open-discussion > sharing a solution to fixing errors running slomoco
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Apr 12, 2018  05:04 PM | Yuqi Liu - University of Delaware
sharing a solution to fixing errors running slomoco
I recently started using pestica4 and kept getting errors running After some inspections I fixed it, and want to share with other uses. 

So after typing -d , I got errors below during secondorder motor correction:

finished slicewise in-plane motion correction

Running Secondorder Motion Correction using SLOMOCO output
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash addpath /Users/yuqiliu/Downloads/pestica4/slomoco; addpath /Users/yuqiliu/Downloads/pestica4/afni_matlab; addpath /Users/yuqiliu/Downloads/pestica4/pestica_matlab; slicemoco_newalgorithm_input('tactile_run1.slicemocoxy_afni+orig','tactile_run1.brain+orig','tempslmoco_volslc_alg_vol_tactile_run1.slicemocoxy_afni/motion.wholevol_zt'); exit;
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>> Note: SMS acquisition is applied (MB acc. fac = 6).
Output argument "tranmat_zt" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
Error in slicemoco_newalgorithm_input (line 25)
tranmat_zt = convert_1dmat_into_tranmatarray(transmat1d_zt);% tranmat_zt =
reshape(tranmat_zt,[zmbdim tdim 3 4]); % (v1) debugged


I went back to functions involved in the error message and figured it the problem was due to the command gawk not found. Installing gawk solved my problem. 
