclei. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2024; '''18''': 1324710 | |
Discovering individual fingerprints in resting-state functional connectivity using deep neural networks. Description: Lee, Juhyeon, et al. Discovering individual fingerprints in resting-state functional connectivity using deep neural networks. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Jan; '''45''' (1):e26561 | |
Dissection of the Temporofrontal Extreme Capsule Fasciculus Using Diffusion MRI Tractography and Association with Lexical Retrieval. Description: Barbeau, E B, et al. Dissection of the Temporofrontal Extreme Capsule Fasciculus Using Diffusion MRI Tractography and Association with Lexical Retrieval. ''eNeuro''. 2024 Jan; '''11''' (1): | |
PyHySCO: GPU-enabled susceptibility artifact distortion correction in seconds. Description: Julian, Abigail, et al. PyHySCO: GPU-enabled susceptibility artifact distortion correction in seconds. ''Front Neurosci''. 2024; '''18''': 1406821 | |
Structural MRI correlates of cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms in Long COVID: a pilot study. Description: Joshi, Shantanu H, et al. Structural MRI correlates of cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms in Long COVID: a pilot study. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2024; '''15''': 1412020 | |
Translating phenotypic prediction models from big to small anatomical MRI data using meta-matching. Description: Wulan, Naren, et al. Translating phenotypic prediction models from big to small anatomical MRI data using meta-matching. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jan 2; | |
A translational MRI approach to validate acute axonal damage detection as an early event in multiple sclerosis. Description: Cerdan Cerda, Antonio, et al. A translational MRI approach to validate acute axonal damage detection as an early event in multiple sclerosis. ''Elife''. 2024 Jan 9; '''13''': | |
Integrative omics analysis reveals epigenomic and transcriptomic signatures underlying brain structural deficits in major depressive disorder. Description: Zheng, Junjie, et al. Integrative omics analysis reveals epigenomic and transcriptomic signatures underlying brain structural deficits in major depressive disorder. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2024 Jan 9; '''14''' (1):17 | |
Propofol Disrupts the Functional Core-Matrix Architecture of the Thalamus in Humans. Description: Huang, Zirui, et al. Propofol Disrupts the Functional Core-Matrix Architecture of the Thalamus in Humans. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jan 24; | |
Measures of resting-state brain network segregation and integration vary in relation to data quantity: implications for within and between subject comparisons of functional brain network organization. Description: Han, Liang, et al. Measures of resting-state brain network segregation and integration vary in relation to data quantity: implications for within and between subject comparisons of functional brain network organization. ''Cereb Cortex''. 2024 Jan 31; '''34''' (2): | |
The Hopf whole-brain model and its linear approximation. Description: Ponce-Alvarez, Adrian, et al. The Hopf whole-brain model and its linear approximation. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Jan 31; '''14''' (1):2615 | |
Trauma-related intrusive memories and anterior hippocampus structural covariance: an ecological momentary assessment study in posttraumatic stress disorder. Description: Devignes, Quentin, et al. Trauma-related intrusive memories and anterior hippocampus structural covariance: an ecological momentary assessment study in posttraumatic stress disorder. ''Transl Psychiatry''. 2024 Feb 2; '''14''' (1):74 | |
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics In Brain Functionality Through Phase Portraits And Fuzzy Recurrence Plots. Description: Li, Qiang, et al. Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics In Brain Functionality Through Phase Portraits And Fuzzy Recurrence Plots. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Feb 17; | |
MRI economics: Balancing sample size and scan duration in brain wide association studies. Description: Ooi, Leon Qi Rong, et al. MRI economics: Balancing sample size and scan duration in brain wide association studies. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Feb 18; | |
A generative model of the connectome with dynamic axon growth. Description: Liu, Yuanzhe, et al. A generative model of the connectome with dynamic axon growth. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Feb 28; | |
Evaluation of behavioral variance/covariance explained by the neuroimaging data through a pattern-based regression. Description: Chen, Di, et al. Evaluation of behavioral variance/covariance explained by the neuroimaging data through a pattern-based regression. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Mar; '''45''' (4):e26601 | |
Gender Differences in the Cortical Distribution of Corpus Callosum Fibers. Description: Bakhit, Mudathir, et al. Gender Differences in the Cortical Distribution of Corpus Callosum Fibers. ''Cureus''. 2024 Mar; '''16''' (3):e55918 | |
Prior-guided individualized thalamic parcellation based on local diffusion characteristics. Description: Gao, Chaohong, et al. Prior-guided individualized thalamic parcellation based on local diffusion characteristics. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Mar; '''45''' (4):e26646 | |
A multidimensional investigation of sleep and biopsychosocialprofiles with associated neural signatures. Description: Perrault, Aurore A, et al. A multidimensional investigation of sleep and biopsychosocialprofiles with associated neural signatures. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Mar 11; | |
Nuclei-specific hypothalamus networks predict a dimensional marker of stress in humans. Description: Jensen, Daria E A, et al. Nuclei-specific hypothalamus networks predict a dimensional marker of stress in humans. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Mar 18; '''15''' (1):2426 | |
In-vivo whole-cortex marker of excitation-inhibition ratio indexes cortical maturation and cognitive ability in youth. Description: Zhang, Shaoshi, et al. In-vivo whole-cortex marker of excitation-inhibition ratio indexes cortical maturation and cognitive ability in youth. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Mar 28; | |
Rhythmicity of neuronal oscillations delineates their cortical and spectral architecture. Description: Myrov, Vladislav, et al. Rhythmicity of neuronal oscillations delineates their cortical and spectral architecture. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Apr 3; '''7''' (1):405 | |
The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Brain Fingerprint Stability: A Magnetoencephalography Validation Study. Description: Ambrosanio, Michele, et al. The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Brain Fingerprint Stability: A Magnetoencephalography Validation Study. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2024 Apr 4; '''24''' (7): | |
Unveiling the Core Functional Networks of Cognition: An Ontology-Guided Machine Learning Approach. Description: Wu, Guowei, et al. Unveiling the Core Functional Networks of Cognition: An Ontology-Guided Machine Learning Approach. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Apr 4; | |
A multidimensional investigation of sleep and biopsychosocial profiles with associated neural signatures. Description: Perrault, Aurore A, et al. A multidimensional investigation of sleep and biopsychosocial profiles with associated neural signatures. ''Res Sq''. 2024 Apr 8; | |
Measuring the dynamic balance of integration and segregation underlying consciousness, anesthesia, and sleep. Description: Jang, Hyunwoo, et al. Measuring the dynamic balance of integration and segregation underlying consciousness, anesthesia, and sleep. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Apr 15; | |
Release the Krakencoder: A unified brain connectome translation and fusion tool. Description: Jamison, Keith W, et al. Release the Krakencoder: A unified brain connectome translation and fusion tool. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Apr 15; | |
Searching Reproducible Brain Features using NeuroMark: Templates for Different Age Populations and Imaging Modalities. Description: Fu, Zening, et al. Searching Reproducible Brain Features using NeuroMark: Templates for Different Age Populations and Imaging Modalities. ''Neuroimage''. 2024 Apr 15; '''292''': 120617 | |
Species -shared and -unique gyral peaks on human and macaque brains. Description: Zhang, Songyao, et al. Species -shared and -unique gyral peaks on human and macaque brains. ''Elife''. 2024 Apr 18; '''12''': | |
Cerebral perivascular spaces as predictors of dementia risk and accelerated brain atrophy. Description: Barisano, Giuseppe, et al. Cerebral perivascular spaces as predictors of dementia risk and accelerated brain atrophy. ''medRxiv''. 2024 Apr 26; | |
A roadmap for implanting microelectrode arrays to evoke tactile sensations through intracortical microstimulation. Description: Downey, John E, et al. A roadmap for implanting microelectrode arrays to evoke tactile sensations through intracortical microstimulation. ''medRxiv''. 2024 Apr 28; | |
A precision functional atlas of personalized network topography and probabilities. Description: Hermosillo, Robert J M, et al. A precision functional atlas of personalized network topography and probabilities. ''Nat Neurosci''. 2024 May; '''27''' (5):1000-1013 | |
Association of bidirectional network cores in the brain with conscious perception and cognition. Description: Taguchi, Tomoya, et al. Association of bidirectional network cores in the brain with conscious perception and cognition. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 May 1; | |
The Brain's Topographical Organization Shapes Dynamic Interaction Patterns That Support Flexible Behavior Based on Rules and Long-Term Knowledge. Description: Wang, Xiuyi, et al. The Brain's Topographical Organization Shapes Dynamic Interaction Patterns That Support Flexible Behavior Based on Rules and Long-Term Knowledge. ''J Neurosci''. 2024 May 29; '''44''' (22): | |
Time-resolved coupling between connectome harmonics and subjective experience under the psychedelic DMT. Description: Vohryzek, Jakub, et al. Time-resolved coupling between connectome harmonics and subjective experience under the psychedelic DMT. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 May 30; | |
Assessing midbrain neuromelanin and its relationship to reward learning in anorexia nervosa: Stage 1 of a registered report. Description: Murray, Stuart B, et al. Assessing midbrain neuromelanin and its relationship to reward learning in anorexia nervosa: Stage 1 of a registered report. ''Brain Behav''. 2024 Jun; '''14''' (6):e3573 | |
Brain network entropy, depression, and quality of life in people with traumatic brain injury and seizure disorders. Description: Allendorfer, Jane B, et al. Brain network entropy, depression, and quality of life in people with traumatic brain injury and seizure disorders. ''Epilepsia Open''. 2024 Jun; '''9''' (3):969-980 | |
Network and state specificity in connectivity-based predictions of individual behavior. Description: Kraljevic, Nevena, et al. Network and state specificity in connectivity-based predictions of individual behavior. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Jun 1; '''45''' (8):e26753 | |
In vivo whole-cortex marker of excitation-inhibition ratio indexes cortical maturation and cognitive ability in youth. Description: Zhang, Shaoshi, et al. In vivo whole-cortex marker of excitation-inhibition ratio indexes cortical maturation and cognitive ability in youth. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2024 Jun 4; '''121''' (23):e2318641121 | |
Systematic evaluation of fMRI data-processing pipelines for consistent functional connectomics. Description: Luppi, Andrea I, et al. Systematic evaluation of fMRI data-processing pipelines for consistent functional connectomics. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Jun 4; '''15''' (1):4745 | |
The subcortical basis of subjective sleep quality. Description: Monti, Martin M. The subcortical basis of subjective sleep quality. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jun 4; | |
Fast connectivity gradient approximation: maintaining spatially fine-grained connectivity gradients while reducing computational costs. Description: Nenning, Karl-Heinz, et al. Fast connectivity gradient approximation: maintaining spatially fine-grained connectivity gradients while reducing computational costs. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Jun 6; '''7''' (1):697 | |
Unveiling the axonal connectivity between the precuneus and temporal pole: Structural evidence from the cingulum pathways. Description: Skandalakis, Georgios P, et al. Unveiling the axonal connectivity between the precuneus and temporal pole: Structural evidence from the cingulum pathways. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Jun 15; '''45''' (9):e26771 | |
Comparative Analysis of Human-Chimpanzee Divergence in Brain Connectivity and its Genetic Correlates. Description: Wang, Yufan, et al. Comparative Analysis of Human-Chimpanzee Divergence in Brain Connectivity and its Genetic Correlates. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jun 17; | |
Differences in cortical microstructure according to body mass index in neurologically healthy populations using structural magnetic resonance imaging. Description: Park, Yunseo, et al. Differences in cortical microstructure according to body mass index in neurologically healthy populations using structural magnetic resonance imaging. ''Heliyon''. 2024 Jun 30; '''10''' (12):e33134 | |
Neuronal microstructural changes in the human brain are associated with neurocognitive aging. Description: Singh, Kavita, et al. Neuronal microstructural changes in the human brain are associated with neurocognitive aging. ''Aging Cell''. 2024 Jul; '''23''' (7):e14166 | |
Selective activations and functional connectivities to the sight of faces, scenes, body parts and tools in visual and non-visual cortical regions leading to the human hippocampus. Description: Rolls, Edmund T, et al. Selective activations and functional connectivities to the sight of faces, scenes, body parts and tools in visual and non-visual cortical regions leading to the human hippocampus. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Jul; '''229''' (6):1471-1493 | |
Investigating grey matter volumetric trajectories through the lifespan at the individual level. Description: Shi, Runye, et al. Investigating grey matter volumetric trajectories through the lifespan at the individual level. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Jul 15; '''15''' (1):5954 | |
Measuring functional connectivity in frequency-domain helps to better characterize brain function. Description: Peng, Limin, et al. Measuring functional connectivity in frequency-domain helps to better characterize brain function. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Jul 15; '''45''' (10):e26726 | |
Hippocampal connectivity patterns echo macroscale cortical evolution in the primate brain. Description: Eichert, Nicole, et al. Hippocampal connectivity patterns echo macroscale cortical evolution in the primate brain. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Jul 16; '''15''' (1):5963 | |
Dissecting task-based fMRI activity using normative modelling: an application to the Emotional Face Matching Task. Description: Savage, Hannah S, et al. Dissecting task-based fMRI activity using normative modelling: an application to the Emotional Face Matching Task. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Jul 20; '''7''' (1):888 | |
Streams of conscious visual experience. Description: Martin-Signes, Mar, et al. Streams of conscious visual experience. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Jul 27; '''7''' (1):908 | |
Macroscale brain states support the control of semantic cognition. Description: Wang, Xiuyi, et al. Macroscale brain states support the control of semantic cognition. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Aug 1; '''7''' (1):926 | |
Processing Language Partly Shares Neural Genetic Basis with Processing Tools and Body Parts. Description: Wen, Haojie, et al. Processing Language Partly Shares Neural Genetic Basis with Processing Tools and Body Parts. ''eNeuro''. 2024 Aug; '''11''' (8): | |
Motor somatotopy impacts imagery strategy success in human intracortical brain-computer interfaces. Description: Kunigk, N G, et al. Motor somatotopy impacts imagery strategy success in human intracortical brain-computer interfaces. ''medRxiv''. 2024 Aug 3; | |
Dynamic adaptation to novelty in the brain is related to arousal and intelligence. Description: Tanner, Jacob, et al. Dynamic adaptation to novelty in the brain is related to arousal and intelligence. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Aug 6; | |
Human adolescent brain similarity development is different for paralimbic versus neocortical zones. Description: Dorfschmidt, Lena, et al. Human adolescent brain similarity development is different for paralimbic versus neocortical zones. ''Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A''. 2024 Aug 13; '''121''' (33):e2314074121 | |
Relating sex-bias in human cortical and hippocampal microstructure to sex hormones. Description: Kuchenhoff, Svenja, et al. Relating sex-bias in human cortical and hippocampal microstructure to sex hormones. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Aug 23; '''15''' (1):7279 | |
Integrating brain function and structure in the study of the human attentional networks: a functionnectome study. Description: Martin-Signes, Mar, et al. Integrating brain function and structure in the study of the human attentional networks: a functionnectome study. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Sep; '''229''' (7):1665-1679 | |
Morphological Brain Networks of White Matter: Mapping, Evaluation, Characterization, and Application. Description: Li, Junle, et al. Morphological Brain Networks of White Matter: Mapping, Evaluation, Characterization, and Application. ''Adv Sci (Weinh)''. 2024 Sep; '''11''' (35):e2400061 | |
The macroscale routing mechanism of structural brain connectivity related to body mass index. Description: Kim, Chae Yeon, et al. The macroscale routing mechanism of structural brain connectivity related to body mass index. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Sep; '''45''' (13):e70019 | |
Establishing connectivity through microdissections of midbrain stimulation-related neural circuits. Description: Skandalakis, Georgios P, et al. Establishing connectivity through microdissections of midbrain stimulation-related neural circuits. ''Brain''. 2024 Sep 3; '''147''' (9):3083-3098 | |
Sex differences in functional cortical organization reflect differences in network topology rather than cortical morphometry. Description: Serio, Bianca, et al. Sex differences in functional cortical organization reflect differences in network topology rather than cortical morphometry. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Sep 4; '''15''' (1):7714 | |
Propofol disrupts the functional core-matrix architecture of the thalamus in humans. Description: Huang, Zirui, et al. Propofol disrupts the functional core-matrix architecture of the thalamus in humans. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Sep 9; '''15''' (1):7496 | |
Protocol to detect spatio-molecular profiles underlying neuroimaging features in the human cerebellum. Description: Wang, Yaping, et al. Protocol to detect spatio-molecular profiles underlying neuroimaging features in the human cerebellum. ''STAR Protoc''. 2024 Sep 23; '''5''' (4):103311 | |
The morphospace of the brain-cognition organisation. Description: Pacella, Valentina, et al. The morphospace of the brain-cognition organisation. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Sep 30; '''15''' (1):8452 | |
Assessment of the Depiction of Superficial White Matter Using Ultra-High-Resolution Diffusion MRI. Description: Zhang, Fan, et al. Assessment of the Depiction of Superficial White Matter Using Ultra-High-Resolution Diffusion MRI. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Oct; '''45''' (14):e70041 | |
Distributed network flows generate localized category selectivity in human visual cortex. Description: Cocuzza, Carrisa V, et al. Distributed network flows generate localized category selectivity in human visual cortex. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2024 Oct; '''20''' (10):e1012507 | |
Prediction of depressive symptoms severity based on sleep quality, anxiety, and gray matter volume: a generalizable machine learning approach across three datasets. Description: Olfati, Mahnaz, et al. Prediction of depressive symptoms severity based on sleep quality, anxiety, and gray matter volume: a generalizable machine learning approach across three datasets. ''EBioMedicine''. 2024 Oct; '''108''': 105313 | |
Heterogenous brain activations across individuals localize to a common network. Description: Peng, Shaoling, et al. Heterogenous brain activations across individuals localize to a common network. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Oct 5; '''7''' (1):1270 | |
Thalamic Roles in Conscious Perception Revealed by Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation. Description: Jang, Hyunwoo, et al. Thalamic Roles in Conscious Perception Revealed by Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Oct 10; | |
Measuring the dynamic balance of integration and segregation underlying consciousness, anesthesia, and sleep in humans. Description: Jang, Hyunwoo, et al. Measuring the dynamic balance of integration and segregation underlying consciousness, anesthesia, and sleep in humans. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Oct 24; '''15''' (1):9164 | |
Comparative analysis of the chimpanzee and human brain superficial structural connectivities. Description: Chauvel, Maelig, et al. Comparative analysis of the chimpanzee and human brain superficial structural connectivities. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Nov; '''229''' (8):1943-1977 | |
Comparing mouse and human cingulate cortex organization using functional connectivity. Description: van Hout, Aran T B, et al. Comparing mouse and human cingulate cortex organization using functional connectivity. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Nov; '''229''' (8):1913-1925 | |
Constructing and exploring neuroimaging projects: a survey from clinical practice to scientific research. Description: Chen, Ziyan, et al. Constructing and exploring neuroimaging projects: a survey from clinical practice to scientific research. ''Insights Imaging''. 2024 Nov 15; '''15''' (1):272 | |
Microstructural asymmetry in the human cortex. Description: Wan, Bin, et al. Microstructural asymmetry in the human cortex. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Nov 22; '''15''' (1):10124 | |
Higher-order connectomics of human brain function reveals local topological signatures of task decoding, individual identification, and behavior. Description: Santoro, Andrea, et al. Higher-order connectomics of human brain function reveals local topological signatures of task decoding, individual identification, and behavior. ''Nat Commun''. 2024 Nov 26; '''15''' (1):10244 | |
Accelerating Heritability, Genetic Correlation, and Genome-Wide Association Imaging Genetic Analyses in Complex Pedigrees. Description: Donohue, Brian, et al. Accelerating Heritability, Genetic Correlation, and Genome-Wide Association Imaging Genetic Analyses in Complex Pedigrees. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Dec 1; '''45''' (17):e70044 | |
A preliminary study of white matter disconnections underlying deficits in praxis in left hemisphere stroke patients. Description: Rounis, Elisabeth, et al. A preliminary study of white matter disconnections underlying deficits in praxis in left hemisphere stroke patients. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Dec; '''229''' (9):2255-2268 | |
Impact of Deprivation and Preferential Usage on Functional Connectivity Between Early Visual Cortex and Category-Selective Visual Regions. Description: Fleming, Leland L, et al. Impact of Deprivation and Preferential Usage on Functional Connectivity Between Early Visual Cortex and Category-Selective Visual Regions. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Dec 1; '''45''' (17):e70064 | |
Perivascular space diffusivity and brain microstructural measures are associated with circadian time and sleep quality. Description: Brendstrup-Brix, Kristoffer, et al. Perivascular space diffusivity and brain microstructural measures are associated with circadian time and sleep quality. ''J Sleep Res''. 2024 Dec; '''33''' (6):e14226 | |
Redefining language networks: connectivity beyond localised regions. Description: Forkel, Stephanie J, et al. Redefining language networks: connectivity beyond localised regions. ''Brain Struct Funct''. 2024 Dec; '''229''' (9):2073-2078 | |
Track-Weighted Dynamic Functional Connectivity Profiles and Topographic Organization of the Human Pulvinar. Description: Basile, Gianpaolo Antonio, et al. Track-Weighted Dynamic Functional Connectivity Profiles and Topographic Organization of the Human Pulvinar. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Dec 1; '''45''' (17):e70062 | |
Utilizing Centromedian Thalamus Connectivity to Personalize Noninvasive Neuromodulation Targets. Description: Fu, Cong, et al. Utilizing Centromedian Thalamus Connectivity to Personalize Noninvasive Neuromodulation Targets. ''CNS Neurosci Ther''. 2024 Dec; '''30''' (12):e70120 | |
Cross-species alignment along the chronological axis reveals evolutionary effect on structural development of the human brain. Description: Li, Yue, et al. Cross-species alignment along the chronological axis reveals evolutionary effect on structural development of the human brain. ''Elife''. 2024 Dec 9; '''13''': | |
The Relationship between White Matter Architecture and Language Lateralization in the Healthy Brain. Description: Andrulyte, Ieva, et al. The Relationship between White Matter Architecture and Language Lateralization in the Healthy Brain. ''J Neurosci''. 2024 Dec 11; '''44''' (50): | |
A Roadmap for Implanting Electrode Arrays to Evoke Tactile Sensations Through Intracortical Stimulation. Description: Downey, John E, et al. A Roadmap for Implanting Electrode Arrays to Evoke Tactile Sensations Through Intracortical Stimulation. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2024 Dec 15; '''45''' (18):e70118 | |
Functional anatomy and topographical organization of the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculus. Description: Basile, Gianpaolo Antonio, et al. Functional anatomy and topographical organization of the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculus. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Dec 19; '''7''' (1):1655 |