nitrc-ce > Bandwidth stats
Apr 20, 2022  09:04 AM | David Cash
Bandwidth stats
Hi again-
I was wondering if you had any statistics on how much bandwidth the Guacamole-based remote desktop uses? I'm hoping to have all attendees on a workshop using the VM on AWS, but if that is achievable depends on bandwidth requirements of NITRC-CE and networking capabilities of the venue, with a backup plan being to have people with suitable laptops to install the VM on their own machine.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

David M. Cash, Ph.D.
Principal Research Fellow
Dementia Research Centre
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology

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Bandwidth stats
David Cash Apr 20, 2022
Christian Haselgrove Apr 20, 2022
David Cash Apr 25, 2022
Christian Haselgrove Apr 25, 2022