questions > Getting just the cropped image
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Jun 13, 2021  01:06 AM | Al Murcia
Getting just the cropped image

I'm using dcm2niix to convert some MR images. I'm cropping the images and as output I'm getting the .json file, the original.nii image and the cropped.nii image. What I want to know is if there's a way to avoid getting the original.nii image and just get the cropped.nii image. As I'm converting hundreds of images at the same time getting these original images makes my following work a bit complicated I think.

This is the code I'm using:

dcm2niix -d 9 -f %i_%p -x y -o . input_folder

Thanks for your help.

Jun 13, 2021  11:06 AM | Chris Rorden
RE: Getting just the cropped image
dcm2niix allows you to specify cropping of #D images with the `-x y` option. In this case, it generates both a raw and cropped image. The software is open source, so feel free to modify it for your specific use case
Jun 13, 2021  04:06 PM | Al Murcia
RE: Getting just the cropped image
Thank you Chris for your answer. Well I'm really new to anything about programming so, for now, I better don't touch It.