help > Why do I have positive Z-scores?
Dec 10, 2021  11:12 AM | mc00
Why do I have positive Z-scores?
Dear all

I understood that NiiStat assumes lesions to be associated with decreased performance. In fact it is described that regions or voxels associated with better behavioral performance are ignored.

I first applied the FDR for correction of multiple comparisons and it described the confidence interval like this:
q=0.0500 FDR correction for PFT with 159 tests is z<-3.76274587, z>Inf
which I undestand as it is one-tailed.

Then I applied Normal Permutation for correction of multiple comparisons and it described the confidence interval like this:
p<0.050 permutation correction for PFT is z<-2.41413 z>3.73859
which confuses me as the Z-value can be positiv and means that the increase in lesion is associated with increase in performance.

Is it legitimate to interpret a positive z-value for a specific test in a specific ROI as an indication for increased performance in case of lesion in this area?


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Why do I have positive Z-scores?
mc00 Dec 10, 2021
Roger Newman-Norlund Dec 13, 2021
mc00 Dec 13, 2021