help > overaggressive with T1w input
Feb 4, 2020  05:02 PM | petemade
overaggressive with T1w input

As we have been reviewing our Auto_EACSF output, we have noticed that the output for T1w input is missing significant chunks of CSF in comparison with the output for T1w and T2w input (especially in the posterior regions). This can be seen in the attached png file.

What is it in the code that is leading Auto_EACSF to be overaggressive with T1w only input? Are there ways to mitigate this problem without T2w input?

Thanks for your help,
Attachment: T1w_only.PNG

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overaggressive with T1w input
petemade Feb 4, 2020
Martin Styner Feb 5, 2020