questions > Incorrect splitting of sequence
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Oct 5, 2019  04:10 PM | Ari Kahn
Incorrect splitting of sequence
I've been acquiring data on a Siemens Prisma scanner, and when converting the resulting data, I'm finding that occasionally, it's getting split in half (literally, the first file has the left 1/3 of the brain, and the second file has the right 2/3), with the message 'Slices not stacked: coil varies'

The files themselves are titled xxx_cHEA;HEP.nii and xxx_c.nii

When I look at verbose output from dcm2niix, I see about half the dicoms list: coilCRC 1867007786
and the other half: coilCRC 0

So it seems like dcm2niix is picking up on some change halfway through the sequence, but not sure where to start with this.

Happy to provide more info.

Oct 10, 2019  01:10 AM | Chris Rorden
RE: Incorrect splitting of sequence
  Thanks for sharing images, it appears that the anonymization script used at your center was not applied identically to all images. Therefore, getting images before that stage fixed the problem. Another solution is to simply remove the coil name information from all your DICOMs, using a command like:

gdcmanon --dumb --remove 0051,100f -i ... -o ...
Nov 24, 2020  09:11 PM | Andrew Worth
RE: Incorrect splitting of sequence
Would the "m Merge 2D slices" option to dcm2niix achieve the desired result?
