PubMed Mentions
The links below are to publications on PubMed referring to ERPLAB. This list is gathered weekly from PubMed automatically.
Publication/References | |
Does Filtering Preclude Us from Studying ERP Time-Courses? Description: Rousselet, Guillaume A. Does Filtering Preclude Us from Studying ERP Time-Courses? ''Front Psychol''. 2012; '''3''': 131 | |
The influence of executive capacity on selective attention and subsequent processing. Description: Daffner, Kirk R, et al. The influence of executive capacity on selective attention and subsequent processing. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2012; '''6''': 167 | |
Does modulation of selective attention to features reflect enhancement or suppression of neural activity? Description: Daffner, Kirk R, et al. Does modulation of selective attention to features reflect enhancement or suppression of neural activity? ''Biol Psychol''. 2012 Feb; '''89''' (2):398-407 | |
Dissociating linguistic and non-linguistic gesture processing: electrophysiological evidence from American Sign Language. Description: Grosvald, Michael, et al. Dissociating linguistic and non-linguistic gesture processing: electrophysiological evidence from American Sign Language. ''Brain Lang''. 2012 Apr; '''121''' (1):12-24 | |
Is the rapid adaptation paradigm too rapid? Implications for face and object processing. Description: Nemrodov, Dan, et al. Is the rapid adaptation paradigm too rapid? Implications for face and object processing. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Jul 16; '''61''' (4):812-22 | |
Examining ERP correlates of recognition memory: evidence of accurate source recognition without recollection. Description: Addante, Richard J, et al. Examining ERP correlates of recognition memory: evidence of accurate source recognition without recollection. ''Neuroimage''. 2012 Aug 1; '''62''' (1):439-50 | |
Neurophysiological evidence for a recollection impairment in amnesia patients that leaves familiarity intact. Description: Addante, Richard James, et al. Neurophysiological evidence for a recollection impairment in amnesia patients that leaves familiarity intact. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 Nov; '''50''' (13):3004-14 | |
Neural aftereffects of errors in a stop-signal task. Description: Beyer, Frederike, et al. Neural aftereffects of errors in a stop-signal task. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2012 Dec; '''50''' (14):3304-12 | |
The impact of visual acuity on age-related differences in neural markers of early visual processing. Description: Daffner, Kirk R, et al. The impact of visual acuity on age-related differences in neural markers of early visual processing. ''Neuroimage''. 2013 Feb 15; '''67''': 127-36 | |
Age-related differences in enhancement and suppression of neural activity underlying selective attention in matched young and old adults. Description: Haring, A E, et al. Age-related differences in enhancement and suppression of neural activity underlying selective attention in matched young and old adults. ''Brain Res''. 2013 Mar 7; '''1499''': 69-79 | |
Is consciousness necessary for conflict detection and conflict resolution? Description: Xiang, Ling, et al. Is consciousness necessary for conflict detection and conflict resolution? ''Behav Brain Res''. 2013 Jun 15; '''247''': 110-6 | |
Altered visual-spatial attention to task-irrelevant information is associated with falls risk in older adults. Description: Nagamatsu, Lindsay S, et al. Altered visual-spatial attention to task-irrelevant information is associated with falls risk in older adults. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2013 Dec; '''51''' (14):3025-32 | |
Behavioral and ERP measures of attentional bias to threat in the dot-probe task: poor reliability and lack of correlation with anxiety. Description: Kappenman, Emily S, et al. Behavioral and ERP measures of attentional bias to threat in the dot-probe task: poor reliability and lack of correlation with anxiety. ''Front Psychol''. 2014; '''5''': 1368 | |
ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials. Description: Lopez-Calderon, Javier, et al. ERPLAB: an open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 213 | |
Task instructions modulate the attentional mode affecting the auditory MMN and the semantic N400. Description: Erlbeck, Helena, et al. Task instructions modulate the attentional mode affecting the auditory MMN and the semantic N400. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2014; '''8''': 654 | |
Task preparation processes related to reward prediction precede those related to task-difficulty expectation. Description: Schevernels, Hanne, et al. Task preparation processes related to reward prediction precede those related to task-difficulty expectation. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jan 1; '''84''': 639-47 | |
The influence of anhedonia on feedback negativity in major depressive disorder. Description: Liu, Wen-hua, et al. The influence of anhedonia on feedback negativity in major depressive disorder. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2014 Jan; '''53''': 213-20 | |
The N2 ERP component as an index of impaired cognitive control in smokers. Description: Buzzell, George A, et al. The N2 ERP component as an index of impaired cognitive control in smokers. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2014 Mar 20; '''563''': 61-5 | |
Neural correlates of visual crowding. Description: Chicherov, Vitaly, et al. Neural correlates of visual crowding. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Jun; '''93 Pt 1''': 23-31 | |
Does the age-related "anterior shift" of the P3 reflect an inability to habituate the novelty response? Description: Alperin, Brittany R, et al. Does the age-related "anterior shift" of the P3 reflect an inability to habituate the novelty response? ''Neurosci Lett''. 2014 Aug 8; '''577''': 6-10 | |
Early sensitivity for eyes within faces: a new neuronal account of holistic and featural processing. Description: Nemrodov, Dan, et al. Early sensitivity for eyes within faces: a new neuronal account of holistic and featural processing. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Aug 15; '''97''': 81-94 | |
Differences in sensory processing of German vowels and physically matched non-speech sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) of the human event-related brain potential (ERP). Description: Christmann, Corinna A, et al. Differences in sensory processing of German vowels and physically matched non-speech sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity (MMN) of the human event-related brain potential (ERP). ''Brain Lang''. 2014 Sep; '''136''': 8-18 | |
Effects of mental workload and fatigue on the P300, alpha and theta band power during operation of an ERP (P300) brain-computer interface. Description: Kathner, Ivo, et al. Effects of mental workload and fatigue on the P300, alpha and theta band power during operation of an ERP (P300) brain-computer interface. ''Biol Psychol''. 2014 Oct; '''102''': 118-29 | |
Earlier timbre processing of instrumental tones compared to equally complex spectrally rotated sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity. Description: Christmann, Corinna A, et al. Earlier timbre processing of instrumental tones compared to equally complex spectrally rotated sounds as revealed by the mismatch negativity. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2014 Oct 3; '''581''': 115-9 | |
Functional organization for musical consonance and tonal pitch hierarchy in human auditory cortex. Description: Bidelman, Gavin M, et al. Functional organization for musical consonance and tonal pitch hierarchy in human auditory cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2014 Nov 1; '''101''': 204-14 | |
Using event-related potentials to measure phrase boundary perception in English. Description: Peter, Varghese, et al. Using event-related potentials to measure phrase boundary perception in English. ''BMC Neurosci''. 2014 Nov 26; '''15''': 129 | |
Beauty matters: social preferences in a three-person ultimatum game. Description: Ma, Qingguo, et al. Beauty matters: social preferences in a three-person ultimatum game. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (5):e0125806 | |
Cognitive and neural plasticity in older adults' prospective memory following training with the Virtual Week computer game. Description: Rose, Nathan S, et al. Cognitive and neural plasticity in older adults' prospective memory following training with the Virtual Week computer game. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 592 | |
Event-related brain potential correlates of prospective memory in symptomatically remitted male patients with schizophrenia. Description: Chen, Guoliang, et al. Event-related brain potential correlates of prospective memory in symptomatically remitted male patients with schizophrenia. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 262 | |
Event-related potentials during word mapping to object shape predict toddlers' vocabulary size. Description: Borgstrom, Kristina, et al. Event-related potentials during word mapping to object shape predict toddlers' vocabulary size. ''Front Psychol''. 2015; '''6''': 143 | |
Longitudinal maturation of auditory cortical function during adolescence. Description: Fitzroy, Ahren B, et al. Longitudinal maturation of auditory cortical function during adolescence. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 530 | |
Neural systems mediating processing of sound units of language distinguish recovery versus persistence in stuttering. Description: Mohan, Ranjini, et al. Neural systems mediating processing of sound units of language distinguish recovery versus persistence in stuttering. ''J Neurodev Disord''. 2015; '''7''' (1):28 | |
Neurodevelopment for syntactic processing distinguishes childhood stuttering recovery versus persistence. Description: Usler, Evan, et al. Neurodevelopment for syntactic processing distinguishes childhood stuttering recovery versus persistence. ''J Neurodev Disord''. 2015; '''7''' (1):4 | |
The Complex Pre-Execution Stage of Auditory Cognitive Control: ERPs Evidence from Stroop Tasks. Description: Yu, Bo, et al. The Complex Pre-Execution Stage of Auditory Cognitive Control: ERPs Evidence from Stroop Tasks. ''PLoS One''. 2015; '''10''' (9):e0137649 | |
The effect of target and non-target similarity on neural classification performance: a boost from confidence. Description: Marathe, Amar R, et al. The effect of target and non-target similarity on neural classification performance: a boost from confidence. ''Front Neurosci''. 2015; '''9''': 270 | |
Electrophysiological measurement of the effect of inter-stimulus competition on early cortical stages of human vision. Description: Miller, Claire E, et al. Electrophysiological measurement of the effect of inter-stimulus competition on early cortical stages of human vision. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Jan 15; '''105''': 229-37 | |
Age-related differences in early novelty processing: using PCA to parse the overlapping anterior P2 and N2 components. Description: Daffner, Kirk R, et al. Age-related differences in early novelty processing: using PCA to parse the overlapping anterior P2 and N2 components. ''Biol Psychol''. 2015 Feb; '''105''': 83-94 | |
Normal aging selectively diminishes alpha lateralization in visual spatial attention. Description: Hong, Xiangfei, et al. Normal aging selectively diminishes alpha lateralization in visual spatial attention. ''Neuroimage''. 2015 Feb 1; '''106''': 353-63 | |
Influence of worry on sustained attention to emotional stimuli: evidence from the late positive potential. Description: Burkhouse, Katie L, et al. Influence of worry on sustained attention to emotional stimuli: evidence from the late positive potential. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2015 Feb 19; '''588''': 57-61 | |
Early and late effects of objecthood and spatial frequency on event-related potentials and gamma band activity. Description: Craddock, Matt, et al. Early and late effects of objecthood and spatial frequency on event-related potentials and gamma band activity. ''BMC Neurosci''. 2015 Feb 26; '''16''': 6 | |
In vivo evidence for neuroplasticity in older adults. Description: Porto, Fabio Henrique de Gobbi, et al. In vivo evidence for neuroplasticity in older adults. ''Brain Res Bull''. 2015 May; '''114''': 56-61 | |
Multichannel recordings of the human brainstem frequency-following response: scalp topography, source generators, and distinctions from the transient ABR. Description: Bidelman, Gavin M. Multichannel recordings of the human brainstem frequency-following response: scalp topography, source generators, and distinctions from the transient ABR. ''Hear Res''. 2015 May; '''323''': 68-80 | |
On how the brain decodes vocal cues about speaker confidence. Description: Jiang, Xiaoming, et al. On how the brain decodes vocal cues about speaker confidence. ''Cortex''. 2015 May; '''66''': 9-34 | |
Auditory attention in childhood and adolescence: An event-related potential study of spatial selective attention to one of two simultaneous stories. Description: Karns, Christina M, et al. Auditory attention in childhood and adolescence: An event-related potential study of spatial selective attention to one of two simultaneous stories. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2015 Jun; '''13''': 53-67 | |
Attachment style moderates partner presence effects on pain: a laser-evoked potentials study. Description: Krahe, Charlotte, et al. Attachment style moderates partner presence effects on pain: a laser-evoked potentials study. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2015 Aug; '''10''' (8):1030-7 | |
Implicit attention to negative social, in contrast to nonsocial, words in the Stroop task differs between individuals high and low in loneliness: Evidence from event-related brain microstates. Description: Cacioppo, Stephanie, et al. Implicit attention to negative social, in contrast to nonsocial, words in the Stroop task differs between individuals high and low in loneliness: Evidence from event-related brain microstates. ''Cortex''. 2015 Sep; '''70''': 213-33 | |
Buffering effect of money priming on negative emotions-An ERP study. Description: Ma, Qingguo, et al. Buffering effect of money priming on negative emotions-An ERP study. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2015 Oct 8; '''606''': 77-81 | |
Effect of imperceptible vibratory noise applied to wrist skin on fingertip touch evoked potentials - an EEG study. Description: Seo, Na Jin, et al. Effect of imperceptible vibratory noise applied to wrist skin on fingertip touch evoked potentials - an EEG study. ''Physiol Rep''. 2015 Nov; '''3''' (11): | |
Spatio-temporal distribution of brain activity associated with audio-visually congruent and incongruent speech and the McGurk Effect. Description: Pratt, Hillel, et al. Spatio-temporal distribution of brain activity associated with audio-visually congruent and incongruent speech and the McGurk Effect. ''Brain Behav''. 2015 Nov; '''5''' (11):e00407 | |
Emotional words facilitate lexical but not early visual processing. Description: Trauer, Sophie M, et al. Emotional words facilitate lexical but not early visual processing. ''BMC Neurosci''. 2015 Dec 12; '''16''': 89 | |
Adaptations of Prefrontal Brain Activity, Executive Functions, and Gait in Healthy Elderly Following Exergame and Balance Training: A Randomized-Controlled Study. Description: Schattin, Alexandra, et al. Adaptations of Prefrontal Brain Activity, Executive Functions, and Gait in Healthy Elderly Following Exergame and Balance Training: A Randomized-Controlled Study. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2016; '''8''': 278 | |
Age-Related Differences in the Modulation of Small-World Brain Networks during a Go/NoGo Task. Description: Hong, Xiangfei, et al. Age-Related Differences in the Modulation of Small-World Brain Networks during a Go/NoGo Task. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2016; '''8''': 100 | |
Assessing Neurocognition via Gamified Experimental Logic: A Novel Approach to Simultaneous Acquisition of Multiple ERPs. Description: Nair, Ajay K, et al. Assessing Neurocognition via Gamified Experimental Logic: A Novel Approach to Simultaneous Acquisition of Multiple ERPs. ''Front Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 1 | |
Changes in Neural Activity Underlying Working Memory after Computerized Cognitive Training in Older Adults. Description: Tusch, Erich S, et al. Changes in Neural Activity Underlying Working Memory after Computerized Cognitive Training in Older Adults. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2016; '''8''': 255 | |
Competitive Semantic Memory Retrieval: Temporal Dynamics Revealed by Event-Related Potentials. Description: Hellerstedt, Robin, et al. Competitive Semantic Memory Retrieval: Temporal Dynamics Revealed by Event-Related Potentials. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (2):e0150091 | |
Controlling the Emotional Bias: Performance, Late Positive Potentials, and the Effect of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). Description: Faehling, Florian, et al. Controlling the Emotional Bias: Performance, Late Positive Potentials, and the Effect of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). ''Front Cell Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 159 | |
Errors Disrupt Subsequent Early Attentional Processes. Description: Van der Borght, Liesbet, et al. Errors Disrupt Subsequent Early Attentional Processes. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (4):e0151843 | |
From Capture to Inhibition: How does Irrelevant Information Influence Visual Search? Evidence from a Spatial Cuing Paradigm. Description: Mertes, Christine, et al. From Capture to Inhibition: How does Irrelevant Information Influence Visual Search? Evidence from a Spatial Cuing Paradigm. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 232 | |
Gestalt Perceptual Organization of Visual Stimuli Captures Attention Automatically: Electrophysiological Evidence. Description: Marini, Francesco, et al. Gestalt Perceptual Organization of Visual Stimuli Captures Attention Automatically: Electrophysiological Evidence. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 446 | |
Increased Early Processing of Task-Irrelevant Auditory Stimuli in Older Adults. Description: Tusch, Erich S, et al. Increased Early Processing of Task-Irrelevant Auditory Stimuli in Older Adults. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (11):e0165645 | |
Increasing Working Memory Load Reduces Processing of Cross-Modal Task-Irrelevant Stimuli Even after Controlling for Task Difficulty and Executive Capacity. Description: Simon, Sharon S, et al. Increasing Working Memory Load Reduces Processing of Cross-Modal Task-Irrelevant Stimuli Even after Controlling for Task Difficulty and Executive Capacity. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 380 | |
Involuntary attentional orienting in the absence of awareness speeds up early sensory processing. Description: Schettino, Antonio, et al. Involuntary attentional orienting in the absence of awareness speeds up early sensory processing. ''Cortex''. 2016 Jan; '''74''': 107-17 | |
Neural Correlates of Attention to Human-Made Sounds: An ERP Study. Description: Stavropoulos, Katherine Kuhl-Meltzoff, et al. Neural Correlates of Attention to Human-Made Sounds: An ERP Study. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (10):e0165745 | |
Proposing Metrics for Benchmarking Novel EEG Technologies Towards Real-World Measurements. Description: Oliveira, Anderson S, et al. Proposing Metrics for Benchmarking Novel EEG Technologies Towards Real-World Measurements. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 188 | |
Punctuation and Implicit Prosody in Silent Reading: An ERP Study Investigating English Garden-Path Sentences. Description: Drury, John E, et al. Punctuation and Implicit Prosody in Silent Reading: An ERP Study Investigating English Garden-Path Sentences. ''Front Psychol''. 2016; '''7''': 1375 | |
Spontaneous Alpha Power Lateralization Predicts Detection Performance in an Un-Cued Signal Detection Task. Description: Boncompte, Gonzalo, et al. Spontaneous Alpha Power Lateralization Predicts Detection Performance in an Un-Cued Signal Detection Task. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (8):e0160347 | |
Steering Demands Diminish the Early-P3, Late-P3 and RON Components of the Event-Related Potential of Task-Irrelevant Environmental Sounds. Description: Scheer, Menja, et al. Steering Demands Diminish the Early-P3, Late-P3 and RON Components of the Event-Related Potential of Task-Irrelevant Environmental Sounds. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 73 | |
The effect of Ramadan fasting on spatial attention through emotional stimuli. Description: Molavi, Maziyar, et al. The effect of Ramadan fasting on spatial attention through emotional stimuli. ''Psychol Res Behav Manag''. 2016; '''9''': 105-14 | |
The Impact of Task Demands on Fixation-Related Brain Potentials during Guided Search. Description: Ries, Anthony J, et al. The Impact of Task Demands on Fixation-Related Brain Potentials during Guided Search. ''PLoS One''. 2016; '''11''' (6):e0157260 | |
Theta Oscillation Reveals the Temporal Involvement of Different Attentional Networks in Contingent Reorienting. Description: Chang, Chi-Fu, et al. Theta Oscillation Reveals the Temporal Involvement of Different Attentional Networks in Contingent Reorienting. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2016; '''10''': 264 | |
The time course of visuo-spatial working memory updating revealed by a retro-cuing paradigm. Description: Schneider, Daniel, et al. The time course of visuo-spatial working memory updating revealed by a retro-cuing paradigm. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Feb 12; '''6''': 21442 | |
Distinguishing the influence of task difficulty on error-related ERPs using surface Laplacian transformation. Description: Van der Borght, Liesbet, et al. Distinguishing the influence of task difficulty on error-related ERPs using surface Laplacian transformation. ''Biol Psychol''. 2016 Mar; '''115''': 78-85 | |
One of the most well-established age-related changes in neural activity disappears after controlling for visual acuity. Description: Porto, Fabio H G, et al. One of the most well-established age-related changes in neural activity disappears after controlling for visual acuity. ''Neuroimage''. 2016 Apr 15; '''130''': 115-122 | |
Neural processing of amplitude and formant rise time in dyslexia. Description: Peter, Varghese, et al. Neural processing of amplitude and formant rise time in dyslexia. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''19''': 152-63 | |
The bilingual brain turns a blind eye to negative statements in the second language. Description: Jonczyk, Rafal, et al. The bilingual brain turns a blind eye to negative statements in the second language. ''Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci''. 2016 Jun; '''16''' (3):527-40 | |
The impact of simulated MRI scanner background noise on visual attention processes as measured by the EEG. Description: Kobald, S Oliver, et al. The impact of simulated MRI scanner background noise on visual attention processes as measured by the EEG. ''Sci Rep''. 2016 Jun 21; '''6''': 28371 | |
Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEG. Description: Schauer, Georg, et al. Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEG. ''Sci Data''. 2016 Aug 16; '''3''': 160065 | |
Early math and reading achievement are associated with the error positivity. Description: Kim, Matthew H, et al. Early math and reading achievement are associated with the error positivity. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2016 Dec; '''22''': 18-26 | |
Electrophysiological signatures of event words: Dissociating syntactic and semantic category effects in lexical processing. Description: Lapinskaya, Natalia, et al. Electrophysiological signatures of event words: Dissociating syntactic and semantic category effects in lexical processing. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2016 Dec; '''93''' (Pt A):151-157 | |
Auditory and Visual Electrophysiology of Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants: Implications for Cross-modal Plasticity. Description: Corina, David P, et al. Auditory and Visual Electrophysiology of Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants: Implications for Cross-modal Plasticity. ''Front Psychol''. 2017; '''8''': 59 | |
Behavioral and Brain Measures of Phasic Alerting Effects on Visual Attention. Description: Wiegand, Iris, et al. Behavioral and Brain Measures of Phasic Alerting Effects on Visual Attention. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 176 | |
Distinct Neural Signatures for Very Small and Very Large Numerosities. Description: Fornaciai, Michele, et al. Distinct Neural Signatures for Very Small and Very Large Numerosities. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 21 | |
Effect of EEG Referencing Methods on Auditory Mismatch Negativity. Description: Mahajan, Yatin, et al. Effect of EEG Referencing Methods on Auditory Mismatch Negativity. ''Front Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 560 | |
Electrocorticography of Spatial Shifting and Attentional Selection in Human Superior Parietal Cortex. Description: Schrooten, Maarten, et al. Electrocorticography of Spatial Shifting and Attentional Selection in Human Superior Parietal Cortex. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 240 | |
Investigating the Usability and Acute Effects of a Bedside Video Console to Prefrontal Cortical Activity Alterations: A Preclinical Study in Healthy Elderly. Description: Knols, Ruud H, et al. Investigating the Usability and Acute Effects of a Bedside Video Console to Prefrontal Cortical Activity Alterations: A Preclinical Study in Healthy Elderly. ''Front Syst Neurosci''. 2017; '''11''': 85 | |
Mindful Aging: The Effects of Regular Brief Mindfulness Practice on Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive and Affective Processing in Older Adults. Description: Malinowski, Peter, et al. Mindful Aging: The Effects of Regular Brief Mindfulness Practice on Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive and Affective Processing in Older Adults. ''Mindfulness (N Y)''. 2017; '''8''' (1):78-94 | |
Neural patterns elicited by sentence processing uniquely characterize typical development, SLI recovery, and SLI persistence. Description: Haebig, Eileen, et al. Neural patterns elicited by sentence processing uniquely characterize typical development, SLI recovery, and SLI persistence. ''J Neurodev Disord''. 2017; '''9''': 22 | |
Neurophysiological Evidence of Compensatory Brain Mechanisms Underlying Attentional-Related Processes in Symptomatically Remitted Patients with Schizophrenia. Description: Chen, Guoliang, et al. Neurophysiological Evidence of Compensatory Brain Mechanisms Underlying Attentional-Related Processes in Symptomatically Remitted Patients with Schizophrenia. ''Front Psychol''. 2017; '''8''': 550 | |
Sequential Modulations in a Combined Horizontal and Vertical Simon Task: Is There ERP Evidence for Feature Integration Effects? Description: Hoppe, Katharina, et al. Sequential Modulations in a Combined Horizontal and Vertical Simon Task: Is There ERP Evidence for Feature Integration Effects? ''Front Psychol''. 2017; '''8''': 1094 | |
Sequential search asymmetry: Behavioral and psychophysiological evidence from a dual oddball task. Description: Blundon, Elizabeth G, et al. Sequential search asymmetry: Behavioral and psychophysiological evidence from a dual oddball task. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (3):e0173237 | |
Task-Irrelevant Novel Sounds have Antithetical Effects on Visual Target Processing in Young and Old Adults. Description: Tusch, Erich S, et al. Task-Irrelevant Novel Sounds have Antithetical Effects on Visual Target Processing in Young and Old Adults. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2017; '''9''': 348 | |
The impact of hyperoxia on brain activity: A resting-state and task-evoked electroencephalography (EEG) study. Description: Sheng, Min, et al. The impact of hyperoxia on brain activity: A resting-state and task-evoked electroencephalography (EEG) study. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (5):e0176610 | |
The relationship between early and late event-related potentials and temperament in adolescents with and without ADHD. Description: Alperin, Brittany R, et al. The relationship between early and late event-related potentials and temperament in adolescents with and without ADHD. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (7):e0180627 | |
The role of temporal predictability for early attentional adjustments after conflict. Description: Bombeke, Klaas, et al. The role of temporal predictability for early attentional adjustments after conflict. ''PLoS One''. 2017; '''12''' (4):e0175694 | |
Effects of Video Game Training on Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures of Attention and Memory: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Description: Ballesteros, Soledad, et al. Effects of Video Game Training on Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures of Attention and Memory: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. ''JMIR Res Protoc''. 2017 Jan 24; '''6''' (1):e8 | |
Selective rehearsal is affected by the emotionality of the encoding context in item-method directed forgetting: An event-related potential study. Description: Liu, Tzu-Ling, et al. Selective rehearsal is affected by the emotionality of the encoding context in item-method directed forgetting: An event-related potential study. ''Biol Psychol''. 2017 Feb; '''123''': 15-24 | |
Visually guided auditory attention in a dynamic "cocktail-party" speech perception task: ERP evidence for age-related differences. Description: Getzmann, Stephan, et al. Visually guided auditory attention in a dynamic "cocktail-party" speech perception task: ERP evidence for age-related differences. ''Hear Res''. 2017 Feb; '''344''': 98-108 | |
Posterior alpha EEG Dynamics Dissociate Current from Future Goals in Working Memory-Guided Visual Search. Description: de Vries, Ingmar E J, et al. Posterior alpha EEG Dynamics Dissociate Current from Future Goals in Working Memory-Guided Visual Search. ''J Neurosci''. 2017 Feb 8; '''37''' (6):1591-1603 | |
An electrophysiological investigation of emotional abnormalities in groups at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum personality disorders. Description: Martin, Elizabeth A, et al. An electrophysiological investigation of emotional abnormalities in groups at risk for schizophrenia-spectrum personality disorders. ''Biol Psychol''. 2017 Mar; '''124''': 119-132 | |
Event-related potential data from a guess the number brain-computer interface experiment on school children. Description: Moucek, R, et al. Event-related potential data from a guess the number brain-computer interface experiment on school children. ''Sci Data''. 2017 Mar 28; '''4''': 160121 | |
Age-related changes in neural oscillations supporting context memory retrieval. Description: Strunk, Jonathan, et al. Age-related changes in neural oscillations supporting context memory retrieval. ''Cortex''. 2017 Jun; '''91''': 40-55 | |
Anticipatory representations of reward and threat in perceptual areas from preadolescence to late adolescence. Description: Howsley, Philippa, et al. Anticipatory representations of reward and threat in perceptual areas from preadolescence to late adolescence. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2017 Jun; '''25''': 246-259 | |
Development of selective attention in preschool-age children from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds. Description: Hampton Wray, Amanda, et al. Development of selective attention in preschool-age children from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2017 Aug; '''26''': 101-111 | |
Decision ambiguity is mediated by a late positive potential originating from cingulate cortex. Description: Sun, Sai, et al. Decision ambiguity is mediated by a late positive potential originating from cingulate cortex. ''Neuroimage''. 2017 Aug 15; '''157''': 400-414 | |
Segregating Top-Down Selective Attention from Response Inhibition in a Spatial Cueing Go/NoGo Task: An ERP and Source Localization Study. Description: Hong, Xiangfei, et al. Segregating Top-Down Selective Attention from Response Inhibition in a Spatial Cueing Go/NoGo Task: An ERP and Source Localization Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Aug 29; '''7''' (1):9662 | |
Predicting semantic features in Chinese: Evidence from ERPs. Description: Kwon, Nayoung, et al. Predicting semantic features in Chinese: Evidence from ERPs. ''Cognition''. 2017 Sep; '''166''': 433-446 | |
Temporal dynamics of reward anticipation in the human brain. Description: Zhang, Yuanyuan, et al. Temporal dynamics of reward anticipation in the human brain. ''Biol Psychol''. 2017 Sep; '''128''': 89-97 | |
Event-related potentials discriminate familiar and unusual goal outcomes in 5-month-olds and adults. Description: Michel, Christine, et al. Event-related potentials discriminate familiar and unusual goal outcomes in 5-month-olds and adults. ''Dev Psychol''. 2017 Oct; '''53''' (10):1833-1843 | |
Emotion Regulating Attentional Control Abnormalities In Major Depressive Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study. Description: Hu, Bin, et al. Emotion Regulating Attentional Control Abnormalities In Major Depressive Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study. ''Sci Rep''. 2017 Oct 19; '''7''' (1):13530 | |
A Neural Signature Encoding Decisions under Perceptual Ambiguity. Description: Sun, Sai, et al. A Neural Signature Encoding Decisions under Perceptual Ambiguity. ''eNeuro''. 2017 Nov-Dec; '''4''' (6): | |
Brain indices of disagreement with one's social values predict EU referendum voting behavior. Description: Galli, Giulia, et al. Brain indices of disagreement with one's social values predict EU referendum voting behavior. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2017 Nov 1; '''12''' (11):1758-1765 | |
When speaker identity is unavoidable: Neural processing of speaker identity cues in natural speech. Description: Tuninetti, Alba, et al. When speaker identity is unavoidable: Neural processing of speaker identity cues in natural speech. ''Brain Lang''. 2017 Nov; '''174''': 42-49 | |
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Neural Basis of the Emotional Conflict Processing in Major Depression: ERPs and Source Localization Analysis on the N450 and P300 Components. Description: Zhu, Jing, et al. Neural Basis of the Emotional Conflict Processing in Major Depression: ERPs and Source Localization Analysis on the N450 and P300 Components. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2018; '''12''': 214 | |
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One Way or Another: Evidence for Perceptual Asymmetry in Pre-attentive Learning of Non-native Contrasts. Description: Liu, Liquan, et al. One Way or Another: Evidence for Perceptual Asymmetry in Pre-attentive Learning of Non-native Contrasts. ''Front Psychol''. 2018; '''9''': 162 | |
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Visual mismatch negativity and representational momentum: Their possible involvement in the same automatic prediction. Description: Kimura, Motohiro. Visual mismatch negativity and representational momentum: Their possible involvement in the same automatic prediction. ''Biol Psychol''. 2018 Nov; '''139''': 178-185 | |
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ERP differences in processing canonical and noncanonical finger-numeral configurations. Description: Soylu, Firat, et al. ERP differences in processing canonical and noncanonical finger-numeral configurations. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2019 Jul 13; '''705''': 74-79 | |
Action-induced adjustment of prediction explains no visual mismatch negativity to self-generated deviants. Description: Kimura, Motohiro, et al. Action-induced adjustment of prediction explains no visual mismatch negativity to self-generated deviants. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2019 Aug; '''131''': 111-118 | |
Event-Related Potential Evidence of Implicit Metric Structure during Silent Reading. Description: Breen, Mara, et al. Event-Related Potential Evidence of Implicit Metric Structure during Silent Reading. ''Brain Sci''. 2019 Aug 8; '''9''' (8): | |
Keep calm and carry on: electrophysiological evaluation of emotional anticipation in the second language. Description: Jonczyk, Rafal, et al. Keep calm and carry on: electrophysiological evaluation of emotional anticipation in the second language. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2019 Aug 31; '''14''' (8):885-898 | |
Electrophysiology of goal-directed versus habitual control during outcome devaluation. Description: Yousuf, Mushfa, et al. Electrophysiology of goal-directed versus habitual control during outcome devaluation. ''Cortex''. 2019 Oct; '''119''': 401-416 | |
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Extended categorization of conjunction object stimuli decreases the latency of attentional feature selection and recruits orthography-linked ERPs. Description: Folstein, Jonathan R, et al. Extended categorization of conjunction object stimuli decreases the latency of attentional feature selection and recruits orthography-linked ERPs. ''Cortex''. 2019 Nov; '''120''': 49-65 | |
From eye to face: The impact of face outline, feature number, and feature saliency on the early neural response to faces. Description: Parkington, Karisa B, et al. From eye to face: The impact of face outline, feature number, and feature saliency on the early neural response to faces. ''Brain Res''. 2019 Nov 1; '''1722''': 146343 | |
Using event-related potential and behavioural evidence to understand interpretation bias in relation to worry. Description: Feng, Ya-Chun, et al. Using event-related potential and behavioural evidence to understand interpretation bias in relation to worry. ''Biol Psychol''. 2019 Nov; '''148''': 107746 | |
Ensemble representations reveal distinct neural coding of visual working memory. Description: Oh, Byung-Il, et al. Ensemble representations reveal distinct neural coding of visual working memory. ''Nat Commun''. 2019 Dec 11; '''10''' (1):5665 | |
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Hemispheric differences in perceptual integration during language comprehension: An ERP study. Description: Male, Alie G, et al. Hemispheric differences in perceptual integration during language comprehension: An ERP study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2020 Mar 2; '''139''': 107353 | |
Electrophysiological responses to images ranging in motivational salience: Attentional abnormalities associated with schizophrenia-spectrum disorder risk. Description: Martin, Elizabeth A, et al. Electrophysiological responses to images ranging in motivational salience: Attentional abnormalities associated with schizophrenia-spectrum disorder risk. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Mar 12; '''10''' (1):4578 | |
Age differences in the neural correlates of the specificity of recollection: An event-related potential study. Description: Horne, Erin D, et al. Age differences in the neural correlates of the specificity of recollection: An event-related potential study. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2020 Mar 16; '''140''': 107394 | |
Patients with mutations of the Thyroid hormone beta-receptor show an ADHD-like phenotype for performance monitoring: an electrophysiological study. Description: Uter, Jan, et al. Patients with mutations of the Thyroid hormone beta-receptor show an ADHD-like phenotype for performance monitoring: an electrophysiological study. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2020 Mar 19; '''26''': 102250 | |
Early lexical influences on sublexical processing in speech perception: Evidence from electrophysiology. Description: Noe, Colin, et al. Early lexical influences on sublexical processing in speech perception: Evidence from electrophysiology. ''Cognition''. 2020 Apr; '''197''': 104162 | |
Neural characteristics of cognitive reappraisal success and failure: An ERP study. Description: Cao, Dan, et al. Neural characteristics of cognitive reappraisal success and failure: An ERP study. ''Brain Behav''. 2020 Apr; '''10''' (4):e01584 | |
Investigating the Effects of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation on EEG in Stroke Patients. Description: Navid, Muhammad Samran, et al. Investigating the Effects of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation on EEG in Stroke Patients. ''Brain Sci''. 2020 Apr 27; '''10''' (5): | |
Face-sensitive brain responses in the first year of life. Description: Conte, Stefania, et al. Face-sensitive brain responses in the first year of life. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 May 1; '''211''': 116602 | |
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) elicits stimulus-specific enhancement of cortical plasticity. Description: Boroda, Elias, et al. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) elicits stimulus-specific enhancement of cortical plasticity. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 May 1; '''211''': 116598 | |
When norm violations are spontaneously detected: an electrocortical investigation. Description: Salvador, Cristina E, et al. When norm violations are spontaneously detected: an electrocortical investigation. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2020 May 19; '''15''' (3):319-327 | |
Decoding attention control and selection in visual spatial attention. Description: Hong, Xiangfei, et al. Decoding attention control and selection in visual spatial attention. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2020 Jun 16; e25094 | |
Set focus and anaphoric reference: An ERP study. Description: Heinat, Fredrik, et al. Set focus and anaphoric reference: An ERP study. ''Brain Lang''. 2020 Jul; '''206''': 104808 | |
In context: emotional intent and temporal immediacy of contextual descriptions modulate affective ERP components to facial expressions. Description: Rischer, Katharina M, et al. In context: emotional intent and temporal immediacy of contextual descriptions modulate affective ERP components to facial expressions. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2020 Jul 1; '''15''' (5):551-560 | |
Probing the relationship between late endogenous ERP components with fluid intelligence in healthy older adults. Description: Teixeira-Santos, Ana C, et al. Probing the relationship between late endogenous ERP components with fluid intelligence in healthy older adults. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Jul 7; '''10''' (1):11167 | |
Engineering creativity: Prior experience modulates electrophysiological responses to novel metaphors. Description: Jonczyk, Rafal, et al. Engineering creativity: Prior experience modulates electrophysiological responses to novel metaphors. ''Psychophysiology''. 2020 Jul 16; e13630 | |
Effects of aging on event-related potentials to single-cycle binaural beats and diotic amplitude modulation of a tone. Description: Ungan, Pekcan, et al. Effects of aging on event-related potentials to single-cycle binaural beats and diotic amplitude modulation of a tone. ''Brain Res''. 2020 Aug 1; '''1740''': 146849 | |
Temporal decoding of vocal and musical emotions: Same code, different timecourse? Description: Paquette, S, et al. Temporal decoding of vocal and musical emotions: Same code, different timecourse? ''Brain Res''. 2020 Aug 15; '''1741''': 146887 | |
Differential neurophysiological correlates of retrieval of consolidated and reconsolidated memories in humans: An ERP and pupillometry study. Description: Campos-Arteaga, G, et al. Differential neurophysiological correlates of retrieval of consolidated and reconsolidated memories in humans: An ERP and pupillometry study. ''Neurobiol Learn Mem''. 2020 Oct; '''174''': 107279 | |
Electrophysiological correlates of the spatial temporal order judgment task. Description: Simon, Julia, et al. Electrophysiological correlates of the spatial temporal order judgment task. ''Biol Psychol''. 2020 Oct; '''156''': 107947 | |
The effect of empathy and context on face-processing ERPs. Description: Clark, Gillian M, et al. The effect of empathy and context on face-processing ERPs. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2020 Oct; '''147''': 107612 | |
Temporal dynamics of visual representations in the infant brain. Description: Bayet, Laurie, et al. Temporal dynamics of visual representations in the infant brain. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2020 Oct; '''45''': 100860 | |
Response inhibition alterations in migraine: evidence from event-related potentials and evoked oscillations. Description: Chen, Guoliang, et al. Response inhibition alterations in migraine: evidence from event-related potentials and evoked oscillations. ''J Headache Pain''. 2020 Oct 2; '''21''' (1):119 | |
Adaptiveness in proactive control engagement in children and adults. Description: Chevalier, Nicolas, et al. Adaptiveness in proactive control engagement in children and adults. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2020 Oct 12; '''46''': 100870 | |
The effect of movie-watching on electroencephalographic responses to tactile stimulation. Description: Espenhahn, Svenja, et al. The effect of movie-watching on electroencephalographic responses to tactile stimulation. ''Neuroimage''. 2020 Oct 15; '''220''': 117130 | |
The Behavioral and ERP Responses to Self- and Other- Referenced Adjectives. Description: Savostyanov, Alexander, et al. The Behavioral and ERP Responses to Self- and Other- Referenced Adjectives. ''Brain Sci''. 2020 Oct 27; '''10''' (11): | |
The effects of background music on neural responses during reading comprehension. Description: Du, Meng, et al. The effects of background music on neural responses during reading comprehension. ''Sci Rep''. 2020 Oct 29; '''10''' (1):18651 | |
Age-related changes in selection, recognition, updating and maintenance information in WM. An ERP study in children and adolescents. Description: Pelegrina, Santiago, et al. Age-related changes in selection, recognition, updating and maintenance information in WM. An ERP study in children and adolescents. ''Biol Psychol''. 2020 Nov; '''157''': 107977 | |
Interdependent self-construal predicts reduced sensitivity to norms under pathogen threat: An electrocortical investigation. Description: Salvador, Cristina E, et al. Interdependent self-construal predicts reduced sensitivity to norms under pathogen threat: An electrocortical investigation. ''Biol Psychol''. 2020 Nov; '''157''': 107970 | |
The peripheral effect of direct current stimulation on brain circuits involving memory. Description: Vanneste, Sven, et al. The peripheral effect of direct current stimulation on brain circuits involving memory. ''Sci Adv''. 2020 Nov; '''6''' (45): | |
The functional significance of the P600: Some linguistic P600's do localize to language areas. Description: Gonda, Shahar, et al. The functional significance of the P600: Some linguistic P600's do localize to language areas. ''Medicine (Baltimore)''. 2020 Nov 13; '''99''' (46):e23116 | |
A multi-metric approach to characterizing mouse peripheral auditory nerve function using the auditory brainstem response. Description: McClaskey, Carolyn M, et al. A multi-metric approach to characterizing mouse peripheral auditory nerve function using the auditory brainstem response. ''J Neurosci Methods''. 2020 Dec 1; '''346''': 108937 | |
Capacity-limited resources are used for managing sensory degradation and cognitive demands: Implications for age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Description: Billig, Adam R, et al. Capacity-limited resources are used for managing sensory degradation and cognitive demands: Implications for age-related cognitive decline and dementia. ''Cortex''. 2020 Dec; '''133''': 277-294 | |
Heterogeneity in abstract verbs: An ERP study. Description: Muraki, Emiko J, et al. Heterogeneity in abstract verbs: An ERP study. ''Brain Lang''. 2020 Dec; '''211''': 104863 | |
A Daytime Nap Does Not Enhance the Retention of a First-Order or Second-Order Motor Sequence. Description: Barham, Michael P, et al. A Daytime Nap Does Not Enhance the Retention of a First-Order or Second-Order Motor Sequence. ''Front Behav Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 659281 | |
Atypical attentional filtering of visual information in youth with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome as indexed by event-related potentials. Description: Linton, S R, et al. Atypical attentional filtering of visual information in youth with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome as indexed by event-related potentials. ''Neuroimage Clin''. 2021; '''32''': 102877 | |
Cognitive and Emotional Appraisal of Motivational Interviewing Statements: An Event-Related Potential Study. Description: Hui, Karen Y L, et al. Cognitive and Emotional Appraisal of Motivational Interviewing Statements: An Event-Related Potential Study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 727175 | |
Context Memory Encoding and Retrieval Temporal Dynamics are Modulated by Attention across the Adult Lifespan. Description: Mirjalili, Soroush, et al. Context Memory Encoding and Retrieval Temporal Dynamics are Modulated by Attention across the Adult Lifespan. ''eNeuro''. 2021 Jan-Feb; '''8''' (1): | |
Decreased P2 Waveform Reflects Impaired Brain Executive Function Induced by 12 h of Low Homeostatic Sleep Pressure: Evidence From an Event-Related Potential Study. Description: Zeng, Lingjing, et al. Decreased P2 Waveform Reflects Impaired Brain Executive Function Induced by 12 h of Low Homeostatic Sleep Pressure: Evidence From an Event-Related Potential Study. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 599919 | |
Efficacy of a Single-Task ERP Measure to Evaluate Cognitive Workload During a Novel Exergame. Description: Ghani, Usman, et al. Efficacy of a Single-Task ERP Measure to Evaluate Cognitive Workload During a Novel Exergame. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 742384 | |
Electrophysiological Measures of Tactile and Auditory Processing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Description: Kadlaskar, Girija, et al. Electrophysiological Measures of Tactile and Auditory Processing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 729270 | |
Electrophysiological Signatures of Perceiving Alternated Tone in Mandarin Chinese: Mismatch Negativity to Underlying Tone Conflict. Description: Zeng, Yuyu, et al. Electrophysiological Signatures of Perceiving Alternated Tone in Mandarin Chinese: Mismatch Negativity to Underlying Tone Conflict. ''Front Psychol''. 2021; '''12''': 735593 | |
Emotional State and Feedback-Related Negativity Induced by Positive, Negative, and Combined Reinforcement. Description: Xu, Shuyuan, et al. Emotional State and Feedback-Related Negativity Induced by Positive, Negative, and Combined Reinforcement. ''Front Psychol''. 2021; '''12''': 647263 | |
ERP Mismatch Negativity Amplitude and Asymmetry Reflect Phonological and Rapid Automatized Naming Skills in English-Speaking Kindergartners. Description: Norton, Elizabeth S, et al. ERP Mismatch Negativity Amplitude and Asymmetry Reflect Phonological and Rapid Automatized Naming Skills in English-Speaking Kindergartners. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 624617 | |
Event-Related Potentials During Decision-Making in a Mixed-Strategy Game. Description: Chang, Fang-Yu, et al. Event-Related Potentials During Decision-Making in a Mixed-Strategy Game. ''Front Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 552750 | |
Impoverished Inhibitory Control Exacerbates Multisensory Impairments in Older Fallers. Description: Scurry, Alexandra N, et al. Impoverished Inhibitory Control Exacerbates Multisensory Impairments in Older Fallers. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2021; '''13''': 700787 | |
Neural Signatures of Performance Feedback in the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT): An ERP Study. Description: Sommer, Anja, et al. Neural Signatures of Performance Feedback in the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT): An ERP Study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 630468 | |
Observing changes in human functioning during induced sleep deficiency and recovery periods. Description: Ochab, Jeremi K, et al. Observing changes in human functioning during induced sleep deficiency and recovery periods. ''PLoS One''. 2021; '''16''' (9):e0255771 | |
Probabilistic, entropy-maximizing control of large-scale neural synchronization. Description: Menceloglu, Melisa, et al. Probabilistic, entropy-maximizing control of large-scale neural synchronization. ''PLoS One''. 2021; '''16''' (4):e0249317 | |
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Affective and Semantic Valence Among Women. Description: Wang, Luchun, et al. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Affective and Semantic Valence Among Women. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2021; '''15''': 602192 | |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of maximal and minimal EEG spectral power. Description: Menceloglu, Melisa, et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of maximal and minimal EEG spectral power. ''PLoS One''. 2021; '''16''' (7):e0253813 | |
Feeling through another's eyes: Perceived gaze direction impacts ERP and behavioural measures of positive and negative affective empathy. Description: McCrackin, Sarah D, et al. Feeling through another's eyes: Perceived gaze direction impacts ERP and behavioural measures of positive and negative affective empathy. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Feb 1; '''226''': 117605 | |
Impaired visual working memory and reduced connectivity in undergraduates with a history of mild traumatic brain injury. Description: Arciniega, Hector, et al. Impaired visual working memory and reduced connectivity in undergraduates with a history of mild traumatic brain injury. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Feb 2; '''11''' (1):2789 | |
Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Go/NoGo Performance Using Food and Non-Food Stimuli in Patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Description: Poje, Albert B, et al. Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Go/NoGo Performance Using Food and Non-Food Stimuli in Patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome. ''Brain Sci''. 2021 Feb 17; '''11''' (2): | |
Neurophysiological improvements in speech-in-noise task after short-term choir training in older adults. Description: Hennessy, Sarah, et al. Neurophysiological improvements in speech-in-noise task after short-term choir training in older adults. ''Aging (Albany NY)''. 2021 Apr 6; '''13''' (7):9468-9495 | |
The effects of barbell resistance exercise on information processing speed and conflict-related ERP in older adults: a crossover randomized controlled trial. Description: Lin, Ting-Yu, et al. The effects of barbell resistance exercise on information processing speed and conflict-related ERP in older adults: a crossover randomized controlled trial. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Apr 28; '''11''' (1):9137 | |
Optimistic amnesia: how online and offline processing shape belief updating and memory biases in immediate and long-term optimism biases. Description: Yao, Ziqing, et al. Optimistic amnesia: how online and offline processing shape belief updating and memory biases in immediate and long-term optimism biases. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2021 May 4; '''16''' (5):453-462 | |
Approach of visual stimuli facilitates the prediction of tactile events and suppresses beta band oscillations around the primary somatosensory area. Description: Kimura, Tsukasa. Approach of visual stimuli facilitates the prediction of tactile events and suppresses beta band oscillations around the primary somatosensory area. ''Neuroreport''. 2021 May 5; '''32''' (7):631-635 | |
Effects of a robot-aided somatosensory training on proprioception and motor function in stroke survivors. Description: Yeh, I-Ling, et al. Effects of a robot-aided somatosensory training on proprioception and motor function in stroke survivors. ''J Neuroeng Rehabil''. 2021 May 10; '''18''' (1):77 | |
Conflict Processing in Schizophrenia: Dissociable neural mechanisms revealed by the N2 and frontal midline theta. Description: Hong, Xiangfei, et al. Conflict Processing in Schizophrenia: Dissociable neural mechanisms revealed by the N2 and frontal midline theta. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2021 May 14; '''155''': 107791 | |
Analogous computations in working memory input, output and motor gating: Electrophysiological and computational modeling evidence. Description: Rac-Lubashevsky, Rachel, et al. Analogous computations in working memory input, output and motor gating: Electrophysiological and computational modeling evidence. ''PLoS Comput Biol''. 2021 Jun; '''17''' (6):e1008971 | |
Neural correlates of sustained attention and cognitive control in depression and rumination: An ERP study. Description: Owens, Max, et al. Neural correlates of sustained attention and cognitive control in depression and rumination: An ERP study. ''Neurosci Lett''. 2021 Jun 21; '''756''': 135942 | |
More than words: word predictability, prosody, gesture and mouth movements in natural language comprehension. Description: Zhang, Ye, et al. More than words: word predictability, prosody, gesture and mouth movements in natural language comprehension. ''Proc Biol Sci''. 2021 Jul 28; '''288''' (1955):20210500 | |
The effects of working memory training in children revealed by behavioral responses and ERP. Description: Xu, Jie, et al. The effects of working memory training in children revealed by behavioral responses and ERP. ''Brain Behav''. 2021 Aug; '''11''' (8):e2310 | |
Occipital sleep spindles predict sequence learning in a visuo-motor task. Description: Lutz, Nicolas D, et al. Occipital sleep spindles predict sequence learning in a visuo-motor task. ''Sleep''. 2021 Aug 13; '''44''' (8): | |
The early processing of fearful and happy facial expressions is independent of task demands - Support from mass univariate analyses. Description: Durston, Amie J, et al. The early processing of fearful and happy facial expressions is independent of task demands - Support from mass univariate analyses. ''Brain Res''. 2021 Aug 15; '''1765''': 147505 | |
Heartbeat-Evoked Cortical Potential during Sleep and Interoceptive Sensitivity: A Matter of Hypnotizability. Description: Billeci, Lucia, et al. Heartbeat-Evoked Cortical Potential during Sleep and Interoceptive Sensitivity: A Matter of Hypnotizability. ''Brain Sci''. 2021 Aug 19; '''11''' (8): | |
Do congruent lip movements facilitate speech processing in a dynamic audiovisual multi-talker scenario? An ERP study with older and younger adults. Description: Begau, Alexandra, et al. Do congruent lip movements facilitate speech processing in a dynamic audiovisual multi-talker scenario? An ERP study with older and younger adults. ''Behav Brain Res''. 2021 Aug 27; '''412''': 113436 | |
Behavioral and electrophysiological investigations of effects of temporal regularity on illusory-figure processing. Description: Kasai, Tetsuko, et al. Behavioral and electrophysiological investigations of effects of temporal regularity on illusory-figure processing. ''Brain Res''. 2021 Sep 1; '''1766''': 147521 | |
Comprehensive analysis of the 5-HTTLPR allelic polymorphism effect on behavioral and neurophysiological indicators of executive control in people from different ethnic groups in Siberia. Description: Savostyanov, A N, et al. Comprehensive analysis of the 5-HTTLPR allelic polymorphism effect on behavioral and neurophysiological indicators of executive control in people from different ethnic groups in Siberia. ''Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii''. 2021 Sep; '''25''' (5):593-602 | |
Depressive rumination is correlated with brain responses during self-related processing. Description: Hsu, Tzu-Yu, et al. Depressive rumination is correlated with brain responses during self-related processing. ''J Psychiatry Neurosci''. 2021 Sep; '''46''' (5):E518-E527 | |
Electrophysiological mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced deficits in visual spatial and non-spatial discrimination. Description: Qiu, Qi, et al. Electrophysiological mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced deficits in visual spatial and non-spatial discrimination. ''Physiol Rep''. 2021 Sep; '''9''' (18):e15036 | |
I can see it in your eyes: Perceived gaze direction impacts ERP and behavioural measures of affective theory of mind. Description: McCrackin, Sarah D, et al. I can see it in your eyes: Perceived gaze direction impacts ERP and behavioural measures of affective theory of mind. ''Cortex''. 2021 Oct; '''143''': 205-222 | |
Incongruity in fraction verification elicits N270 and P300 ERP effects. Description: Rivera, Brian, et al. Incongruity in fraction verification elicits N270 and P300 ERP effects. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2021 Oct 15; '''161''': 108015 | |
Effects of changes in end-tidal PO2 and PCO2 on neural responses during rest and sustained attention. Description: Bullock, Tom, et al. Effects of changes in end-tidal PO2 and PCO2 on neural responses during rest and sustained attention. ''Physiol Rep''. 2021 Nov; '''9''' (21):e15106 | |
Evaluation of the frequency following response as a predictive biomarker of response to cognitive training in schizophrenia. Description: Clayson, Peter E, et al. Evaluation of the frequency following response as a predictive biomarker of response to cognitive training in schizophrenia. ''Psychiatry Res''. 2021 Nov; '''305''': 114239 | |
Serotonergic central tone in Parkinson's disease with fatigue: Evidence from the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP). Description: Pauletti, Caterina, et al. Serotonergic central tone in Parkinson's disease with fatigue: Evidence from the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP). ''Neurosci Lett''. 2021 Nov 1; '''764''': 136242 | |
The ineffective emotion regulation strategies of heroin use disorder patients: An event-related potential study. Description: Ding, Xiaobin, et al. The ineffective emotion regulation strategies of heroin use disorder patients: An event-related potential study. ''Drug Alcohol Depend''. 2021 Nov 1; '''228''': 109076 | |
EEG and behavioral correlates of attentional processing while walking and navigating naturalistic environments. Description: Liebherr, Magnus, et al. EEG and behavioral correlates of attentional processing while walking and navigating naturalistic environments. ''Sci Rep''. 2021 Nov 16; '''11''' (1):22325 | |
Impact of Early Rhythmic Training on Language Acquisition and Electrophysiological Functioning Underlying Auditory Processing: Feasibility and Preliminary Findings in Typically Developing Infants. Description: Dondena, Chiara, et al. Impact of Early Rhythmic Training on Language Acquisition and Electrophysiological Functioning Underlying Auditory Processing: Feasibility and Preliminary Findings in Typically Developing Infants. ''Brain Sci''. 2021 Nov 21; '''11''' (11): | |
Delta-modulated cortical alpha oscillations support new knowledge generation through memory integration. Description: Varga, Nicole L, et al. Delta-modulated cortical alpha oscillations support new knowledge generation through memory integration. ''Neuroimage''. 2021 Dec 1; '''244''': 118600 | |
History of one's own performance modulates evaluative processing of another's action outcomes, but not vice versa. Description: Ishii, Chikara, et al. History of one's own performance modulates evaluative processing of another's action outcomes, but not vice versa. ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Jan 7; '''12''' (1):65 | |
EEG signatures change during unilateral Yogi nasal breathing. Description: Niazi, Imran Khan, et al. EEG signatures change during unilateral Yogi nasal breathing. ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Jan 11; '''12''' (1):520 | |
Neural detection of changes in amplitude rise time in infancy. Description: Ni Choisdealbha, Aine, et al. Neural detection of changes in amplitude rise time in infancy. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2022 Jan 20; '''54''': 101075 | |
Efficacy of acupuncture on cognitive function in poststroke depression: study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Description: Chen, Ling, et al. Efficacy of acupuncture on cognitive function in poststroke depression: study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. ''Trials''. 2022 Jan 28; '''23''' (1):85 | |
Facial emotion processing and language during early-to-middle childhood development: An event related potential study. Description: Bigelow, Felicity J, et al. Facial emotion processing and language during early-to-middle childhood development: An event related potential study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2022 Feb; '''53''': 101052 | |
Banknote authenticity is signalled by rapid neural responses. Description: Dodgson, Daniel B, et al. Banknote authenticity is signalled by rapid neural responses. ''Sci Rep''. 2022 Feb 8; '''12''' (1):2076 | |
The resolution stage, not the incongruity detection stage, is related to the subjective feeling of humor: An ERP study using Japanese nazokake puns. Description: Sanada, Motoyuki, et al. The resolution stage, not the incongruity detection stage, is related to the subjective feeling of humor: An ERP study using Japanese nazokake puns. ''Brain Res''. 2022 Mar 1; '''1778''': 147780 | |
The Neural Responses of Visual Complexity in the Oddball Paradigm: An ERP Study. Description: Hu, Rui, et al. The Neural Responses of Visual Complexity in the Oddball Paradigm: An ERP Study. ''Brain Sci''. 2022 Mar 27; '''12''' (4): | |
Affective valence moderates the influence of thinking style on insight problem solving: Electrophysiological evidence. Description: Li, Xinyi, et al. Affective valence moderates the influence of thinking style on insight problem solving: Electrophysiological evidence. ''Biol Psychol''. 2022 Apr; '''170''': 108317 | |
Cortical Source Analysis of Event-Related Potentials: A Developmental Approach. Description: Conte, Stefania, et al. Cortical Source Analysis of Event-Related Potentials: A Developmental Approach. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2022 Apr; '''54''': 101092 | |
Infants' neural responses to helping and hindering scenarios. Description: Tan, Enda, et al. Infants' neural responses to helping and hindering scenarios. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2022 Apr; '''54''': 101095 | |
Investigating mechanisms of cognitive control training: neural signatures of PASAT performance in depressed patients. Description: Sommer, Anja, et al. Investigating mechanisms of cognitive control training: neural signatures of PASAT performance in depressed patients. ''J Neural Transm (Vienna)''. 2022 Jun; '''129''' (5-6):649-659 | |
When multiplying is meaningful in memory: Electrophysiological signature of the problem size effect in children. Description: Dickson, Danielle S, et al. When multiplying is meaningful in memory: Electrophysiological signature of the problem size effect in children. ''J Exp Child Psychol''. 2022 Jul; '''219''': 105399 | |
Formant-invariant voice and pitch representations are pre-attentively formed from constantly varying speech and non-speech stimuli. Description: Di Dona, Giuseppe, et al. Formant-invariant voice and pitch representations are pre-attentively formed from constantly varying speech and non-speech stimuli. ''Eur J Neurosci''. 2022 Aug; '''56''' (3):4086-4106 | |
Neural correlates of inhibitory control and associations with cognitive outcomes in Bangladeshi children exposed to early adversities. Description: Sullivan, Eileen F, et al. Neural correlates of inhibitory control and associations with cognitive outcomes in Bangladeshi children exposed to early adversities. ''Dev Sci''. 2022 Sep; '''25''' (5):e13245 | |
Self-interest is intuitive during opportunity (in)equity: Evidence from multivariate pattern analysis of electroencephalography data. Description: Long, Changquan, et al. Self-interest is intuitive during opportunity (in)equity: Evidence from multivariate pattern analysis of electroencephalography data. ''Neuropsychologia''. 2022 Sep 9; '''174''': 108343 | |
Preparing for the unknown: How working memory provides a link between perception and anticipated action. Description: Rosner, Marlene, et al. Preparing for the unknown: How working memory provides a link between perception and anticipated action. ''Neuroimage''. 2022 Oct 15; '''260''': 119466 | |
Semantic Activation in Badminton Action Processing and Its Modulation by Action Duration: An ERP Study. Description: Chang, Ruohan, et al. Semantic Activation in Badminton Action Processing and Its Modulation by Action Duration: An ERP Study. ''Brain Sci''. 2022 Oct 27; '''12''' (11): | |
Acute sensitization of the P3 event-related potential response to beverage images and the risk for alcohol use disorder. Description: Cofresi, Roberto U, et al. Acute sensitization of the P3 event-related potential response to beverage images and the risk for alcohol use disorder. ''Addict Neurosci''. 2022 Dec; '''4''': | |
Electrophysiological hallmarks for event relations and event roles in working memory. Description: Yu, Xinchi, et al. Electrophysiological hallmarks for event relations and event roles in working memory. ''Front Neurosci''. 2023; '''17''': 1282869 | |
Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Late Positive Potential in Youth with Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. Description: Simonetti, Alessio, et al. Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Late Positive Potential in Youth with Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. ''Curr Neuropharmacol''. 2023; '''21''' (7):1617-1630 | |
Study on the influence mechanism of perceived benefits on unsafe behavioral decision-making based on ERPs and EROs. Description: Zhang, Shu, et al. Study on the influence mechanism of perceived benefits on unsafe behavioral decision-making based on ERPs and EROs. ''Front Neurosci''. 2023; '''17''': 1231592 | |
Disruption of early visual processing in amyloid-positive healthy individuals and mild cognitive impairment. Description: Javitt, Daniel C, et al. Disruption of early visual processing in amyloid-positive healthy individuals and mild cognitive impairment. ''Alzheimers Res Ther''. 2023 Feb 28; '''15''' (1):42 | |
Affective evaluation of errors and neural error processing in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Description: Balzus, Luisa, et al. Affective evaluation of errors and neural error processing in obsessive-compulsive disorder. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2023 Jun 5; '''18''' (1): | |
Optimal Filters for ERP Research II: Recommended Settings for Seven Common ERP Components. Description: Zhang, Guanghui, et al. Optimal Filters for ERP Research II: Recommended Settings for Seven Common ERP Components. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Jun 14; | |
Exploring sensory sensitivity, cortical excitability, and habituation in episodic migraine, as a function of age and disease severity, using the pattern-reversal task. Description: Marti-Marca, Angela, et al. Exploring sensory sensitivity, cortical excitability, and habituation in episodic migraine, as a function of age and disease severity, using the pattern-reversal task. ''J Headache Pain''. 2023 Aug 7; '''24''' (1):104 | |
Neural dissociation between reward and salience prediction errors through the lens of optimistic bias. Description: Zheng, Ya, et al. Neural dissociation between reward and salience prediction errors through the lens of optimistic bias. ''Hum Brain Mapp''. 2023 Aug 15; '''44''' (12):4545-4560 | |
Event-Related Potential Markers of Suicidality in Adolescents. Description: Doruk Camsari, Deniz, et al. Event-Related Potential Markers of Suicidality in Adolescents. ''Int J Neuropsychopharmacol''. 2023 Aug 29; '''26''' (8):566-575 | |
A Potential Multimodal Test for Clinical Assessment of Visual Attention in Neurological Disorders. Description: Barone, Valentina, et al. A Potential Multimodal Test for Clinical Assessment of Visual Attention in Neurological Disorders. ''Clin EEG Neurosci''. 2023 Sep; '''54''' (5):512-521 | |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Common Approach to Artifact Correction and Rejection in Event-related Potential Research. Description: Zhang, Guanghui, et al. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Common Approach to Artifact Correction and Rejection in Event-related Potential Research. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Sep 17; | |
A Quantum Model of Trust Calibration in Human-AI Interactions. Description: Roeder, Luisa, et al. A Quantum Model of Trust Calibration in Human-AI Interactions. ''Entropy (Basel)''. 2023 Sep 20; '''25''' (9): | |
Finding normal-to-better neurocognitive indexes in individuals with schizotypal traits using a social role task. Description: Diao, Mingyi, et al. Finding normal-to-better neurocognitive indexes in individuals with schizotypal traits using a social role task. ''Schizophrenia (Heidelb)''. 2023 Sep 29; '''9''' (1):66 | |
Mass-univariate analysis of scalp ERPs reveals large effects of gaze fixation location during face processing that only weakly interact with face emotional expression. Description: Itier, Roxane J, et al. Mass-univariate analysis of scalp ERPs reveals large effects of gaze fixation location during face processing that only weakly interact with face emotional expression. ''Sci Rep''. 2023 Oct 9; '''13''' (1):17022 | |
Electrical brain activations in young children during a probabilistic reward-learning task are associated with behavioral strategy. Description: Chung, Yu Sun, et al. Electrical brain activations in young children during a probabilistic reward-learning task are associated with behavioral strategy. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Oct 17; | |
A uniform human multimodal dataset for emotion perception and judgment. Description: Sun, Sai, et al. A uniform human multimodal dataset for emotion perception and judgment. ''Sci Data''. 2023 Nov 7; '''10''' (1):773 | |
Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis to Increase Effect Sizes for Event-Related Potential Analyses. Description: Carrasco, Carlos Daniel, et al. Using Multivariate Pattern Analysis to Increase Effect Sizes for Event-Related Potential Analyses. ''bioRxiv''. 2023 Nov 11; | |
The role of multimodal cues in second language comprehension. Description: Zhang, Ye, et al. The role of multimodal cues in second language comprehension. ''Sci Rep''. 2023 Nov 27; '''13''' (1):20824 | |
A meta-analysis of event-related potential correlates of recognition memory. Description: Kwon, Simon, et al. A meta-analysis of event-related potential correlates of recognition memory. ''Psychon Bull Rev''. 2023 Dec; '''30''' (6):2083-2105 | |
A phase-shifting anterior-posterior network organizes global phase relations. Description: Menceloglu, Melisa, et al. A phase-shifting anterior-posterior network organizes global phase relations. ''PLoS One''. 2024; '''19''' (2):e0296827 | |
Decomposing working memory subprocesses with the reference-back paradigm: Event-related potentials and age-related differences. Description: Gaal, Zsofia Anna, et al. Decomposing working memory subprocesses with the reference-back paradigm: Event-related potentials and age-related differences. ''PLoS One''. 2024; '''19''' (12):e0307351 | |
Duration mismatch negativity under varying deviant conditions in individuals with high schizotypal traits. Description: Deng, Jue, et al. Duration mismatch negativity under varying deviant conditions in individuals with high schizotypal traits. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2024; '''15''': 1428814 | |
Is misokinesia sensitivity explained by visual attentional orienting? ERP evidence from an emotional oddball task suggests no. Description: Jaswal, Sumeet M, et al. Is misokinesia sensitivity explained by visual attentional orienting? ERP evidence from an emotional oddball task suggests no. ''PLoS One''. 2024; '''19''' (7):e0306464 | |
Neural correlates of prospective memory in college students with anxiety. Description: Rice, Michaela, et al. Neural correlates of prospective memory in college students with anxiety. ''Front Psychol''. 2024; '''15''': 1430373 | |
One size does not fit all: notable individual variation in brain activity correlates of antidepressant treatment response. Description: van der Wijk, Gwen, et al. One size does not fit all: notable individual variation in brain activity correlates of antidepressant treatment response. ''Front Psychiatry''. 2024; '''15''': 1358018 | |
Orientation and contrast deviance examined: Contrast effects mimic deviant-related negativity yet neither produce the canonical neural correlate of prediction error. Description: Male, Alie G. Orientation and contrast deviance examined: Contrast effects mimic deviant-related negativity yet neither produce the canonical neural correlate of prediction error. ''PLoS One''. 2024; '''19''' (3):e0299948 | |
P1 evoked by facial expression images is enhanced in Parkinson's disease patients with depressive symptoms. Description: Sun, Yujia, et al. P1 evoked by facial expression images is enhanced in Parkinson's disease patients with depressive symptoms. ''Front Aging Neurosci''. 2024; '''16''': 1423875 | |
The ineffective emotion regulation of deaf college students: an ERP study. Description: Dong, Qi, et al. The ineffective emotion regulation of deaf college students: an ERP study. ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2024; '''18''': 1445397 | |
The Role of Disgust Certainty in Intuitive Thought Processing: Electrophysiological Evidence. Description: Li, Zhaoxian, et al. The Role of Disgust Certainty in Intuitive Thought Processing: Electrophysiological Evidence. ''Psychol Res Behav Manag''. 2024; '''17''': 3709-3719 | |
The specificity of the auditory P300 responses and its association with clinical outcomes in youth with psychosis risk syndrome. Description: Hou, Yongqing, et al. The specificity of the auditory P300 responses and its association with clinical outcomes in youth with psychosis risk syndrome. ''Int J Clin Health Psychol''. 2024 Jan-Mar; '''24''' (1):100437 | |
Visual mismatch negativity in Parkinson's psychosis and potential for testing treatment mechanisms. Description: Vignando, Miriam, et al. Visual mismatch negativity in Parkinson's psychosis and potential for testing treatment mechanisms. ''Brain Commun''. 2024; '''6''' (5):fcae291 | |
Parental emotionality is related to preschool children's neural responses to emotional faces. Description: Xia, Ruohan, et al. Parental emotionality is related to preschool children's neural responses to emotional faces. ''Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci''. 2024 Jan 10; '''19''' (1): | |
A randomized controlled trial comparing different sites of high-velocity low amplitude thrust on sensorimotor integration parameters. Description: Niazi, Imran Khan, et al. A randomized controlled trial comparing different sites of high-velocity low amplitude thrust on sensorimotor integration parameters. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Jan 12; '''14''' (1):1159 | |
It's all in the timing: Delayed feedback in autism may weaken predictive mechanisms during contour integration. Description: Knight, Emily J, et al. It's all in the timing: Delayed feedback in autism may weaken predictive mechanisms during contour integration. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jan 19; | |
Immersion in nature enhances neural indices of executive attention. Description: McDonnell, Amy S, et al. Immersion in nature enhances neural indices of executive attention. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Jan 22; '''14''' (1):1845 | |
"Neural Noise" in Auditory Responses in Young Autistic and Neurotypical Children. Description: Dwyer, Patrick, et al. "Neural Noise" in Auditory Responses in Young Autistic and Neurotypical Children. ''J Autism Dev Disord''. 2024 Feb; '''54''' (2):642-661 | |
Resting EEG correlates of neurodevelopment in a socioeconomically and linguistically diverse sample of toddlers: Wave 1 of the Kia Timata Pai best start New Zealand study. Description: Arnett, Anne B, et al. Resting EEG correlates of neurodevelopment in a socioeconomically and linguistically diverse sample of toddlers: Wave 1 of the Kia Timata Pai best start New Zealand study. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2024 Feb; '''65''': 101336 | |
Quantifying the effects of practicing a semantic task according to subclinical schizotypy. Description: Diao, Mingyi, et al. Quantifying the effects of practicing a semantic task according to subclinical schizotypy. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Feb 5; '''14''' (1):2900 | |
Monitoring Disease Severity of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Single-Channel EEG Data Using Regression Analysis. Description: Khatun, Saleha, et al. Monitoring Disease Severity of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Single-Channel EEG Data Using Regression Analysis. ''Sensors (Basel)''. 2024 Feb 6; '''24''' (4): | |
Enhanced Working Memory Representations for Rare Events. Description: Carrasco, Carlos Daniel, et al. Enhanced Working Memory Representations for Rare Events. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Mar 20; | |
Slips of the tongue in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Description: Robert, Carina, et al. Slips of the tongue in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. ''Neurol Res Pract''. 2024 May 2; '''6''' (1):25 | |
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Measuring attentional selection of object categories using hierarchical frequency tagging. Description: Gagsch, Florian, et al. Measuring attentional selection of object categories using hierarchical frequency tagging. ''J Vis''. 2024 Jul 2; '''24''' (7):8 | |
A third kind of episodic memory: Context familiarity is a distinct process from item familiarity and recollection. Description: Addante, Richard J, et al. A third kind of episodic memory: Context familiarity is a distinct process from item familiarity and recollection. ''bioRxiv''. 2024 Jul 18; | |
The N400 effect captures nuances in implicit political preferences. Description: Mahieux, Emmanuel, et al. The N400 effect captures nuances in implicit political preferences. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Jul 20; '''14''' (1):16730 | |
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Electrocortical activity associated with movement-related fear: a methodological exploration of a threat-conditioning paradigm involving destabilising perturbations during quiet standing. Description: Grinberg, Adam, et al. Electrocortical activity associated with movement-related fear: a methodological exploration of a threat-conditioning paradigm involving destabilising perturbations during quiet standing. ''Exp Brain Res''. 2024 Aug; '''242''' (8):1903-1915 | |
It's all in the timing: delayed feedback in autism may weaken predictive mechanisms during contour integration. Description: Knight, Emily J, et al. It's all in the timing: delayed feedback in autism may weaken predictive mechanisms during contour integration. ''J Neurophysiol''. 2024 Sep 1; '''132''' (3):628-642 | |
The child the apple eats: processing of argument structure in Mandarin verb-final sentences. Description: Wolpert, Max, et al. The child the apple eats: processing of argument structure in Mandarin verb-final sentences. ''Sci Rep''. 2024 Sep 3; '''14''' (1):20459 | |
How is social dominance related to our short-term memory? An EEG/ERP investigation of encoding and retrieval during a working memory task. Description: Mohamadpour, Hadi, et al. How is social dominance related to our short-term memory? An EEG/ERP investigation of encoding and retrieval during a working memory task. ''Heliyon''. 2024 Sep 15; '''10''' (17):e37389 | |
A Dual Role for the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) in Auditory Deviance Detection. Description: Jaquerod, Manon E, et al. A Dual Role for the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) in Auditory Deviance Detection. ''Brain Sci''. 2024 Sep 29; '''14''' (10): | |
Investigating the impact of hearing loss on attentional networks among older individuals: an event-related potential study. Description: Madashetty, Sankalpa, et al. Investigating the impact of hearing loss on attentional networks among older individuals: an event-related potential study. ''Cogn Neurodyn''. 2024 Oct; '''18''' (5):3093-3105 | |
Leveraging mixed-effects location scale models to assess the ERP mismatch negativity's psychometric properties and trial-by-trial neural variability in toddler-mother dyads. Description: Mon, Serena K, et al. Leveraging mixed-effects location scale models to assess the ERP mismatch negativity's psychometric properties and trial-by-trial neural variability in toddler-mother dyads. ''Dev Cogn Neurosci''. 2024 Oct 12; '''70''': 101459 | |
Social conformity updates the neural representation of facial attractiveness. Description: Chen, Danni, et al. Social conformity updates the neural representation of facial attractiveness. ''Commun Biol''. 2024 Oct 22; '''7''' (1):1369 | |
Identification of Methamphetamine Abusers Can Be Supported by EEG-Based Wavelet Transform and BiLSTM Networks. Description: Zhou, Hui, et al. Identification of Methamphetamine Abusers Can Be Supported by EEG-Based Wavelet Transform and BiLSTM Networks. ''Brain Topogr''. 2024 Nov; '''37''' (6):1217-1231 | |
The two-stage processing of judgment of confidence: evidence from ERP. Description: Li, Zhaolan, et al. The two-stage processing of judgment of confidence: evidence from ERP. ''BMC Psychol''. 2024 Nov 13; '''12''' (1):651 | |
Enhancing cognitive control of our decisions: Making the most of humor during the IGT in females and males. Description: Flores-Torres, Jorge, et al. Enhancing cognitive control of our decisions: Making the most of humor during the IGT in females and males. ''Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci''. 2024 Dec; '''24''' (6):1031-1047 | |
Spinal Cord Stimulation for Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness: A Study on Scalp Electroencephalography. Description: Sun, Jian, et al. Spinal Cord Stimulation for Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness: A Study on Scalp Electroencephalography. ''CNS Neurosci Ther''. 2024 Dec; '''30''' (12):e70180 | |
P300 Latency with Memory Performance: A Promising Biomarker for Preclinical Stages of Alzheimer's Disease. Description: Mohamed, Manal, et al. P300 Latency with Memory Performance: A Promising Biomarker for Preclinical Stages of Alzheimer's Disease. ''Biosensors (Basel)''. 2024 Dec 15; '''14''' (12): | |
Non-Linear Effects of Acute Sleep Deprivation on Spatial Working Memory: Cognitive Depletion and Neural Compensation. Description: Shao, Yongcong, et al. Non-Linear Effects of Acute Sleep Deprivation on Spatial Working Memory: Cognitive Depletion and Neural Compensation. ''Brain Sci''. 2024 Dec 27; '''15''' (1): | |
Greater neural delay discounting on reward evaluation in anhedonia. Description: Guan, Chenlu, et al. Greater neural delay discounting on reward evaluation in anhedonia. ''Int J Clin Health Psychol''. 2025 Jan-Mar; '''25''' (1):100542 | |
Neural correlates of trait anxiety in sensory processing and distractor filtering. Description: Faerman, Michelle V, et al. Neural correlates of trait anxiety in sensory processing and distractor filtering. ''Psychophysiology''. 2025 Jan; '''62''' (1):e14706 | |
The influence of cognitive reserve on ERP measures of selective visual attentional processing in older adults after mild traumatic brain injury. Description: Balart-Sanchez, Sebastian A, et al. The influence of cognitive reserve on ERP measures of selective visual attentional processing in older adults after mild traumatic brain injury. ''PLoS One''. 2025; '''20''' (1):e0316673 | |
Negative auditory hallucinations are associated with increased activation of the defensive motivational system in schizophrenia. Description: Knippenberg, Anna R, et al. Negative auditory hallucinations are associated with increased activation of the defensive motivational system in schizophrenia. ''Schizophr Res Cogn''. 2025 Mar; '''39''': 100334 |