sdm-help-list > implicit baseline task fMRI
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Jun 26, 2023  03:06 AM | lvxy
implicit baseline task fMRI

Dear SDM professors:

If a two-sample fMRI study uses an implicit baseline, how to determine the positive and negative t-values, and whether they can all be positive or negative, discussing only the brain regions with altered neural activity without discussing activation or deactivation.

Best wishes!

Jun 28, 2023  09:06 AM | Lydia Fortea - Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
RE: implicit baseline task fMRI

Dear Ivxy

If we only have the two-sample comparison, we cannot know if a positive value is a hyperactivation or a failure to deactivate. We can use previous literature to discuss it.




Jun 29, 2023  07:06 AM | lvxy
RE: implicit baseline task fMRI

Originally posted by Lydia Fortea:

Dear Ivxy

If we only have the two-sample comparison, we cannot know if a positive value is a hyperactivation or a failure to deactivate. We can use previous literature to discuss it.




thanks, Lydia 

Should you mean that significant brain areas are found after performing SDM and then discusse activation or deactivation based on previous literature?My question is how to determine the positive and negative t values when collecting raw research coordinate data? For example, a 2*2 task(yes-yes, yes-no, no-yes, no-no) fMRI stydy don't discribe task>baseline or task<baseline,so I don't identify either positive or negative t valus (refer to attached file). Do you have any good solutions?

