sdm-help-list > missing correlation templates
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Jul 17, 2023  01:07 PM | Frank Van Overwalle - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
missing correlation templates

Hi all,

I still need help. 

I was able to circumvent my earlier image convertion problems by (1) saving the images in another program and (2) using the external image.exe program in the Windows shell and this gave me this kind of output:

15:05:42 - Setting [C:\Users\fjvoverw\OneDrive\My Experiments\MultiStudies\BasalGanglia\4_Inconstent\spmT_0021 Traject2 Inc_SSoc SNon.nii.gz] stereotactic space as MNI... OK
15:05:43 - Setting [C:\Users\fjvoverw\OneDrive\My Experiments\MultiStudies\BasalGanglia\4_Inconstent\spmT_0002 Traject4 Soc_Fow Brk.nii.gz] as "t statistics"... OK)

However, after these succesful steps, I run again into problems. When pressing "Preprocessing" I get an error message "missing correlation templates ... Couldn't load correlation templates files at"

Can someone help me out here? The tutorial and help on the web are silent ...

Frank Van Overwalle