Ratings & Reviews   User Reviews  ( 5 )   
Overall: 4 out of 5Installation: 4 out of 5Documentation: 4 out of 5

Individual Rating Results for Grantees Meeting for NITRC

Review 5 of Grantees Meeting for NITRC on Jun 22, 2009
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  4 out of 5
Download/Installation Ease:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  5 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  An interesting meeting that generated some ideas for how to improve our tools.
Other Comments/Similar Tools:  I mentioned consulting Design Ethnologists about the user interaction with the NITRC system. Jason Swedlow mentions them in the talk (at about 19:44 in the video) from the Bio-Image Informative talk in 2008 http://www.bioimage.ucsb.edu/Workshops/28-Workshops/97-workshops2008 Invited talk: "The Open Microscopy Environment: Open Image Informatics for Biological Microscopy" Jason Swedlow, University of Dundee They have a website describing their project at http://www.usableimage.org should anyone be interested in the topic.

Review 4 of Grantees Meeting for NITRC on Aug 20, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- Nothing replaces the occasional face-to-face discussions, and the aim to bring a community together to support users and improved development is laudable.  Long-term -- True community efforts such as these will enhance the user experience, allow users to find the tool right for their needs, provide tool developers with feedback and new ways to advertise the strengths of their tools, and advance discussions of both available and needed resources.  Feature Requests -- It may enhance such meetings to push all attendees to describe tools, resources, and useage in terms of the community effort, for the user and the developer, as the main focus of the presentation.   

Review 3 of Grantees Meeting for NITRC on Jul 09, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Feature Requests -- I think having breakout groups and topics at future meetings would be useful. A number of important issues were raised, and it would be nice to have time to discuss these issues in depth.  

Review 2 of Grantees Meeting for NITRC on Jul 09, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  5 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  4 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- Very helpful for creating a common vision of nitrc, what it offers, and how it can be used.  Documentation -- This was a good exercise for everyone to work with the site ad learn to edit/upload content.  Long-term -- Regular periodic meetings will be important for community building and getting the most out of the site.  

Review 1 of Grantees Meeting for NITRC on Jun 30, 2008
Overall Ease vs. Functionality:  4 out of 5
Documentation/Support Quality:  3 out of 5
Ratings/Long-term Prospects Comments:  Overall -- It's nice to be able to find the presentations shared at this meeting in the "Docs" tab.  Documentation -- It was nice to be able to RSVP for different events via the wiki tab.