help > Label names not showing
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Jan 14, 2021  11:01 AM | Luca Presotto - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca
Label names not showing
Dear experts
I'm creating a (murine) brain labelmap. I've saved 27 ROIs + background in an uint8 nifti (not .gz) format. I'd like to make this work like the ALL, where if you click on a pixel it says in which region you are, according the labels written in a .txt file in the same folder.
I've edited the header to have regular=98 and the statistics type as "labels". I've made the text files as I've seen the ALL one:
1 First Region
2 Second region

Every unique value that's found in the image has a code (except 0, which is the background)
Yet MRIcroGL doesn't see the labels. Actually not even mricron
How can I fix this?

Best regards!
Jan 14, 2021  05:01 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Label names not showing
I can not replicate your issue. What version of MRIcroGL are you using? I would make sure it is the latest (1.2.20201102). What operating system are you using (Linux is case sensitive)? Does the attached example work?
Jan 14, 2021  08:01 PM | Luca Presotto - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca
RE: Label names not showing
Your file works. Indeed my doubt was related to how I prepare my file and not about MRIcroGL.

Do you have any suggestions about what I should check? In case you've got time I've attached the file that's giving me troubles.
Jan 14, 2021  09:01 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Label names not showing
Your file works fine, you just have to rename allROIs.nii.txt to allROIs.txt
Jan 14, 2021  09:01 PM | Luca Presotto - Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca
RE: Label names not showing
Thank you very much!
I knew I must be messing up something trivial!