open-discussion > Err running tcorr and scorr
Jun 8, 2017  03:06 AM | Steve Da
Err running tcorr and scorr
Hi all,
I don't have any problem to run the sample data. However when I started using my own rs fmri data, for some voxels, I have the following errors and cannot successfully finish the parcellation.

For scorr

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 115, in
make_local_connectivity_scorr( in_file, maskname, outname, 0.5 )
File "/data/fnl/Computing/xda/Projects/DepInf/craddock_2011/cluster_roi_test_rs/", line 190, in make_local_connectivity_scorr
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object does not support item assignment

For tcorr
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 114, in
make_local_connectivity_tcorr( in_file, maskname, outname, 0.5 )
File "/data/fnl/Computing/xda/Projects/DepInf/craddock_2011/cluster_roi_test_rs/", line 176, in make_local_connectivity_tcorr
IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.

Do you have any idea to solve these problems?

Thanks and best regards,

Steve Da