Posted By: Christian Haselgrove - Jul 3, 2019
Tool/Resource: NITRC Image Repository (NITRC-IR)
The NITRC Image Repository now contains data from the Dallas Lifespan Brain Study (DLBS) and all releases from the Child Mind Institute Healthy Brain Network (HBN). DLBS will follow 350 subjects in a study of aging and cognitive function. Anatomical MR and amyloid PET data is available for Wave 1, marking the introduction of PET data into NITRC-IR. HBN Releases 5 and 6 bring the total number of HBN subjects in NITRC-IR to 1758. Together with the original 1000 Functional Connectomes data, ABIDE and ABIDE-II, and other data sets, NITRC-IR now offers 11,500 subjects for download in one place.
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