help > Trouble loading 4D NIFTI images on Mac OS Intel (Sonoma 14.4)
Mar 22, 2024  02:03 AM | Norberto Nawa - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Trouble loading 4D NIFTI images on Mac OS Intel (Sonoma 14.4)


this is so trivial that I apologize in advance!

I have installed the latest version of MRIcroGL on my Mac Pro but don't seem to be able to load 4D NIFTI images. I wonder if this is a known issue and if there is a workaround? Nothing happens after I load the *.nii.gz containing 600 images but I can load individual NIFTI images with no issues.

I'm guessing this is related to this specific environment, since MRIcroGL works alright in other Macs I have access to. This is happening on a Mac Pro Intel running Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.

Here is the information displayed by About:


1.2.2022070b Cocoa x86-64 LLVM

Author: Chris Rorden

License: BSD 2-Clause

Version 14.4 (Build 23E214) MacPro7,1

Retina Scale: 2

ATI Technologies Inc.; OpenGL = 2.1

ATI-5.5.17; Shader=1.20

2.1 Max 3D texture: 16384

Current texture: 207x246x215 43mb


Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much.

Best wishes,



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Trouble loading 4D NIFTI images on Mac OS Intel (Sonoma 14.4)
Norberto Nawa Mar 22, 2024
Chris Rorden Mar 22, 2024
Norberto Nawa Apr 1, 2024