Posted By: Gary Hui Zhang - Mar 20, 2009
Tool/Resource: DTI-TK
I'm pleased to announce that future development and maintenance of DTI-TK has gained support from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience through the grant R03-EB009321 titled "Interoperability and Usability Enhancement to DTI ToolKit".

Gary Hui Zhang

About DTI-TK

DTI-TK is a spatial normalization & atlas construction toolkit, designed from ground up to support the manipulation of diffusion-tensor (DT) images with special cares taken to respect the tensorial nature of the data. It implements a state-of-the-art registration algorithm that drives the alignment of white matter (WM) tracts by matching the orientation of the underlying fiber bundle at each voxel, information available uniquely to DT images. The algorithm has been shown to both improve WM tract alignment and to enhance the power of statistical inference in clinical settings.

The key features include:
1) open standard-based file IO support: NIfTI format for scalar, vector and tensor image volumes
2) tool chains for manipulating tensor image volumes: resampling, smoothing, warping, registration & visualization
3) pipelines for WM morphometry: spatial normalization & atlas construction for population-based studies
4) built-in cluster-computing support
5) binaries available for Linux and Mac OSX

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