Posted By: Gary Hui Zhang - May 6, 2009
Tool/Resource: DTI-TK
I'm pleased to announce the availability of DTI-TK Quick Look Plugin version 1.6.2. The key enhancement of this release is the support for FreeSurfer's native volume format (MGH/MGZ) -- Thanks to the contribution from Nick Schmansky, a FreeSurfer developer. Other noteworthy enhancements or bugfixes are

- Previewing image information

Quick Look preview will now show file name, image dimension, voxel spacing, intensity range, data type, number of components.

- Handling large image volumes gracefully

If the image volumes are too big to be handled by the Quick Look server, the preview will now report the problem and display the image information, rather than revert to the standard file icon.

- Improving the visibility of the cross hair

The width of the cross hair has been doubled to make it more visible. A bug in the drawing of the cross hair that affects images with different x and y dimensions is also fixed.

The new release can be downloaded from:

If you are not familiar with the amazing visualization possibilities made possible by the plugin, check out the DTI-TK documentation page:


Gary Hui Zhang
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