sdm-help-list > should I include thresholded or unthresholded SPMs?
Jan 24, 2022  03:01 PM | Molly Rowlands
should I include thresholded or unthresholded SPMs?

I'm including SPMs for an SDM meta-analysis. I have access to both thresholded and unthresholded SPMs. Is it better to use unthresholded original maps where possible, i.e. P<.0001? If unthresholded maps are unavailable, is it ok to use thresholded maps, e.g. FDR-corrected? Is it ok to have studies with both thresholded and unthresholded maps in the same meta-analysis? 


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should I include thresholded or unthresholded SPMs?
Molly Rowlands Jan 24, 2022
Lydia Fortea May 19, 2022